Custom George Fox playing cards available to order

Tuesday, August 18th, 2020

Marketing communications has designed some custom George Fox playing cards for students to enjoy this year, and they turned out good enough that we’d like to share them with the whole community!

If you’d like to order any for yourself or your department, simply fill out this Google form. The price per deck will depend on order volume, but they should be $8 each at the most, possibly less.

Email questions to Jamison Loop (

Campus courier begins making daily deliveries Aug. 24

Monday, August 17th, 2020

Starting Monday, Aug. 24, the campus courier will be making daily deliveries. Items going to the Portland Center will need to be dropped off at Mail Services by 10:30 a.m.

If you have any questions, please contact Richard Silver at

Call for stationery orders

Monday, August 17th, 2020

Now is the time to order university stationery. The collective order helps keep costs low – the higher the volume, the lower the cost. Consequently, it is most economical to overestimate needs and store a small surplus.

I will be accepting orders through Friday, Aug. 28. For order instructions, go to the marketing communications website. Continue to purchase all non-departmental stationery (including “second-sheet letterhead”) through the university’s Office of Mail Services.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you,
– Jamison Loop (

You can still share gift of words with milestone employees

Monday, August 17th, 2020

The all-community meeting may have passed, but you may still take a moment to share your gift of words with employees who are celebrating a “years of service” milestone. Feel free to thank them or share a favorite memory by adding a comment under their name on this form.

Please reach out to Kara Holcombe ( or ext. 2189) if you have any questions regarding the honorees.

Be sure to join open house initiative to help students feel connected

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

With the fall semester upon us, we’re looking for ways to help students connect with their campus community in ways that are safe and meaningful. Because of the pandemic, it will be easier than ever for students to stay in their dorm rooms or at home, becoming disconnected from the people and offices who are here to help them. We have to be proactive to ensure that doesn’t happen!

With that in mind, we are coordinating a two-week open house initiative where every office sets aside an hour each afternoon for students to drop by. The student life team is generously offering to fund small snacks (PO details coming!), and the marketing communications office will design a map of campus showing all the stops students can make.

Here’s how you can join the fun:

  • Agree to be available for students to drop by for conversations and relationship building from 3 to 4 p.m. every weekday of the first two weeks of classes.
  • Agree to purchase small pre-packaged snacks for students to enjoy while they’re visiting your office. (i.e. candy bars, bags of Goldfish crackers, popsicles, ice cream bars, etc.) Please let Sarah Reid know what you plan to purchase so we can advertise it!
    • Purchase 100 items to start. Hopefully you’ll need to order more soon because of how many students stop by!
    • While root beer floats and hotdogs would be fun, we need all snacks to be pre-packaged to mitigate any cross-contamination during the pandemic.
    • Maintain social distancing guidelines, find a place to host your open house (ideally outside, but indoors if occupancy limits are observed), and take other precautions to keep students and staff safe.
  • Please do not request tables or tents from Event Services for this. It is meant to feel casual, relational and organic as we seek to connect students to their community. 

Interested? Here are your next steps:

  • Contact Sarah Reid ( by Tuesday, Aug. 18, at noon to confirm your participation. Please include the name of your department.
  • Share the snack you’re providing.
  • Confirm the location where students can find you.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sarah. Thanks for helping our students feel welcome!

Expense coding required for purchases related to COVID-19

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

For any purchase made that relates to the COVID-19 pandemic, please include “COVID-19” in the “chartfield one” field in the coding string. This field can be entered for purchase requisitions, check requests, petty cash vouchers, or selected in Concur. Expenses would include personal protection equipment like masks, signage for keeping distance, cleaning equipment, computer software, etc.

Unfortunately, only one “chartfield one” can be used per transaction, and the COVID-19 code must take priority over another department designation.

If you have any questions about using this code with purchase requisitions, please contact Matt Hammar at ext. 2006 or For any other questions about this coding, contact Cris Banton at ext. 2167 or

Alumni business directory will be unveiled this fall

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

This fall, the Office of Alumni Relations is creating an alumni-owned business directory to promote and support Bruin businesses in the area (West Coast).

