Join Social Work Club in raising awareness of human trafficking this Saturday

Sunday, October 13th, 2024

The Social Work Club, in partnership with the A21 nonprofit organization, invites you to Walk For Freedom, a day dedicated to raising awareness of human trafficking. We believe that, together, we can put an end to human trafficking. For over a decade, supporters like you have taken local action and made a global impact.

This Saturday, Oct. 19, we will come together and hit the streets again. Walking in single-file lines, holding posters and handing out flyers, we will reach our cities with information about human trafficking and how to take action against it. Meet us in front of the Chehalem Cultural Center at 10:30 a.m. to join the cause.

To register, visit

For more information, reach out to Alice Fouts at

‘The Hiding Place’ opens on Wood-Mar stage this week

Sunday, October 13th, 2024

Tickets are now available for the performing arts department’s fall production of The Hiding Place, scheduled for eight performances in Wood-Mar Auditorium this week and next.

Dates for the shows are as follows:

  • Thursday-Saturday, Oct. 17-19, 7:30 p.m.
  • Sunday, Oct. 20, 2 p.m.
  • Thursday-Friday, Oct. 24-25, 7:30 p.m.
  • Saturday-Sunday, Oct. 26-27, 2 p.m.

For a synopsis of the play, visit the theatre website. Students and staff are entitled to claim one free ticket for themselves by visiting Additional tickets may be purchased on the site. Free student tickets are available for Thursday shows only.

When selecting your complimentary tickets, please do so using your own George Fox email address, and please note that each person is instructed to claim only their own ticket.

If you have any questions, contact Kathy Harris at

Come learn about AI library tools at brown-bag lunch tomorrow

Sunday, October 13th, 2024

The George Fox Library invites faculty to join the librarians for a brown-bag conversation about AI tools in library platforms tomorrow (Tuesday) at noon in Hoover 250.

We will share about four platforms in our library that either already have an AI integration or are expected to launch one soon, and then open the floor to have a conversation about how we as a campus want to talk about these tools as part of an efficient, wise, and ethical research methodology.

If you have questions, email Kate Wimer at

Welcome George Fox families for Family Weekend Oct. 18-20

Sunday, October 13th, 2024

We are excited to welcome George Fox families to campus Friday, Oct. 18, through Sunday, Oct. 20, for Family Weekend! Please put on your best George Fox welcome and help families navigate campus as needed. We want to provide the most hospitable and fun experience possible for our visitors.

Also, please take great care in encouraging those students who may not have a family member who is able to attend. Anyone is welcome to register for Family Weekend and join students for activities.

To register and view the schedule, follow this link.

Questions? Email

Come join us at the ‘Taylor Swift: The Voice of an Age’ conference Oct. 25-26

Sunday, October 13th, 2024

We know you’ve heard about Taylor Swift, but have you ever heard about how her music interacts with  literature? Or how her pop culture world intersects with political, religious and cultural academia?

Students and faculty here at George Fox have had these same questions, and so we’re dedicating two days this October to host a conference on all things Taylor Swift.

Register now for the “Taylor Swift: The Voice of an Age” conference Friday and Saturday, Oct. 25-26. Join faculty and students as they lecture and present papers on how Swift’s voice breaches both the popular and professional academic realms.

Registration is available now for only $5! Buy a ticket, tell a “Swiftie” and spread the word! The deadline for registration is Friday, Oct. 18.

If you have any questions, please reach out to We can’t wait to see you there!

Participate in The Great Oregon ShakeOut this Thursday

Sunday, October 13th, 2024

We invite you to participate in The Great Oregon ShakeOut, an annual event that gives everyone the opportunity to practice how to be safe during an earthquake. On Thursday, Oct. 17, George Fox will take a few minutes to participate in the largest-ever earthquake drill at 10:17 a.m.

We are asking participants to drop, cover, and hold on. During the days leading up to the event, we will be sharing additional information and resources on what to do during an earthquake.

