Be mindful of Summer Visit Day guests when parking today

Thursday, August 12th, 2021

Please be mindful of Summer Visit Day guests when parking today (Friday). Please avoid parking in the Hoover and Stevens lots to provide them with plenty of spaces to park.

If you have questions, please contact Lauren Hill ( in the undergraduate admissions office.

Come wish Cheri Hampton well at retirement party Tuesday

Wednesday, August 11th, 2021

The university community is invited to a retirement open house event for Cheri Hampton this Tuesday, Aug. 17, on the lawn in front of Minthorn. Drop by between 10 and 11 a.m. to wish Cheri well and enjoy some light refreshments.

Now that she is retiring and has more time to read, Cheri is seeking out book recommendations. We will have a place to drop your suggestions. If you can’t make the party, you may email them to her at

See you there!

Reminder about Concur receipts

Wednesday, August 11th, 2021

This is a reminder that all receipts that are submitted through Concur for Visa transactions or personal reimbursement need to be itemized. The receipt(s) need to indicate all items that were purchased either for food or merchandise on the receipt (not just the total of the transaction).

If you have any questions regarding Concur, please contact Kathi Becker at ext. 2166 or

Hadlock closed Aug. 19, 20 and 26

Wednesday, August 11th, 2021

The Hadlock Student Center will be closed Aug. 19, 20 and 26 for staff training and staff recreation, in order to get ready for a very busy year. We recommend alternative forms of exercise or trying new activities during this time as a way to “spice up” your routine!

The rental center will also be closed, but equipment can be rented and checked out on the days prior, and patrons will not be charged for the additional days as a result of our closures. To make reservations, please go here.

If you have questions, please email AJ Heil at

Bring your data-related questions to today’s Zoom meeting

Wednesday, August 11th, 2021

Today (Thursday), between 1 and 2 p.m., the analytics & foresight department offer its weekly office-hour session via Zoom.

If you have data-related questions, we’ll be available for an hour on Thursdays at 1 p.m. to offer our assistance. This is an open format. We will do our best to assist you during this time and provide guidance on next steps, if necessary.

Contact Tyler Susmilch ( with any questions.

Tomorrow’s swing dance event canceled because of excessive heat

Wednesday, August 11th, 2021

Unfortunately, due to the excessive heat this week, the Swing Dance Club’s Swing Over Summer event scheduled for tomorrow (Friday) has been canceled.

The club will still be hosting events on Aug. 20 and 27 at Jaquith Park from 6:30 to 8 p.m. All participants are welcome! The time and location for school-year events will be announced shortly.

If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to email the club’s president, Mark Berglin, at

Volleyball team hosts ‘Kids Sports Play Days’

Tuesday, August 10th, 2021

Have kids ages 5 to 8? We want to hang out with them for an hour in the Hadlock Student Center on Sunday and Monday, Aug. 15-16!

We will have some programming, and some free time to run and play. The time will be led by the George Fox volleyball program’s players and coaches. It is a team fundraiser; the cost per child is $7 per session.

Sessions will run both days between 10 and 11 a.m. You can register here and, if you have questions, contact Coach Emily Davis at

Note change in venue and time for Monday’s all-community meeting

Tuesday, August 10th, 2021

Don your shorts, favorite George Fox shirt and sunglasses, and join us for some fresh air in Stoffer Stadium this Monday, Aug. 16, as we kick off the amazing year we are about to enter.

Bring your stadium seats or cushions and plan to arrive at 8:30 a.m. for a 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. program that includes lunch. We look forward to joining together with you to reflect on the challenges we’ve come through, and most importantly, center on our common purpose before the new academic year: to serve our students well and prepare them spiritually, academically, and professionally to think with clarity, act with integrity, and serve with passion.

This is an in-person event only, and there will be no livestream link. VP approval is required for any employees who can’t attend. Masks are welcome but not required.

See you there!

Student actors needed for PA program on Aug. 19

Tuesday, August 10th, 2021

The physician assistant program is in need of eight volunteers to help our first-year PA students on Thursday, Aug. 19. We are running a session of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) from 8 a.m. to about 1 p.m. and will have three different clinical scenarios requiring actors to complete.

The scenarios will include our PA students asking you questions or performing a physical exam on you (and sometimes both). We will provide food and beverages to keep you happy and comfortable. We truly appreciate any help you can provide for this learning opportunity for our students!

If interested, please contact Tim Aylward (

Wellness Wednesdays: Develop healthy sleeping habits

Tuesday, August 10th, 2021

Last week we presented information on the connection between the food we eat and our energy levels. Proper hydration and a healthy balance of all the main food groups help prevent tiredness long-term.

We continue to encourage you to take good care of yourself in this busy season. Find out how you can maintain consistent circadian rhythms and improve the quality of your life through healthy sleeping habits.

Questions? Contact Human Resources at

University community invited to memorial service for Sharon Shaw

Tuesday, August 10th, 2021

The university community is invited to a memorial service for former longtime employee Sharon Shaw at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 21, at Northwest Christian Church (2315 Villa Road).

