Zoom session covers integrated behavioral health in primary care

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

Please join us for a two-day event via Zoom starting Thursday, March 11, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. to Friday, March 12, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The event, titled “Removing Barriers to Integrated Behavioral Health in Primary Care: Research, Best Practices & Implementation Science,” will focus on:

  • Research origins of Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) and Collaborative Care models (CoCM)
  • Exploring Single-Session Therapy (SST)
  • Learning the components of PCBH/CoCM and how to match billing services to billing codes
  • Engaging with quality improvement and implementation science methods focusing on fiscal sustainability

For more information please visit our event page or contact Tammy O’Doherty (todohert@georgefox.edu).

Volunteer for PT practice screening

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

The College of Physical Therapy is looking for volunteers with a complicated medical history to participate in a practice screening session on Wednesday, March 3, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the Roberts Center.

In this session, our second-year DPT students will practice interviewing volunteers on their medical history paperwork and medication list.

Please email or call Linda Dallof at ldallof@georgefox.edu or 503-554-2451 to sign up.

Have a February birthday? Pick up your birthday treat tomorrow

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

Have a February birthday? The Office of the Provost would like to wish you a very happy birthday!

Please stop by the first floor of the Stevens Center tomorrow (Thursday) to pick up your birthday treat.

Portland employees may pick up their treat at the front desk on the first floor of the Portland Center. Please see Peg Hutton (phutton@georgefox.edu).

Questions? Contact Laurie Fair (lfair@georgefox.edu).

Wellness Wednesdays: Impacts of stress on your health

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

Prolonged stress can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health. It is important to take everything one day at a time and to give yourself grace.

While the pace of life only seems to get faster by the day, make sure to prioritize yourself and set aside time to do things that make you happy and well, and do not be scared to ask for help when you are struggling.

Check out Bruin Store sale

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Today (Tuesday) through Thursday, Feb. 25, get 20% off tees and 20% off kids’ clothing in the Bruin Store and online.

While you’re in the store, check out our quarter-zip fleece jackets for $27.95, and the new Closet Project inventory!

Questions? Contact Paige Jacobs (pjacobs@georgefox.edu).

Sign up to play ping pong on the quad this Friday

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

The Ping Pong Club will be hosting two ping pong tables on the quad this Friday, Feb. 26, starting at 6 p.m. There will be prizes and other fun items! All are welcome! Sign up here.

Stay as long as you want, and leave whenever you need. Spikeball Club will be going on at the same time, so come and try out both fun activities.

Everyone, employees included, is welcome to come and play, regardless of skill level. Hope to see you there!

Questions? Contact Nathan Redman-Brown (nredmanbrown20@georgefox.edu).

Sign up for Intro to Pickleball and Intro to Badminton classes

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

The Hadlock Student Center and Campus Recreation will be offering Intro to Badminton and Intro to Pickleball classes for students and employees. These classes are designed for those who have never played before, and those who would like to review and relearn the accurate rules of the game.

Intro to Pickleball will be held tomorrow (Wednesday) from 6 to 7 p.m., and Intro to Badminton will be held this Thursday, Feb. 25, from 6 to 7 p.m.

Space is very limited, so please register ASAP if interested. Stay tuned for more details about recreational leagues that will be offered in the spring 2021 semester!

Registration and details can be found here.

Questions? Contact AJ Heil (aheil@georgefox.edu).

Attend virtual Lunch N’ Learn session about cybersecurity

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

All employees are invited to this month’s virtual Lunch N’ Learn about cybersecurity when working from home. The speaker will be Chief Information Officer Tim Goodfellow.

Join us tomorrow (Wednesday) from noon to 12:30 p.m. If you would like to attend, please RSVP by clicking here and the Zoom link will be provided in the form’s confirmation message immediately after submission.

Questions? Contact the Staff Development Committee (sdc@georgefox.edu).

Join workshop on course preparation this Friday via Zoom

Sunday, February 21st, 2021

Join Courtney Anderegg, assistant professor of communication, and Disability & Accessibility Services for a faculty conversation on course preparation from 3 to 4 p.m. this Friday, Feb. 26, via this Zoom link.

In this workshop, we will focus on course preparation with a focus on universal design and anticipating student accommodations. If instructors work with this student-centered approach to course preparation, accommodation requests will seem less burdensome and the Be Known promise will be enacted even before a student steps into the classroom.

Following the presentation we will host a time for questions and faculty discussion. Questions? Contact Andrea Byerley at abyerley@georgefox.edu.

Reminder: Face coverings required in Bruin Den, academic, administrative and residential buildings

Sunday, February 21st, 2021

Please remember that face coverings are required in all buildings on campus. The COVID Operations Team receives daily reports of face-covering non-compliance in the Bruin Den in Klages.

We have recently posted signs reminding our community of this requirement. Please remember to pay attention to seating requirements in the booths. Unfortunately, if we continue to have reports of non-compliance in the Bruin Den, we may be required to close this space.

Thank you for helping to keep our campus safe and open for use.

Policies regarding COVID compliance can be found on this website. If you have any questions, please contact Jere Witherspoon (jwitherspoon@georgefox.edu) in the student life office.

Attend Spring Faculty Lecture featuring Debby Thomas

Sunday, February 21st, 2021

The Faculty Development Committee invites the George Fox community to join online for the Spring Faculty Lecture on Tuesday, March 2, from 6 to 7 p.m. via Zoom.