Thanks for your continued participation in the Miles for Meals challenge

Thursday, October 10th, 2024

Thank you all for your incredible participation in the Miles for Meals challenge! Your dedication to logging your activities and your generous donations make a real difference in supporting the Bruin Pantry.

If you haven’t marked your donations as part of the Miles for Meals challenge yet, please do so! This helps us track our collective impact. If you’ve already donated but didn’t indicate it was for the event, don’t hesitate to reach out to Jere Witherspoon at 503-554-2316 or

For those experiencing delays with device syncing, please remember not to enter steps manually to avoid duplicate activity tracking. If you encounter any technical issues, reach out to Aga Kasprzyk at for assistance.

Together, we’re making strides not only in our wellness goals but also in supporting our community. Keep up the fantastic work – every step counts, and your efforts are truly inspiring! Let’s keep pushing forward and showing what we can achieve together!

Worship with UREC tomorrow night in Hadlock

Thursday, October 10th, 2024

Come join University Recreation at 7 p.m. tomorrow (Saturday) for our first-ever worship night. This worship night will be put on by UREC staff and is open to all students and faculty. There will be plenty of music, a small message and time for prayer.

Hadlock will close at 5 p.m. tomorrow and reopen at 6:45 p.m. only for the worship night.

If you have questions, email Nathanael Freeman at

Employees and students are invited to audition for Fox Got Talent

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

Have a talent you’d like to showcase? Auditions for Fox Got Talent are coming up. Fill out this form to audition for a chance to win a $500 cash prize!

All talents are welcome and encouraged to participate (students and employees!), whether you’re a juggler, magician, contortionist, impressionist, singer, sword swallower, speedy Rubik’s Cube solver, or whatever else you do best.

Contact with any questions.

Improve our visitors’ Friday@Fox experience by parking outside of Stevens lot

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

Tomorrow (Friday), the admissions office is hosting one of the largest Friday@Fox events thus far! With around 100 visitors expected on campus, we’re asking students and staff to consider parking outside of the Stevens parking lot to keep spaces open for visitors.

Your help in making the guest experience a positive one is greatly appreciated. Visitors will begin checking in tomorrow morning at 8 a.m.

If you have questions, email

Volunteers needed to scan tickets at Oct. 19 football game

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

The athletic department is in need of 10 volunteers to help scan tickets at the Saturday, Oct. 19, home football game against Linfield. Volunteers need to be willing to add the ticketing app to their phone to help scan tickets and commit to a maximum of four hours.

Arrival time is 2 p.m., and the game kicks off at 4:05 p.m. A Jersey Mike’s boxed lunch will be included. If you are able and willing to commit, please contact Mindy Mickelson at

Attend these local election candidate forums on Oct. 14 and 15

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

Encounter local political candidates in person on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 14-15, in events co-sponsored by the George Fox University Civility Project:

  • Oct. 14 at 6:30 p.m. – Head to the new Dundee Elementary School gym (800 S.E. Eighth St., Dundee) to meet and hear from candidates for Dundee City Council and mayor.
  • Oct. 15 at 6:30 p.m. – Meet and hear from candidates for Oregon House District 23 and Senate District 12 in Hoover 105 on the George Fox campus.
  • Oct. 15 at 7:45 p.m. – Meet and hear from Newberg City Council candidates in Hoover 105.

All candidates for these positions have been invited and will be asked questions drafted by representatives of the four sponsoring groups: The George Fox University Civility Project, United as Neighbors, the Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce, and the Newberg City Club.

The Newberg forum will be livestreamed and recorded. Dundee’s forum may have the same coverage; look for further announcements soon.

For more information, contact Civility Project Director Ron Mock at

Find out who will be crowned ‘Mr. Bruin’ tomorrow night in Bauman Auditorium

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

Who will be crowned the next Mr. Bruin? These outstanding individuals have been nominated by their peers to raise awareness for a great cause: the Bruin Community Pantry.