The directory will be listed on the alumni website, included in all communications, and highlighted on social media. The purpose is to keep alumni-owned businesses in front of the broader alumni community so together we can support each other through this COVID-19 pandemic.

Please refer alumni-owned businesses by filling out this form, or share this link with business owners. Please share this opportunity with as many alumni as you can. Together we Stand Tall!


Contact Sara Reamy with any questions you may have ( or ext. 2118).

Still need a mask? Visit HR

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

If you have not received your George Fox mask, please feel free to stop by HR. Note we have one mask per person available.

Be safe!

Our Physical Address:
214 N. Meridian St. 
Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday
Phone: 503-554-2180

Be mindful of parking options during Welcome Weekend

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

Welcome Weekend is almost here! In order for our hundreds of new students to have a seamless move-in experience, we need extra cooperation from the staff, faculty and students already here on Thursday evening, Aug. 20, and Friday, Aug. 21.

Staff and faculty: Please plan to park along the street, in the front lot of Roberts, the Stevens lot or Hoover lot on Friday.

The Bauman and Le Shana parking lots will be barricaded on Thursday in preparation for COVID screenings, so please park nearest to Stoffer Stadium if you need to park in the Bauman lot. 

Questions? Please contact Campus Public Safety at 503-554-2090 and view the parking brochure on the CPS website for lot locations. Thank you in advance for your cooperation to help make move-in day the best day ever for our new students!

Buildings have returned to regular unlock schedule

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

In preparation for the school year, all buildings have returned to their regular unlock schedule as of today (Monday).

If you have any questions or requests, please call 503-554-2090 or email Elrike Shaw at

New Title IX regulations have gone into effect

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

On August 14, 2020, the new Title IX regulations went into effect. Please visit the website for complete information on the university’s policies and procedures regarding sexual misconduct.

Due to the new regulations, all students and employees will be required to complete Part 1 and Part 2 of the Sexual Assault Prevention courses. We will be releasing more information regarding trainings and implications of the new regulations over the next few weeks.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Jenny Elsey, Title IX Coordinator (students)
Moore House, IRC


Nichole Drew, Title IX Coordinator (employees)
Margaret Lemmons House, HR

FoxTALE unavailable from 6 a.m. to noon tomorrow

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

FoxTALE will be unavailable tomorrow (Tuesday, Aug. 18), from 6 a.m. to noon (Pacific Time) for scheduled maintenance and upgrade. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Questions? Email or call 503-554-2569.

Don’t forget to fill out Hadlock waiver form

Sunday, August 16th, 2020

As we approach the new academic year, all guests of the Hadlock Student Center must resign the waiver for the 2020-21 academic year.

Please take a few moments to carefully read and complete the new waiver, which can be found in your MyGeorgeFox account. Once logged in, click on “Employee Resources,” then “University Forms” and then “Hadlock Waiver 2020” to access the form.

At this time we are actively planning to reopen sometime later this month and will post additional information in the coming weeks regarding updated policies and guidelines. We look forward to seeing you back in Hadlock this fall and helping you “find your fit.”

Questions? Contact

Join open house initiative to help students feel connected

Friday, August 14th, 2020

With the fall semester upon us, we’re looking for ways to help students connect with their campus community in ways that are safe and meaningful. Because of the pandemic, it will be easier than ever for students to stay in their dorm rooms or at home, becoming disconnected from the people and offices who are here to help them. We have to be proactive to ensure that doesn’t happen!

With that in mind, we are coordinating a two-week open house initiative where every office sets aside an hour each afternoon for students to drop by. The student life team is generously offering to fund small snacks (PO details coming!), and the marketing communications office will design a map of campus showing all the stops students can make.

Here’s how you can join the fun:

  • Agree to be available for students to drop by for conversations and relationship building from 3 to 4 p.m. every weekday of the first two weeks of classes.
  • Agree to purchase small pre-packaged snacks for students to enjoy while they’re visiting your office. (i.e. candy bars, bags of Goldfish crackers, popsicles, ice cream bars, etc.) Please let Sarah Reid know what you plan to purchase so we can advertise it!
    • Purchase 100 items to start. Hopefully you’ll need to order more soon because of how many students stop by!
    • While root beer floats and hotdogs would be fun, we need all snacks to be pre-packaged to mitigate any cross-contamination during the pandemic.
    • Maintain social distancing guidelines, find a place to host your open house (ideally outside, but indoors if occupancy limits are observed), and take other precautions to keep students and staff safe.
  • Please do not request tables or tents from Event Services for this. It is meant to feel casual, relational and organic as we seek to connect students to their community. 