Our featured speaker, and recipient of the 2019-20 Faculty Achievement Award for Graduate Research and Scholarship, is Debby Thomas, assistant professor of management and dean of College of Business. Join us as Debby presents “Fully Engaged Learning: Turning Your Classroom into an Organization.”

Professor Thomas has turned her classroom into a student-run organization for years, with fantastic results! Join us for this one-hour interactive virtual session to experience what Classroom as Organization (CAO) is, how and why it works, and briefly explore how you can leverage it in your classroom.

Questions? Contact Dawn Ford (dford@georgefox.edu).

Survey: Dietary Restrictions

Sunday, February 21st, 2021

ASC’s Bon Appetit subcommittee is asking for anyone with dietary restrictions to fill out this form regarding the ways the Bon can better serve you.

Questions include what restrictions you have and possible ways the Bon can more effectively serve you. Thank you for helping us improve Fox!

Questions? Contact Meredith Green (mgreen17@georgefox.edu).

Check out Antipas Harris panel discussions on FoxTALE

Sunday, February 21st, 2021

In case you missed the panel discussions last Tuesday on Antipas Harris’ book, Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion?, recordings are available on the Critical Conversations FoxTALE site!

Last day to sign up for the Reconciliation and Education Program

Sunday, February 21st, 2021

The Intercultural Resource Center is excited to announce the Reconciliation and Education Program!

Following this month’s SCORR conference, the IRC will host three two-week programs discussing racial reconciliation, anti-racist action steps, and dismantling oppressive systems.

These programs are a great opportunity to commit to learning more about anti-racism while earning two chapel credits! Apply here today (Monday).

Questions? Contact Hannah Lee (hlee17@georgefox.edu).

Last day to donate school supplies to local students in need

Saturday, February 20th, 2021

Today (Sunday) is the last day to donate to the Social Work Club’s school supply drive. The goal is to help local schools and students as they make the shift back to in-person learning.

If you have any extra school supplies, such as pencils, pens, notebooks, glue sticks, etc., please drop them off at one of our donation locations. Donation bins will be located in the libraryCanyon Commons, and the Bruin Den.

If you choose to donate, you’ll have the chance to enter in a raffle for a Coffee Cottage gift card. We will announce the winners on our Instagram this week!

Questions? Contact Ashley Martin (amartin18@georgefox.edu).

All invited to Spring Faculty Lecture featuring Debby Thomas

Thursday, February 18th, 2021

The Faculty Development Committee invites the George Fox community to join online for the Spring Faculty Lecture on Tuesday, March 2, from 6 to 7 p.m. via Zoom.

Our featured speaker, and recipient of the 2019-20 Faculty Achievement Award for Graduate Research and Scholarship, is Debby Thomas, assistant professor of management and dean of College of Business. Join us as Debby presents “Fully Engaged Learning: Turning Your Classroom into an Organization.”

Professor Thomas has turned her classroom into a student-run organization for years, with fantastic results! Join us for this one-hour interactive virtual session to experience what Classroom as Organization (CAO) is, how and why it works, and briefly explore how you can leverage it in your classroom.

Questions? Contact Dawn Ford (dford@georgefox.edu).

Survey: Dietary Restrictions

Thursday, February 18th, 2021

ASC’s Bon Appetit subcommittee is asking for anyone with dietary restrictions to fill out this form regarding the ways the Bon can better serve you.

Questions include what restrictions you have and possible ways the Bon can more effectively serve you. Thank you for helping us improve Fox!

Questions? Contact Meredith Green (mgreen17@georgefox.edu).

All invited to Jere Witherspoon’s birthday open house today

Thursday, February 18th, 2021

It’s Jere’s birthday today! We would love for you to celebrate her with us!

Stop by the Student Life Office in HSC today (Friday) from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. for an open house, snacks, and to wish Jere a happy birthday!

Questions? Contact Twylla Koehler (tkoehler19@georgefox.edu).

Please donate to the school supply drive

Thursday, February 18th, 2021

Starting today (Friday) through Sunday, Feb. 21, the Social Work Club is putting on a school supply drive to help local schools and students as they make the shift back to in-person learning.

If you have any extra school supplies, such as pencils, pens, notebooks, glue sticks, etc., please drop them off at one of our donation locations. Donation bins will be located in the libraryCanyon Commons, and the Bruin Den.

If you choose to donate, you’ll have the chance to enter in a raffle for a Coffee Cottage gift card. We will announce the winners on our Instagram next week!

Questions? Contact Ashley Martin (amartin18@georgefox.edu).

Registration opens next week for summer online classes

Wednesday, February 17th, 2021

Attention students and faculty: Registration for the George Fox Digital summer online term will begin next week, on Wednesday, Feb. 24.

Our summer online courses are all full credit, but occur in half the normal time frame – eight weeks, beginning June 7 and ending on Aug. 1. Tuition is $499 per credit, which is a small but notable reduction from previous years, and comes in at less than 50% off the tuition price for classes during the traditional semesters.

We offer a list of 33 different options; check out the website and course list here.

Talk with your CAP Coach about how you can take summer online courses to help stay on track and graduate on time. If you have additional questions, contact Brian Doak (bdoak@georgefox.edu).