Enjoy lunch, hear from Wake Forest professor tomorrow

Sunday, February 11th, 2024

The campus community is invited to a complimentary lunch with guest Dr. Michael Lamb tomorrow (Tuesday).

The lunch event, titled “What’s Hope Got to Do with It: Politics in a Time of Presumption and Despair,” runs from noon to 1:20 p.m. in Canyon Commons 101 (please note room change). During the session, our very own Dr. Joseph Clair will interview Lamb about his most recent book, A Commonwealth of Hope: Augustine’s Political Thought, which offers a novel interpretation of Augustine’s political thought and recovers his virtue of hope to inform contemporary politics. Lamb’s research focuses on the ethics of citizenship and the role of virtues in public life.

Guests are invited to go through the cafeteria line and join us for the talk, which will begin shortly after noon.

In addition, faculty are also invited and encouraged to join Lamb at 3 p.m. in Canyon Commons 101 (note room change) that afternoon for a discussion, “Character Formation in the University: Ten Lessons from the Front Lines.”

Lamb is the F. M. Kirby Foundation Chair of Leadership and Character, executive director of the Program for Leadership and Character, and associate professor of interdisciplinary humanities at Wake Forest University. He is also an associate fellow of the Oxford Character Project.

Contact Sarah Taylor at taylors@georgefox.edu with any questions.

Encourage students to attend today’s Career Fair in Canyon Commons

Sunday, February 11th, 2024

The George Fox Spring Career Fair is being held today (Monday) in Canyon Commons Room 101 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Please let your students know about this opportunity. They do not need to register in advance; they can just stop by for a few minutes and talk to business leaders who might have an internship or an employment opportunity.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Wade Witherspoon at wwitherspoon@georgefox.edu.

Register now for RESONATE 2024

Sunday, February 11th, 2024

Participate in RESONATE 2024, a two-day gathering. Swing by Friday, Feb. 23, at 6:30 p.m. for a concert with Jon and Valerie Guerra. Then on Saturday, Feb. 24, at 9 a.m. hear from our brilliant speakers: Joseph Clair, Mary Jo Sharp and Tim Pickavance.

This two-day gathering showcases the truth, goodness and beauty of Christianity through theology, philosophy, science and the arts. Featuring musical performances, guest speakers, discussion groups, Q&A sessions, and ministry sponsors, RESONATE inspires a confident Christian faith for people from all backgrounds.

Click this link to register for RESONATE 2024: Knowledge, Desire, and the Heart.

Reach out to Emma Ray at erieth@georgefox.edu for more information.

Take note of Open Study Table closure this week

Sunday, February 11th, 2024

Open Study Table will be closed on Wednesday, Feb. 14 and Thursday, Feb. 15. We will reopen on Monday, Feb. 19, at 7 p.m.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Heather Harney at hharney@georgefox.edu

Craft a Valentine’s Day gift this Tuesday in the Maker Hub

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

Haven’t thought of a good Valentine’s Day gift yet? The university’s Maker Hub is bringing back our hit Valentine’s Day event called “Rings & Roses,” where a small handful of students and employees will get to make a ring or a metal rose.

This event will be held this Tuesday, Feb. 13, from 3 to 6 p.m. and is designed to bring in creative students from all backgrounds/majors (as well as employees!) to the Maker Hub. Everyone is welcome, but there is very limited space (first-come, first-served!), so please fill out this Google Form to register.

Feel free to contact Nick Sullivan at nsullivan@georgefox.edu with any questions.

Don’t miss Tuesday’s Woolman Forum events

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

Don’t miss the Woolman Forum events this Tuesday, Feb. 13, in Hoover 105.

Chapel credit is available for students!

  • Afternoon Panel (3:30 to 5 p.m.): Features three peacemakers, each working in different ways to bring about the mutual flourishing of Palestinians and Israelis while partnering with American Christians to advocate for nonviolence and shalom both in their own communities and abroad.
  • Evening Lecture (6 p.m.): Guest Jonathan Kuttab will speak on the topic “Is there a Balm in Gilead? Prospects for a Palestinian / Israeli Peace.” Kuttab is a well-known human rights attorney who was the head of the legal committee negotiating the Cairo Agreement of 1994 between Israel and the PLO, and who has founded peacemaking and human rights organizations in Palestine / Israel, Canada and the U.S. He is the author of Beyond the Two-State Solution.

