Are you in need of COVID-19 safety signs?

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

The request form for COVID-19 signage is now live. If you are in need of signs regarding COVID-19 safety, please fill out this form.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email Twylla Koehler at

The Bruin Community Pantry food bank needs donations

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

Throughout the summer, the food bank received 97 visits from undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, and community members.  Since beginning the fall semester, we have had 75 visits! We are extremely grateful for the impact that the BCP has had on our community.

However, our shelves are emptying and in need of being replenished in order to continue serving our neighbors.

The following items are needed:

  • Brown rice
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly
  • Canned Tuna
  • Soups (But NOT Cream of Mushroom)
  • Gluten-Free items
  • Dairy-Free items
  • Pasta meals
  • Rice meals
  • Cereal – but not oatmeal
  • Loaves of Bread
  • Snacks
  • Grab and Go meals
  • Fresh produce.

Please bring your donations to the food bank during the hours of operation found on this website. You may also give financially by donating through Advancement.

If you have any questions, please contact Jere Witherspoon at

Roberts Center is back to normal access hours

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

Evening, early morning, and weekend hours have been restored to the Roberts Center for those with building access. Thank you for your patience!

Contact Dixie Downey at with any questions.

Temporary cooling will be added to the library

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

With the HVAC unit under repair, the Murdock Library will have temporary portable air conditioning set up in the student study spaces.

This temporary unit will be in place next Wednesday, Sept. 9.

Contact Dixie Downey at with any questions or concerns. Thank you!

‘Find your Fit’ at home with customized exercise program

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

Do you want an exercise program tailored toward your health and fitness goals? Do you want an exercise program that you can safely do at home?

Exercise science students will create a two-month customized exercise program for you based on your goals, preferences, and identified barriers.

We can only serve the first 20 people this semester, so don’t wait! Help us help you “Find your Fit.”

Email Mary Imboden at for more information.

Watch Tuesday’s chapel featuring new provost Andrea Scott

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

The Office for Spiritual Life invites you to watch Tuesday’s chapel, featuring a message from Andrea Scott, our new provost.

Follow this this link to participate in the recorded service. Her message was a blessing to us, and we think it will be a blessing to you, too! 

Also, the second episode of our Monday Morning Devotional (MoMoDeVo) was released this week. It features a message from University Pastor Jamie Noling-Auth, and can be found on the same page.

Thank you for joining us in worship this week!

Join Contemplative Worship Thursday mornings

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

Contemplative Worship after the manner of Friends will be offered every Thursday, beginning today, from 11 to 11:30 a.m. in Hoover 207. Sessions will be hosted by Paul Anderson and Anna Parrott. All are welcome to join us!

Chapel credit is available, and the sign-up is limited to the first 12. Be sure to wear face coverings, please.

Questions? Contact Paul Anderson at

Carlton Way by the library will be temporarily closed

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

Through traffic on Carlton Way will be closed today (Thursday) at the corner of the Murdock Library. Please avoid this area as a safety precaution.

Access and through traffic will resume tomorrow (Friday) at 9 a.m.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dixie Downey at

Save pantry’s link to stay on top of food bank hours

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

The Bruin Community Pantry (BCP), housed in Roberts 109-110, is an Office of Student Life-led initiative seeking to address the real problem of hunger (food insecurity) on campus.

From time to time, our volunteers have a schedule change, so the best way to know when the food bank is open is to save this link to your browser.

If you have questions, please contact Jere Witherspoon by emailing

Does your office have art from the Brandt Collection?

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

Do you have artwork in your office that is from the Brandt Collection?

If you have questions about the artwork that you have in your space, need repairs on an art piece, or desire artwork for your office, you can contact Sarah Cuevas, exhibitions & collections assistant, at

What is the Brandt Collection?

David Brandt served as president of our university from 1998 to 2007, and part of his legacy is the Brandt Collection. The art department is continuing to maintain and acquire art for the collection.

  • If artwork is purchased with university funds, it needs to go through the Brandt Collection Committee for approval.
  • Though this year we are freezing acquisitions due to budget restriction and COVID-19, we will still continue to maintain the collection we have.

Employee Parking Permit Clarification

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2020

All vehicles brought to George Fox University or the surrounding neighborhoods must be registered with Campus Public Safety within one week of campus activity.

New Employees

New employees can register for their first parking permit for free. Any changes to an already-registered vehicle or license plate will require an update of your vehicle registration information.

To update your vehicle registration information, email Elrike Shaw in Campus Public Safety at An additional permit can be purchased for $5 in cash.

Full-time faculty, adjunct faculty and staff

Full-time faculty, adjunct faculty and staff will be issued a gold/beige hang tag permit. Permits must be displayed from the inside rear view mirror and must be visible to Campus Public Safety staff.

  • Adjuncts who are coaching assistants, teaching assistants, and current undergraduate students are required to register their vehicles as students and park in the designated areas as assigned by their student permit.
  • If your current staff permit is gold/beige and has blue and red writing on it, then you don’t have to take any further action unless your vehicle information has changed since the time you originally registered.

If you are unsure about the information that we have on file, please call 503-554-2090 or email Elrike Shaw at

Learn to use new FoxTALE features online

Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

Join the Libraries and Digital Learning for a web conference that demonstrates new features in FoxTALE, including:

  • Zoom integration, which allows you to schedule Zoom meetings and automatically share the meeting recordings in FoxTALE
  • Expanded grading capabilities in forum discussions

Join the 30-minute web conference on Zoom on Sept. 2-4 at 11 a.m.