Join us for the show in Bauman Auditorium at 7 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) and find out who will win the title of “Mr. Bruin 2024” while making a difference in our community.

Events coming up:

  • Trivia Night: Friday, Oct. 18, at 7:45 p.m. in Canyon Commons
  • Haunted House: Friday, Oct. 25, at 7 p.m. in Minthorn Hall
  • Voices: Friday, Nov. 1, at 7 p.m. in Bauman

Contact with any questions.

Encourage students to attend Monday’s Nursing Expo

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

The George Fox University Nursing Expo will be held on Monday, Oct. 14, in Canyon Commons from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Faculty, be sure to encourage your students to attend if they are a nursing major or interested in the health professions.

If you have questions, email Wade Witherspoon at

Start preparing Richter Scholars proposals, due Jan. 27

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

Richter Scholars proposals will be due Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. The Richter Scholars program distributes funds to support student research activities that are devised, initiated and carried out by individual student researchers, with mentorship, guidance and expertise provided by a faculty mentor.

The purpose of these funds is to support educational research opportunities that encourage the practices of independent thought, leading to independent achievement and personal responsibility. For the purpose of this program, research is defined as a knowledge-generating activity that is designed to provide new information on a topic, tool or process, and that proceeds according to established and accepted research methods.

Before preparing a proposal, please read through the full proposal guidelines, eligibility requirements, and review criteria at

All submissions will be electronic through Smartsheet, due Monday, Jan. 27, 2025. The Smartsheet link can be found on the website and will be activated when the spring semester begins.

For more information, contact Vetta Berokoff at

Champion clothing is on sale at the Bruin Bookstore

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

All Champion-brand clothing will be on sale today (Thursday) through Tuesday, Oct. 15, at the Bruin Bookstore. Get your Champion items for 20% off in store and online!

Oil and energy professional lectures on ‘The Right Tools for a Thriving Project Team’ tonight

Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

Thomas Paulson, a former vice president of ConocoPhillips, will address the leadership practices that guide his work and how his Christian faith shapes his leadership approach. His talk is scheduled for tonight (Wednesday) at 7 p.m. in Canyon Commons.

Paulson graduated from Kansas State University with a degree in civil engineering. He retired in 2008 as vice president of Canadian capital projects for ConocoPhillips, where he had executive responsibility for the planning and execution phases for major projects in Canada.

In his 33-year career with ConocoPhillips, Paulson worked in refining, chemicals, exploration and production at multiple U.S. and international locations in project management. He currently serves on the Kansas State University College of Engineering Dean’s Advisory Council and the George Fox Industrial Advisory Board.

If you have questions, contact Carly Reumann at

The university has extended the withdrawal deadline

Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

Please be aware that the university has extended the class withdrawal deadline for the benefit of our students. The new deadline is the Sunday before the last week of class.

For full semester classes this is the end of week 15 rather than week 10. For this fall semester the deadline is Sunday, Dec. 8. For classes that meet in shorter sessions within the semester you can find their specific withdrawal deadlines listed in the class details on

Share your thoughts on AI integration on Oct. 15

Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

The George Fox Library invites faculty to join the librarians for a brown-bag conversation about AI tools in library platforms at noon on Tuesday, Oct. 15, in Hoover 250.

We will share about four platforms in our library that either already have an AI integration or are expected to launch one soon, and then open the floor to have a conversation about how we as a campus want to talk about these tools as part of an efficient, wise, and ethical research methodology.

If you have questions, email Kate Wimer at

Welcome George Fox families for Family Weekend Oct. 18-20

Tuesday, October 8th, 2024

We are excited to welcome George Fox families to campus Friday, Oct. 18, through Sunday, Oct. 20, for Family Weekend! Please put on your best George Fox welcome and help families navigate campus as needed. We want to provide the most hospitable and fun experience possible for our visitors.

Also, please take great care in encouraging those students who may not have a family member who is able to attend. Anyone is welcome to register for Family Weekend and join students for activities.

To register and view the schedule, follow this link.

Questions? Email