Please join us! Feel free to contact Tamara Wytsma at twytsma@georgefox.edu with any questions.

Make Valentine’s Day cards with the Arts & Crafts Club

Thursday, February 8th, 2024

Use this Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to tell your friends, family, or significant other how much you appreciate them. Join the Arts & Crafts Club for a Valentine’s Day card-making event to spread the love by handcrafting or decorating personalized valentines.

The event will be held today (Friday) in Hoover 203 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Craft materials (and chocolate!) will be provided.

Questions? Feel free to contact Lilly McAfee at lmcafee19@georgefox.edu.

Meet with a Nationwide retirement specialist this Wednesday

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

On Wednesday, Feb. 14, George Fox employees have the opportunity to meet with our Nationwide deferred compensation retirement specialist, Philip Carbajal. Click here to schedule an in-person or virtual appointment to receive one-on-one support from an expert in retirement savings.

In-person appointments will be held in Room 103 in Canyon Commons. Be sure to take advantage of this great opportunity to improve your personal financial savings plan! Read more on this flier.

Please note Hadlock’s modified hours for mid-semester break

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

The Hadlock Student Center has modified hours for mid-semester break. Recreational facilities will be available for normal use whenever Hadlock is open.

Please note that group exercise classes, intramural sports, and top rope climbing will not be available during mid-semester break.

Here are our modified hours:

  • Thursday, Feb. 15: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Friday, Feb. 16: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Saturday, Feb. 17: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Sunday, Feb. 18: 2-10 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact AJ Heil at aheil@georgefox.edu.

Order donuts to support nursing’s service trip to Costa Rica

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

Love donuts? Want to support a medical service trip to Costa Rica?

Take a dozen to your next meeting or make a special someone’s day. Fifty-percent of proceeds will support nursing students on their service trip to Costa Rica this May.

Simply click on this link, order your donuts, and pick them up at your local Krispy Kreme store. The link is valid Feb. 8 through March 9.

Got questions? Contact Kira Sandau at ksandau@georgefox.edu.

Learn more about Fox360 and student support

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

As part of our strategic plan to “advance a thriving student experience,” we are tasked with improving our existing delivery of exceptional academic outcomes by providing 90% of full-time faculty and athletic coaches with training for fully utilizing Fox360 for early intervention with students who are struggling. Our goal is to get this done by the fall of 2024.

If you want to learn how to use FOX360 more effectively, please schedule an appointment with Jere Witherspoon. Use this link to schedule a tutorial session.

Two options are available to all employees.

  • Schedule a session with your department
  • Schedule an individual tutorial at your office

The session lasts about 30 minutes. Please contact Jere at jwithers@georgefox.edu if you have any questions.

Have kids? We’d love to feature them in a video

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

The marketing communications team is looking for a few elementary or middle-school-aged kids to participate in a video promoting teaching programs at George Fox. Our video shoot is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 19 (Presidents Day).

Filming will take place on campus and take less than 30 minutes. If you have a child who would be interested in participating, please email Rachel Brumfield at rbrumfield@georgefox.edu.

Register for free ‘Lifestyle Practices for Enhanced Wellbeing’ webinar on Feb. 15

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

When we think about lifestyle wellbeing, we usually think of balance within physical and mental health. However, it can be difficult to find that balance, and understand where to focus our efforts.

In a free webinar offered through Canopy, we will discuss different areas of health where wellness habits can be formed, including brain health, constructive breathing, mindfulness, and utilizing more of our physical potential.

Attendees will also be provided with a 15-minute and 60-minute morning wellness plan to help with getting started. The session will be presented from 11 a.m. to noon on Thursday, Feb. 15. You can register here.

Please inform students of ARC consultant openings for 2024-25 academic year

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

Applications are now being accepted for 2024-25 ARC consultants. If you know students who write well, are thoughtful learners, and desire to support peers in their academic success, please encourage them to apply.

Students from all disciplines are welcome to apply; representation from multiple disciplines strengthens the ARC’s ability to support a wide range of students. Completed materials are due by Friday, March 8.

You are welcome to send names of promising candidates to Heather Harney at hharney@georgefox.edu. She will then reach out to invite them to apply.

Students can apply by going to this Handshake job posting.