Questions? Email Gloria Doherty at

Roberts Center has restricted hours

Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

The Roberts Center is currently operating under restricted access. Faculty, staff and students who have building access will notice that the building is currently shut down and unavailable for use from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. This is for your safety.

The fire system in the building is waiting for some parts to arrive. When they arrive and are installed, the building will resume its normal operating hours. Thank you for your patience.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Dixie Downey at

Have shoulder pain? Have PT students check it out

Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

The School of Physical Therapy is looking for volunteers to participate in a lab session on the shoulder. If you have a problem with your shoulder or upper arm, our lab is the place to be!

Our doctor of physical therapy second-year students, along with faculty members, will be performing examinations and giving you direction on how to take care of your condition. 

We will be taking all the current precautions related to the delivery of healthcare during COVID-19, which includes:

  • Our students using face shields and masks
  • Volunteers and students being organized in stations that provide physical distance from others
  • All participants being screened for symptoms prior to participation

Volunteers are needed for either a one- or two-hour session Tuesday, Sept. 15, between 12:30 and 2:30 p.m. in the Roberts Center.

Please email or call Linda Dallof at or 503-554-2451 to sign up.

Weekly outdoor Bible study of Ephesians kicks off today

Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

George Fox’s Cultural Enterprise is hosting a weekly outdoor Bible study on Wednesdays in September and October at noon in the amphitheater. The first gathering is today (Wednesday).

Joseph Clair and Dominic Done, pastor of Westside: A Jesus Church and professor of applied theology at George Fox, will be diving into Paul’s letter to the Ephesians: a stirring call to faith and faithfulness and the formation of a radically new kind of community in Christ.

This event is open to anyone. COVID-19 protocols will be in place, so please wear your mask and observe distancing guidelines.

Wellness Wednesday: The Benefits of Walking

Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

Good morning and happy Wednesday!

Today’s edition of Wellness Wednesdays is about the benefits of walking. Just 30 minutes a day significantly improves your overall health and helps you cope with daily challenges. This could be a time just to yourself to clear your mind, to meditate and pray, or just take a much-needed break. It’s worth it!

To find out about the multiple benefits of walking for half an hour a day, please read this list.

Make sure to register for or update your parking permit

Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

All vehicles brought to George Fox or the surrounding neighborhoods must be registered with Campus Public Safety within one week of campus activity.

New employees can register for their first parking permit for free. Changes to a vehicle or license plate will require an update of your vehicle registration information. To update your vehicle registration information, email Elrike Shaw at An additional permit can be purchased for $5 in cash.

Full-time faculty, adjunct faculty and staff will be issued a gold hang-tag permit. Permits must be displayed from the inside rear view mirror and must be visible to Campus Public Safety staff.

Adjuncts who are coaching assistants, teaching assistants, and current undergraduate students are required to register their vehicles as students and park in the designated areas as assigned by their student permit.

Get the word out about new alumni business directory

Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

This fall, the Office of Alumni Relations is creating an alumni-owned business directory to promote and support Bruin businesses in the area (West Coast).

The directory will be listed on the alumni website, included in all communications, and highlighted on social media. The purpose is to keep alumni-owned businesses in front of the broader alumni community so together we can support each other through this COVID-19 pandemic.

Please refer alumni-owned businesses by filling out this form, or share this link with business owners. Please share this opportunity with as many alumni as you can. Together we Stand Tall!


Contact Sara Reamy with any questions you may have ( or ext. 2118).

Submit Fox360 alerts for students of concern

Tuesday, September 1st, 2020

If you have concerns about a student in the traditional undergraduate program, log into Fox360 at to submit an “alert” for the student. Submit alerts for concerns in the following areas:

  • Academic – Missing multiple classes; consistently poor academic performance
  • Behavioral – Concerning or disruptive behaviors in or outside of class
  • Emotional – Mental health concerns; unusual emotional expression
  • Physical – Medical concerns; extreme changes in grooming, personal care
  • Social – Personal, social, or family concerns that are affecting well-being and performance

This Fox360 Quick Guide provides a visual overview of the Fox360 system; more details about using Fox360 are available in this Google Doc.

The Student Support Network will assign a case manager to follow up with students. Case managers will do their best to give updates to faculty members who submit alerts or provide feedback. You are welcome to contact Jere Witherspoon ( or Rick Muthiah ( to inquire about the status of a student.

If you have questions or would like more information regarding Fox360, contact Rick at 503-554-2314 or

Come say farewell to Ryan Dougherty and family Thursday

Monday, August 31st, 2020

Please join us on Thursday, Sept. 3, as we celebrate Ryan Dougherty for his 20 years of service to the university. He and his family will join us at the Alumni Plaza (between Bauman Auditorium and the football field) for socially distanced snacks and well wishes. We’ll have a basket available if you’d like to drop off a card. Face coverings required!

Suggested visit times:

  • Admissions: 10-10:30 a.m.
  • Registrar & Marketing: 10:30-11 a.m.
  • George Fox community and friends: 11 a.m. – noon

Please contact Lindsay Knox or Sarah Reid with questions.