Interested? Here are your next steps:

  • Contact Sarah Reid ( by Tuesday, Aug. 18, at noon to confirm your participation. Please include the name of your department.
  • Share the snack you’re providing.
  • Confirm the location where students can find you.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sarah. Thanks for helping our students feel welcome!

Please do not move furniture

Thursday, August 13th, 2020

This is a reminder to please leave furniture in place. The COT has been working hard to ensure that all community indoor spaces (including classrooms, common areas, offices, etc.) are allowing for social distancing and the safety of students, staff and faculty.

Thank you!

FoxTALE upgrade scheduled Aug. 18

Thursday, August 13th, 2020

FoxTALE will be unavailable Tuesday, Aug. 18, from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Pacific Time) for scheduled maintenance and upgrade. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Questions? Email or call 503-554-2569.

Check website to get dining guidelines for the fall

Thursday, August 13th, 2020

Bon Appetit is excited to welcome you to back to campus this fall! As you’d expect, we’re implementing some serious sanitation and service measures to ensure you can dine with us as safely and comfortably as possible.

While COVID-19 safety is a key priority, it isn’t our only one. We still believe that food has an important role to play in individual wellness and in building culture and community at George Fox. Our chefs will still be cooking from scratch, using fresh local and seasonal ingredients that meet our sustainability standards.

More information about dining can be found on this webpage. As more information unfolds, updates will be communicated with students and posted on this site.

For more information, please contact General Manager Jason Rosvall at or 503-554-3201.

Volunteers needed for Welcome Weekend Aug. 21-22

Wednesday, August 12th, 2020

We are excited to welcome students to campus Friday and Saturday, Aug. 21-22! Volunteers are needed to help with various tasks at a number of locations. Please let us know if you would like to volunteer by completing this sign-up sheet.

Thank you! If you have any questions, please contact one of our Welcome Weekend coordinators, Michelle Dawson ( or Missy Terry (

All invited to suicide prevention event Saturday

Wednesday, August 12th, 2020

George Fox faculty and students are invited to take part in a virtual interprofessional continuing medical education event addressing suicide prevention this Saturday, Aug. 15. It will take place over Zoom from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The event, hosted by the Interprofessional Primary Care Institute, is free to students and staff. It will feature experts from a variety of healthcare professions to discuss how interprofessional teams in school-based health centers and primary care clinics can work closely together to prevent adolescent suicide in our communities.

After rates of adolescent suicide in the U.S. stabilized from 2000 to 2007, suicide rates for ages 10 to 24 increased from 2007 (6.8 per 100,000 persons) to 2017 (10.6). While suicides increased across this age group, suicide rates most sharply increased for ages 10 to 14, nearly tripling from 2007 (0.9) to 2017 (2.5).

These increasing rates of adolescent suicide highlight the importance of prevention and intervention in schools, primary care and other community-based settings.

To learn more, contact Tammy O’Doherty (

Staff and administrators: Be sure to RSVP for this Friday’s meeting

Tuesday, August 11th, 2020

Staff and administrators: Please mark you calendars for an all-community meeting at 8:30 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. this Friday, Aug. 14, in Stoffer Stadium. Please indicate which time slot you would like to attend at this all-community meeting sign-up link. Each session is identical but limited to 160 to align with COVID-19 regulations and to allow for six feet of distance. Face coverings will be required.

It has come to our attention that some employees do not feel comfortable in large groups. We understand, so we are not requiring but encouraging attendance.

For those who would prefer to stay in their offices, the meeting will be live-streamed at this link. We will be placing tape on the bleachers that are marked six feet apart and providing extra chairs on the track, again set up six feet apart.

Faculty are not expected to attend this meeting. The president will address faculty at the faculty retreat on Tuesday, Aug. 18.