Participants in Miles for Meals logged 14,739 total miles!

Thursday, October 24th, 2024

This is a special message for those who missed yesterday’s Miles for Meals challenge closing ceremony with special sound effects from our one and only Neil Cantrall.

The challenge results are incredible! We started with a goal of 5,000 miles, but thanks to all of you, we more than exceeded expectations by logging a whopping total of 14,739 miles! It’s inspiring to see everyone come together, pushing not just for miles but for a cause that matters.

We were also amazed by the teamwork demonstrated throughout this challenge and the creativity of team names. Next time we’ll have to give an award for the most creative team name; there were some real gems!

Beyond the miles, we also received generous donations of food and money, which will go a long way in supporting our community. Thank you for your kindness and generosity; it truly shows how much we can accomplish together. We estimate that the Bruin Pantry received around $1,800 and 380 pounds of food during the short three weeks of the challenge.

We also want to extend a heartfelt thank you for the generosity of the organizations that stepped up with donations: Earthworks, Miss Hannah’s Popcorn, Canopy EAP, Assured Partners and Les Schwab.

A huge shout-out to the Social Walk team for logging the most miles! Congratulations Steffanie Altenbern, Jamie Johnson, Erin Johnson, Kara Martin and Ali Toedtemeier for winning the main prize. We also want to recognize all of our weekly participation prize winners (Wayne Gardner, Saurra Heide, Katie Maupin, Victoria Payne, Kim Knoernschild and Hope Hren). You all kept the energy up week after week and made this challenge so much fun.

For those of you who won prizes, be sure to swing by the Office of People and Culture to pick up your gift cards. And remember, just because the challenge is over doesn’t mean we stop giving! Please continue to support the pantry and help keep it stocked for those in need.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on how we can make next year’s challenge even better, so we will be sending out a feedback survey soon.

Thank you for making this such an incredible success! Let’s keep the momentum going!

Diploma frames are on sale at the Bruin Bookstore next week

Thursday, October 24th, 2024

Diploma frames are 15% off at the Bruin Bookstore in-store and online from Monday, Oct. 28, through Friday, Nov. 2. This offer is valid on regular-priced diploma frame sales.

Contact Kristin McGuirck at if you have questions.

Attend FCA’s Rally for Revival this Monday night

Thursday, October 24th, 2024

FCA’s Rally for Revival is happening this Monday, Oct. 28, at 7:30 p.m. in Bauman Auditorium. Join us for a night of worship, renewal, and hope as we embrace the theme “Come to the Cross.”

Together, let’s experience God’s power, grace and healing. We will have a time of worship, a time to receive the word from our speaker, Phil Zhan, and a time of response. We are so excited and hope to see everyone there!

Email Ari Rader at if you have questions.

Reminder: Review the updated campus display and posting policy

Thursday, October 24th, 2024

The posting and display policy at George Fox applies to student-sponsored public displays and posters.

Displays generally consist of a number of images, pictures or ideas intended for engagement by the broader campus community to create awareness or generate discussion.

Posters are generally intended to advertise a particular event or raise awareness about the activities of a particular officially recognized campus club or organization.

Find all the details you need in the Student Handbook: Campus Display and Posting Policy section.

Please read these specific policies carefully:

  • Push pins or removable tape are recommended.
  • You must take down the flyers when your event is over.
  • Only post on bulletin boards, posting kiosks, or sandwich boards.
  • Do NOT post on walls, windows or doors.

For more information, please contact Jere Witherspoon in the student life office at

Explore the role of education and spiritual formation in equipping future church leaders

Thursday, October 24th, 2024

The Multiplication Conference happening Nov. 13-15 presents a unique opportunity for faculty to engage with key leaders in the church-planting movement, featuring speakers that include Rick McKinley (founding pastor of Imago Dei), Dave Ferguson (Exponential), President Robin Baker, and Portland Seminary Dean Tammy Dunahoo.

Hosted at George Fox in partnership with Portland Seminary, the event will explore the role of education and spiritual formation in equipping the next generation of church leaders and planters. As faculty, you’ll gain valuable insights into how your academic influence intersects with the mission to spread the gospel through new church plants.

Join us in shaping future leaders for a movement of multiplication! Register to secure your spot here. Faculty and employees are invited to attend the conference at no cost (excluding food) by using the code “campus24.”

Please extend the Be Known promise to our Bruin Preview guests

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will be hosting Bruin Preview on campus tomorrow (Friday). With over 700 visitors expected on campus, we are asking George Fox students and employees to help extend the Be Known promise throughout the day. Here’s what you can keep in mind.

  • Guests will be arriving on campus between 7:30 and 8:15 a.m. and will fill all the main campus parking lots. Students and employees are encouraged to take advantage of street parking and the Morse lot (near softball fields). Additional temporary overflow parking will be available at the Highway 99 lot, which is right next to Steve’s Automotive. Do not park in spaces marked off for Steve’s Automotive.
  • Be mindful of guests in your housing area. We will have housing tours circulating through Newlin, Edwards, Gulley, Pennington, and HMS from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour groups will be viewing dorm lobbies and a room in each dorm.
  • Plan for a much busier-than-usual lunch in Canyon Commons. Guests will be going through the main servery lines and will eat in the main dining area. If you see a family looking for a spot to sit, invite them to join you and help direct them to their next activity.
  • Offer a helping hand by giving directions to students and their families!
  • Ninety prospective students have opted to stay overnight tonight before the main event! Be mindful and welcoming of prospective students to be in your on-campus living areas starting at 5:30 p.m. tonight.

