Learn to combine faith and politics at Dr. Daniel Bennett’s lecture this Thursday

Sunday, September 15th, 2024

Sick of polarized politics making our public life so ugly and destructive, especially in an election year? Convinced that even when we disagree, followers of Jesus ought to be able to bring love and compassion into our politics?

Find out how we can make this happen on Thursday, Sept. 19, at 6:30 p.m. in Canyon Commons. Hear George Fox alumnus and political science professor Dr. Daniel Bennett talk about “Citizenship, Civility, and the Tension in Faith and Politics”.

Contact Ron Mock at the George Fox Civility Project at civility@georgefox.edu for more information.

The Bruin Community Pantry is seeking a volunteer to serve on Fridays

Sunday, September 15th, 2024

The Bruin Community Pantry is in need of a volunteer to serve on Fridays from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. If you are interested in this service opportunity, please contact Jere Witherspoon at jwitherspoon@georgefox.edu.

Register for an expert retirement planning consultation today

Sunday, September 15th, 2024

At George Fox University, we are committed to the financial well-being of our employees. In this spirit, we are excited to announce that Phillip Carbajal, our Nationwide 403(b) deferred compensation retirement specialist, will be available for personalized one-on-one consultations each month throughout the academic year.

These on-site sessions are designed to offer you tailored guidance for achieving your financial goals and securing your retirement future. Don’t miss this opportunity to make informed financial planning decisions. Learn more and register here.

Have questions about Medicare? Attend a virtual seminar this week

Sunday, September 15th, 2024

There is still time to register for a Medicare seminar this week. These virtual seminars will help you understand the basics of Medicare.

To register for the seminar at 6 p.m. on Sept. 18, click here. To register for the seminar at noon on Sept. 19, click here.

Seminar topics:

  • What is Medicare and why it is important?
  • Addressing the different parts of Medicare (the A, B, C & D’s of Medicare)
  • What are the differences between Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage and Medicare Supplement?
  • When should you consider enrolling into Medicare, and what is the process?
  • What are the costs to be enrolled in Medicare?
  • What to consider if you are planning to continue to work past age 65
  • Learn how to avoid late enrollment penalties
  • How to transition from an employer group plan to a Medicare plan
  • Understand how to manage a Health Savings Account (HSA)

You do not need to be eligible for Medicare to attend this seminar. Spouses and parents are welcome to join. The presentation will take approximately one hour, but we will have additional time at the end to answer any questions you may have.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Questions? Contact Aga Kasprzyk at akasprzyk@georgefox.edu.

Let interior design students tackle your design project this year

Sunday, September 15th, 2024

The STUDIO is where George Fox interior design students work on real-world projects. We are looking for new design projects for students to work on this academic year. We take on both paid and unpaid design work; however, slots are limited and paid projects are prioritized (pricing is flexible).

If you are interested and would like to run your project by the program, please email a brief synopsis of your design project to Casey Martin at martinc@georgefox.edu for review. We do both commercial and residential design work.

Plant Services will be testing fire systems in all buildings this week

Sunday, September 15th, 2024

Mandatory testing of the fire systems will occur Monday, Sept. 16, through Thursday in order to complete testing in all buildings. If an issue arises with the test, there may also be testing on Friday.

During testing, the fire panel may beep and/or the horns may sound for a brief period of time, depending on the success of the test. No evacuation will be necessary. Once the fire system has passed in a building, it will not be subject to further testing.

The following academic buildings will be tested (the buildings will not necessarily be tested in this order):

  • Armstrong House
  • Canyon Commons
  • Edwards-Holman Science Center and Wood-Mar Hall
  • Hoover Academic Building
  • Murdock Library
  • Roberts Center
  • Stevens Center
  • Wheeler Sports Center

Note: Hoover will not be tested on Monday. No academic buildings will be tested after noon.

The following residential areas will be tested after noon (the buildings will not necessarily be tested in this order):

  • Anderson House
  • Holtan House


  • Beebe Hall
  • Carey Hall
  • Willcuts Hall
  • Brandt Hall
  • Gulley Hall
  • Le Shana Hall
  • Hobson/Macy/Sutton
  • Pennington Hall

No residential buildings will be tested before noon.

If you have questions, you may contact Dixie Downey at ddowney@georgefox.edu.

Register now for Newberg Game Con in Canyon Commons Sept. 28-29

Thursday, September 12th, 2024

Join us for two days (or just one) of tabletop gameplay fun at the Newberg Game Con in Canyon Commons on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 28-29. We’ll be hosting two full days of play from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. No experience is necessary.

A convention badge is necessary to enter; register for one here. A limited number of students can get in for free by contacting Paul Otto at paulandrewotto@gmail.com for the discount code prior to registering.

Avoid citations by consulting the parking map

Thursday, September 12th, 2024

Campus Public Safety will begin issuing parking citations on Monday, Sept. 16. Park in designated parking spaces. See the parking map for areas specific to your permit. The Morse lot is currently underutilized.

Please remember:

  • Do not park next to yellow or red curbs
  • Park in the direction of traffic

Register your vehicle if you have not done so already this fall. Previous registration issues have been resolved, so please try again if you were not able to complete registration earlier.

If you have a permit from previous years that is current with your housing status, you will not need to order a new one. If you are not sure, contact us.

Contact Campus Public Safety if you have any questions at 503-554-2090 or campussafety@georgefox.edu.

Proposed curriculum changes must be initiated by Sept. 27

Wednesday, September 11th, 2024

A few reminders for the revised curriculum proposal process:

  • Any curricular change intended for the 2025-26 academic year must be initiated by Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. The initiate form simply asks proposers to answer five brief questions, which are then sent to their dean/program director for approval of the idea.
  • After approval is given, the curriculum clerk (during the month of October) will work with the proposer to develop and finalize the full curriculum proposal document for review by their division curriculum committee based on the desired curriculum change.
  • Complete proposals (for any curricular change) should be emailed to curriculum@georgefox.edu.
  • Proposals will be considered by division curriculum committees in the order they are received starting in mid-September.