Sharon and her husband Ron were part of the George Fox community for many years, and they have several family ties to the university. Sharon was a cherished part of the George Fox and Newberg communities and will be missed.

Spots still left in next week’s Wilderness First Aid Course

Tuesday, August 10th, 2021

Campus Recreation has a few spots remaining in its Wilderness First Aid course on the Newberg campus Aug. 17-18.

The course is taught by Wilderness Medical Associates International and provides hands-on training to increase preparedness and confidence for anyone who likes to spend time outside. If you are interested in registering, please fill out this form. If someone you know may be interested, please pass along the opportunity to them.

Contact AJ Heil with any questions (

Presidential Appearance Request Form available online

Tuesday, August 10th, 2021

The Office of the President has a Presidential Appearance Request Form that will assist in managing the president’s schedule. The president strives to accommodate as many engagement requests which support the mission of the university as possible. The completion of this form is required for anyone desiring the president (and spouse) be present and/or participate at an event.

We appreciate your patience with scheduling the president’s complex calendar. The link to the form can also be found on the President’s Office contact page.

Please note: It is expected that the requestor has followed procedures and obtained the approval of their administrator prior to submitting the request.

Reminder: COVID Guidelines

Monday, August 9th, 2021

This is a reminder for everyone to be mindful of our current COVID guidelines. Please use our COVID Concern and Case Reporting tool if you develop COVID symptoms, test positive or have a COVID-related concern.

If you are sick, please do not come to campus, and be sure to arrange temporary remote work with your supervisor if possible. We strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated.

Please contact Human Resources at or 503-554-2180 if you have any questions.

Volunteers still needed to help students move in

Sunday, August 8th, 2021

We are so excited to welcome our new students to George Fox University! In order to do this well, we are in need of volunteers for various Welcome Weekend events, beginning with helping new football players move in on Tuesday, Aug. 10.

After that, we need assistance helping all other athletes move in on Tuesday, Aug. 17, and the rest of our students at the actual Welcome Weekend event on Friday, Aug. 27.

If you are interested in serving, please complete the WW Volunteer survey at this link.

Thank you! Any questions can be directed to Welcome Weekend Coordinators Melissa Terry ( or Michelle Dawson (

Consider volunteering to lead a Life Group this fall

Sunday, August 8th, 2021

The Office for Spiritual Life is looking for Life Group leaders for our fall 2021 Life Groups series (the weeks of Sept. 10 through Nov. 12).

Life Groups are small groups of undergraduate students who meet together for prayer, Bible study and fellowship. Groups meet weekly for 60 to 90 minutes. This fall our groups will be either in person or completely via Zoom (this provides access for our George Fox Digital students).

Life Groups through the Office for Spiritual Life will also be SPIL credit-eligible in order to encourage students to engage in high-quality spiritual formation experiences that are participatory and offer ongoing community. To sign up to lead a group, please fill out this form.

We welcome our employees, graduate students, current seniors, alumni, family members of George Fox employees and students, and members of our wonderful local churches to consider leading a group.

For more information about the program, visit this webpage or contact the Office for Spiritual Life at

Volleyball team hosts ‘Kids Sports Play Days’

Thursday, August 5th, 2021

Have kids ages 5 to 8? We want to hang out with them for an hour in the Hadlock Student Center on Sunday and Monday, Aug. 15-16!

We will have some programming, and some free time to run and play. The time will be led by the George Fox volleyball program’s players and coaches. It is a team fundraiser; the cost per child is $7 per session.

Sessions will run both days between 10 and 11 a.m. You can register here and, if you have questions, contact Coach Emily Davis at

Plant Services: Thank you for your patience

Thursday, August 5th, 2021

Plant Services is in the process of completing multiple building and remodeling projects that have taken place this summer. In addition, there have been over 150 office moves, and we have about 500 open work requests.

New work requests will be evaluated and prioritized. As always, student housing areas are given top priority, followed by time-sensitive work requests. Generally, Plant Services is allowed 30 days to complete work requests, so your new request may not be completed until the end of that range.

We are working hard to have the campus fully ready for the start of the semester, and ask for your patience during this very busy time. Thank you!

Volunteer to help new students move in

Thursday, August 5th, 2021

We are so excited to welcome our new students to George Fox University! In order to do this well, we are in need of volunteers for various Welcome Weekend events, beginning with helping new football players move in on Tuesday, Aug. 10.

After that, we need assistance helping all other athletes move in on Tuesday, Aug. 17, and the rest of our students at the actual Welcome Weekend event on Friday, Aug. 27.

If you are interested in serving, please complete the WW Volunteer survey at this link.

Thank you! Any questions can be directed to Welcome Weekend Coordinators Melissa Terry ( or Michelle Dawson (

Submit your gift of words by the end of today

Thursday, August 5th, 2021

Please take a moment to share the gift of words with our employees who are celebrating a “years of service” milestone. Feel free to thank them or share a favorite memory by adding a comment under their name on this form. The deadline to submit entries is today (Friday).

We’ll share your gift of words on cards, and present them at the all-community meeting on Monday, Aug. 16. Please reach out to Kara Holcombe ( or ext. 2189) if you have any questions regarding the honorees.