If you have any questions, email or call Lauren Hill at 503-554-2245.

Please display your staff permits when parking on campus

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

There are a number of staff parking in Stevens and EHS lots who are not displaying a parking permit. You should have your George Fox hangtag displayed on your rearview mirror whenever you park in staff parking.

If you need a new or replacement tag, please go to this website and register. Any permits issued in previous years are still valid.

If you have any questions or an issue with registration, please call 503-554-2090 or email us at

Reminder: Offer letters are required for short-term student employment

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

In recent months, there has been an increase in requests to hire students for short-term employment on campus, such as one-time events or temporary work assignments. Please remember that an offer letter must be completed through Timekeeping for student employment prior to work commencing. These assignments are considered student employment and are subject to applicable laws and regulations.

Ensuring an offer letter is in place helps with compliance and efficient payment processing. If you are wanting to hire a student for just one or two hours of work, it may be more efficient to engage an existing student employee.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact

Here’s how you can extend the Be Known promise at Bruin Preview on Friday

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will be hosting Bruin Preview on campus this Friday, Oct. 25. With over 700 visitors expected on campus, we are asking George Fox students and employees to help extend the Be Known promise throughout the day. Here’s what you can keep in mind.

  • Guests will be arriving on campus Friday morning between 7:30 and 8:15 a.m. and will fill all the main campus parking lots. Students and employees are encouraged to take advantage of street parking and the Morse lot (near softball fields). Additional temporary overflow parking will be available at the Highway 99 lot, which is right next to Steve’s Automotive. Do not park in spaces marked off for Steve’s Automotive.
  • Be mindful of guests in your housing area. We will have housing tours circulating through Newlin, Edwards, Gulley, Pennington, and HMS from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour groups will be viewing dorm lobbies and a room in each dorm.
  • Plan for a much busier-than-usual lunch in Canyon Commons. Guests will be going through the main servery lines and will eat in the main dining area. If you see a family looking for a spot to sit, invite them to join you and help direct them to their next activity.
  • Offer a helping hand by giving directions to students and their families!
  • Ninety prospective students have opted to stay overnight on Thursday night before the main event! Be mindful and welcoming of prospective students to be in your on-campus living areas starting at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday night.

If you have any questions, email or call Lauren Hill at 503-554-2245.

Please review important information concerning phishing attacks

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

As we together saw again last week, email phishing attacks happen frequently and universities are a desired target. Last week’s attack included 408 messages with at least two different message types. A big thank you to those who quickly notified IT!

As we all work to be cyber-security-aware, a very worrisome fact is that the most common method of a ransomware attack is through phishing. One report found that ransomware attacks on K-12 and higher education increased by 105% in 2022 and another 70% in 2023.

If you do click on a link in a phishing message, then it is important to notify IT immediately. IT can determine if additional actions are necessary to protect you and the university. In the event that the university endures a sustained phishing attack, IT will send special instructions as warranted.

For more information, see:

Register your children for a free healthy cooking workshop

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

Bon Appétit invites George Fox employees’ children in grades K-5 to join us for a special culinary workshop featuring activities in healthy eating and cooking on Tuesday, Nov. 12, from 5 to 7 p.m.

During this fun and interactive program, the George Fox culinary team will demonstrate how whole fruits and vegetables can be transformed into a healthy meal. By learning about the connection between what they eat and their ability to do what they enjoy, children will go home with a newfound power to make better choices for their health.

This workshop is free but space is limited, so register here today!

If you have questions about the event, contact Bon Appétit’s Healthy Kids Program Coordinator Nina Abrasion at

Show you ‘Stand with Students’ at this week’s all-employee meeting

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

What’s the deal with yellow shoes? It’s a way we tell the community we stand with students. At our all-employee meeting tomorrow (Thursday) at 11 a.m., wear yellow shoes and learn more about the many ways you can support students across campus this year. Join us in our “Stand With Students” campaign!

Questions? Contact Kelton Hedstrom at

Kids needed for marketing’s photo/video shoot on Nov. 1

Monday, October 21st, 2024

The university’s marketing communications office is putting together a photo and B-roll video shoot for George Fox’s education programs on Friday, Nov. 1, in the Newberg area. We are recruiting kids to help fill the classrooms that day and would love to have your families participate!

This photo shoot will capture teachers in classroom settings interacting with different age groups of students. Photos will be used to promote education programs on the web, social media, digital and outdoor advertising (including possibly billboard) and print materials.