Plan to attend Woolman Peacemaking Forum events next week

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

Is peace possible in Israel/Palestine? It’s a question that will be discussed at the Center for Peace and Justice’s Woolman Peacemaking Forum featuring guest lecturer and panelist Jonathan Kuttab, a Christian Palestinian human rights attorney, peacemaker and educator.

Two events are scheduled as part of the forum. The first is a panel event set from 3:30 to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 13, in Hoover 105. The entire university community is invited to hear from those who have dedicated their lives to nonviolent activism in the pursuit of the mutual flourishing of all. The panel discussion topic will be “The Israel/Palestine Conflict and Prospects for Peace.”

You can submit your questions via this panel event registration form. Panelists will include Kuttab, executive director of Friends of Sabeel North America; Todd Deatherage, executive director and cofounder of The Telos Group and former chief of staff for the State Department; and Mark Braverman, executive director of Kairos USA and advisory board member for Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions USA.

That evening, Kuttab will present a lecture, “Is There a Balm in Gilead? Prospects for a Palestinian / Israeli Peace,” at 6 p.m. in Hoover 105. The lecture will be followed by a Q&A and reception. There is also a livestream link to the lecture here.

Chapel credit is available for evening lecture attendance.

Kuttab was the head of the legal committee negotiating the Cairo Agreement of 1994 between Israel and the PLO. He is co-founder of Nonviolence International as well as the Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq. He serves on the board of Bethlehem Bible College and is president of the Board of Holy Land Trust.

Questions? Contact Tamara Wytsma at twytsma@georgefox.edu.

Registration is open for youth science classes

Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

Registration for Science Outreach Program youth science classes for K-12 children is open! We have an exciting lineup of classes this semester, with everything from bugs to weather to animals and ecology. There is even a special pre-healthcare class for older high schoolers!

Classes are taught by George Fox science and education students and will take place in the Edwards-Holman Science Center and the Roberts Center over six weeks, starting Monday, Feb. 19. The cost is $80 per class. Follow this link for more information and to register.

Listen to nationally known trumpeter Jason Palmer Friday night

Tuesday, February 6th, 2024

Be sure to join us this Friday, Feb. 9, to hear trumpeter, composer and educator Jason Palmer perform with the university’s Jazz Ensemble and Faculty Jazz Quartet at 7:30 p.m. in Bauman Auditorium.

Admission is free for George Fox students and employees (with ID). Additional tickets are $10 for adults, and $5 for students and children.

The public is also invited to a presentation/masterclass tomorrow (Thursday) at 4:30 p.m. in Ross 208. Elementary, middle and high school students who attend the presentation will receive a free ticket to Friday night’s performance.

The recipient of numerous awards, fellowships, and competitions, Palmer has performed with Roy Haynes, Herbie Hancock, Winton Marsalis and the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra, and many other jazz luminaries.

A resource for employees: Students in Distress folder

Tuesday, February 6th, 2024

The Office of Student Life thought it would be helpful to provide information about what we can do at George Fox when concerns arise about a student’s behavior. While some of the information is more specific to traditional undergraduate students (due to the residential nature of these programs, etc.), some of the information applies to graduate and ADP students and programs as well.

In the past, we have delivered brightly colored folders with information for staff and faculty to use as a resource in situations where a student in crisis needs intervention. There is also information about employee responsibilities regarding FERPA as well as guidance in a campus emergency.

In order to reduce paper and make these materials accessible to you online, we have created a folder in Google Drive. Please bookmark this folder for quick reference.

For more information, please contact Jere Witherspoon at jwitherspoon@georgefox.edu or 503-554-2316.

Spread the love by taking part in Valentine’s Day card-making event Friday

Tuesday, February 6th, 2024

Use this Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to tell your friends, family and/or significant other you appreciate them!

Join the Arts & Crafts Club for a Valentine’s Day card-making event from 4 to 6:30 p.m. this Friday, Feb. 9, in Hoover 203. Come help spread the love by handcrafting or decorating personalized Valentines. Craft materials (and chocolate!) will be provided.

Feel free to contact Lilly McAfee at lmcafee19@georgefox.edu with any questions.

Join Quaker Worship time today in Hoover 250

Tuesday, February 6th, 2024

Join us for Quaker Worship today (Wednesday) in Hoover 250. We’ll meet from 11 to 11:30 a.m. Spiritual life credit is available.

Contact Paul Anderson at panderso@georgefox.edu with any questions.