A link to the initiate form can be found here or on the Curriculum Council website.

Questions about the curriculum process can be emailed to curriculum@georgefox.edu.

Hear lecture on ‘Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Our Politics’ tomorrow night

Tuesday, September 10th, 2024

Join us for a special visit from guest Michael Wear, founder, president and CEO of the Center for Christianity and Public Life, as he shares a lecture based on his recent book, which applies insights from the tradition of Christian spiritual formation to questions of politics, citizenship and public life. The title of his presentation is “Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Our Politics.”

Wear will speak at 7 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday) in Hoover 105.

Feel free to reach out to Brandy Vazquez at bvazquez@georgefox.edu with any questions.

Come join anniversary celebration at the Bruin Community Pantry tomorrow

Tuesday, September 10th, 2024

The university community is invited to attend an open house at the Bruin Community Pantry as we celebrate our fifth anniversary! Please come visit our new location in Lewis Apartment #1 (1404 E. Sherman St.). Cookies will be served!

Drop in anytime between 2 and 6 p.m. tomorrow (Thursday). If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Jere Witherspoon at jwithers@georgefox.edu.

Enjoy basketball? Come to Hadlock for Noon Hoops

Tuesday, September 10th, 2024

George Fox’s longest-running wellness program (over 35 years), Noon Hoops, is a tradition where George Fox employees and graduate students of a wide range of ages play basketball together every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at noon.

We’d like to inform anyone who has recently joined the George Fox community of this special program, and invite you to come get in on the fun! This is a friendly, mildly competitive pickup game (and much more enjoyable than church or city leagues). We are all about getting exercise and having fun.

Players’ skill levels vary, so we try creating match-ups between people with similar abilities. Games are to 11 by twos and threes. Bring your gear (there are locker rooms and showers), and we will see you on the courts in the Hadlock Student Center.

If you have any questions, reach out to Bill Buhrow at bbuhrow@georgefox.edu.

Target every muscle group at this intense workout class

Tuesday, September 10th, 2024

Join us for a new workout class, Full Body Burn, with our favorite, Lindsey Saucedo! Full Body Burn is an intense, whole-body workout designed to sculpt and strengthen every muscle group. Using a combination of dynamic movements and heavier weights, this class targets the arms, legs, glutes, and abdominals for a comprehensive burn.

Perfect for all fitness levels, this motivating class ensures you challenge yourself and leave each session feeling stronger and more empowered. Get ready to feel the burn and transform your fitness journey!

This class will be on Fridays at 7 a.m. starting on Sept. 20. Use this link to sign up for the sample this Saturday at 10:30 a.m.

If you have questions, you can email edelvalle21@georgefox.edu.

Bon Appetit has adjusted hours for Serve Day

Tuesday, September 10th, 2024

All Bon Appetit locations have adjusted hours for Serve Day today. Please see georgefox.cafebonappetit.com for the most up-to-date hours.

Mail Services modifies its hours for Serve Day

Tuesday, September 10th, 2024

Mail Services will be operating with modified hours for Serve Day today. The mail room will be open in the afternoon from 1 to 4:30 p.m.

Murdock Library is closed for Serve Day

Tuesday, September 10th, 2024

The Murdock Library will be closed today for Serve Day. The 24-hour space will remain open.

Are you crafty? Join the Maker Hub in planning this year’s Santa’s Workshop event

Monday, September 9th, 2024

The Maker Hub is planning its fourth annual Santa’s Workshop event! For the uninitiated, the Maker Hub and the university special events crew partner up each December to host a joint Santa’s Workshop making event and a campus-wide Christmas Extravaganza.

The Maker Hub’s portion of this event involves hosting hundreds of students, employees, families and community members who come and make various Christmas gifts using Maker Hub equipment. It’s a blast!

As this event continues to grow in popularity, we are searching for a team of people to help plan the activities and execute the event. If you enjoy making things, teaching others how to make things, and you are overflowing with Christmas-themed ideas and visions that are begging for a creative outlet, this is the team for you!

Please contact Nick at nsullivan@georgefox.edu if you are interested in joining the Santa’s Workshop planning team. Looking forward to an exciting time of making and fellowship this December!

Make a 30-minute appointment to participate in research on problem solving

Monday, September 9th, 2024

Help out your fellow students by participating in a study on problem-solving behaviors, right here on the Newberg campus! Learn to explore your own mind, gaining insights on how you behave under pressure and react to situations. As a bonus, you will be entered into a raffle for an Amazon gift card!

To qualify, you must be 18 or older and be able to dedicate just 30 minutes to meet with the researcher in person.

To sign up for a 30-minute time slot, follow this link. If you have questions, contact MeiLenna Harris at mharris21@georgefox.edu.

Are you ready for Serve Day? Meet your group on the quad tomorrow morning

Monday, September 9th, 2024

Serve Day is Wednesday, Sept. 11, and we’re excited for everyone to go out and serve! All students and employees are expected to take part as we come together to serve our community.

Join us on the quad before 9 a.m. to pack lunches, connect with others, and kick off this meaningful day.

You should have received an email with all the details about your assigned serve site. Be sure to log in to Helper Helper to check your assignment.

Let’s make this year’s Serve Day one to remember!

If you have questions, please email serveday@georgefox.edu.

The Bruin Bookstore will be closed for Serve Day

Monday, September 9th, 2024

The Bruin Bookstore will be closed all day on Wednesday, Sept. 11, for Serve Day.