If you have kids who are available, you can sign up here! Time slots for the different age groups will be:

  • 8:30-10 a.m.: Kindergarten and first grade
  • 10:30 a.m. – noon: Third to fifth grade
  • 1-3 p.m.: Middle school
  • 3:30-5 p.m.: High school

Please help us promote George Fox education programs and sign up here! If you have questions, contact Rachel Brumfield at

MyEBSCO users: Be aware of new login

Monday, October 21st, 2024

If you have been using a personal account in EBSCO databases, please be aware that the platform is moving to SSO authentication. Rather than log in after accessing the platform, researchers will automatically be logged in to an account connected to their George Fox ID.

Researchers that have been using a personal account before this shift may wish to merge their accounts for continued access to saved materials, projects, and alerts. Researchers who have not been logging in to a MyEBSCO account before this change do not need to do anything.

Check out our blog post for more information, connect with a librarian, or email for assistance.

Hear how engineering and basketball go together tomorrow night

Sunday, October 20th, 2024

Daniel Kang and the Faculty Scholarship and Achievement Committee invite you to join them for the Fall Faculty Lecture tomorrow (Tuesday) at 6 p.m. in Hoover 105. Nathan Slegers, PhD, professor of mechanical engineering and winner of the 2023-24 Faculty Achievement Award for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship, is the featured faculty speaker.

Slegers will speak on “The Art of the Three: How Engineering and Ingenuity is Decoding the Science of Basketball Shooting.” Please join us as he presents his research regarding three metrics he has discovered which identify good shooters. These metrics decode some hidden nuances within the art of the “three,” and provide insights into how to become a better shooter.

The university and surrounding community are invited, and refreshments will be provided.

If you have questions, email

This is the last day to log activity for Miles for Meals

Sunday, October 20th, 2024

We’re in the home stretch! Today (Monday) is the last day to make it count and log activities for Miles for Meals. There will be no exceptions. Every bit of effort you’ve put in has brought us closer to our goal, and now it’s time for one last push.

Take a walk, jog, bike ride or dance your way to the finish line. Every mile matters! Let’s come together and show what we can accomplish when we give it our all. Log your activity now and let’s smash that 10,000-mile mark!

Encourage students to attend tomorrow’s grad fair

Sunday, October 20th, 2024

Tomorrow (Tuesday), we will host our first-ever graduate program fair in Canyon Commons from 10 a.m to 1 p.m.

This fair is for any student considering attending graduate school. There will be 21 different colleges and universities from Oregon and Washington here to showcase their graduate programs.

Please encourage your students to attend. Thank you!

If you have any questions, contact Wade Witherspoon at

Sign up for tomorrow’s free seminar: ‘Navigating the Menopause Transition’

Sunday, October 20th, 2024

Menopause is a normal yet potentially challenging phase of life. Symptoms are widespread and vary from person to person. In this seminar, you will learn about common issues related to menopause and aging, as well as ways to support a mentally and physically healthy transition.

Click here to register for this seminar, taking place tomorrow (Tuesday) from noon to 1 p.m. Experts Ruben Halperin (MD), Chelsea Warren (RDN) and Nichole Guilfoy will cover:

  • The three stages of menopause
  • Lifestyle strategies to manage symptoms and support long-term health
  • Workplace considerations
  • Additional resources

Contact Aga Kasprzyk at with your questions.

Volunteer for Bruin Field Day this Saturday

Sunday, October 20th, 2024

Join us this Saturday, Oct. 26, for Bruin Field Day! We welcome youth and adults of all abilities, including all types of intellectual and developmental disability. Our mission is to recognize the unique needs and challenges faced by individuals with these disabilities by promoting physical activity, socialization, and relationship-building within our local community.

Our field games and activities will either be at Stoffer Stadium or the Miller Gymnasium here on campus (depending on the weather). Stay tuned for more information.

We also invite buddies and volunteers who are passionate about supporting and contributing to a fun and successful day for everyone involved. We will need assistance with monitoring games and activities and also buddying up with a participant who may need extra support.

Please contact one of our event coordinators, Shanah Denham ( or Paul Moeggenberg (, with any questions or concerns.

SpiL seeking volunteers for Special Olympics swim event Nov. 10

Sunday, October 20th, 2024

The Office for Spiritual Life invites you to volunteer for the Newberg Regional Aquatics competition from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 10 – one of four regional swim competitions in the Special Olympics Oregon 2024 fall sports season.

Athletes will compete in a number of events, including developmental skills and various distances in the breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly, freestyle, relays and individual medley.

No experience is required to volunteer; we will train all volunteers onsite. Volunteer roles include:

  • Escorts: Stage athletes before races; walk athletes from staging area to assigned lanes; walk athletes from assigned lanes to awards area after races
  • Timers: Time athletes in individual lanes and call finish order for races
  • Results: Deliver and record individual results
  • Awards: Stage medals and ribbons for awards ceremonies; assist with presentations as needed
  • Developmental Skills Support: Provide staging, escort, and timing support for developmental skills competition (morning only)

If you have role-specific experience, let us know at check-in when we assign volunteer roles. If you are a certified official (stroke or turn) and would like to volunteer, please reach out to Kirby Marion at for more information about volunteering as an official.