Be sure to attend the Fox Film Festival this week

Wednesday, April 17th, 2024

Come watch a broad collection of films made by George Fox students at the Fox Film Festival tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday!

On FridayApril 19, the showing will be hosted by the Cameo Theatre in downtown Newberg at 4 p.m. Tickets for the Cameo are $6 per person at the box office window.

A second showing will take place on SaturdayApril 20, in Bauman Auditorium at 7 p.m. (no admission fee), with an awards ceremony to follow. This is a great opportunity to support student filmmakers and enjoy a night of creativity!

Questions? Email Amber Abrams at

Support the esports team at its first in-person finals competition this Saturday

Wednesday, April 17th, 2024

The university’s esports program is hosting the finals of the NACE Collegiate Starleague here in the esports arena at the Wheeler Sports Center. This is the first in-person finals we’ve hosted and is a testament to how far we’ve come!

We are hosting a watch party in the next-door classroom and invite everyone to come watch it online at at 1:30 p.m. this SaturdayApril 20.

For more information, please reach out to Jerry Sanchez at

Study with a plant in the library and enter a raffle to take one home

Wednesday, April 17th, 2024

Studies show that indoor plants improve well-being and may even enhance focus and productivity. We just think they’re pleasant to be around.

Beginning today (Thursday) through Monday, April 22, borrow a plant from the library front desk to keep you company while studying in Murdock. Be sure to enter our raffle to take one of them home with you on Monday.

All plants are cuttings of larger library plants. The raffle will occur at noon on Monday, April 22.

Feel free to reach out to Kate Wimer at with any questions.

Wish Lynn Scott well in retirement at gathering this Monday

Wednesday, April 17th, 2024

Please join us in bidding farewell to Lynn Scott as she retires after 24 years! A celebration in her honor will be held this MondayApril 22, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the Stevens lobby with refreshments and some words of best wishes.

Questions? Reach out to Kathy Harris at

Come wish Paul Otto well at his retirement reception on April 24

Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

Join us in celebrating Professor Paul Otto next Wednesday, April 24, as he receives emeritus status and enters retirement. We will be hosting a reception for him from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the Stevens Atrium.

Paul has served as a professor of history in the Department of History and Politics for 22 years. He also served as department chair some of those years. He is most well-known for conducting Reacting to the Past games as his method for teaching history.

Wednesday’s event will include a memory book with pages to sign, and a basket for cards. Light refreshments will be served. President Baker will present Paul with his emeritus award at 4 p.m. Come wish Paul a happy retirement!

Feel free to reach out to Phyllis Hartle at with any questions.

Swing by Steven Classen’s retirement open house this afternoon

Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

After 10 years of faithful service to George Fox, Steven Classen, professor of communication & cinematic arts and director of the School of Communication and Design, will be retiring.

To honor his time at the university, we’re hosting an open house in Lemmons 9 this afternoon (Wednesday) from 3:30 to 5 p.m., with a short program taking place at 4 p.m. There will be food and drinks, as well as cards available to sign.

For more information, please reach out to Penny Martin at

Faculty: Be sure to sign up for May Faculty Retreat before the April 24 registration deadline

Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

Dear Esteemed Faculty,

With just one week left until the deadline, we are sending this friendly reminder to sign up for the in-gratis May Faculty Retreat at Washington Family Ranch May 6-9.

This retreat is an excellent opportunity to spend time on professional and personal development, recharge, and be inspired at the beautiful Washington Family Ranch. Take advantage of this opportunity!

Registration closes on Wednesday, April 24. You can sign up here. Feel free to contact Michelle Kang at with any questions.

Swing by Bauman to attend the Awards Convocation Chapel this morning

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Don’t miss the final chapel of the academic year, also known as our Awards Convocation Chapel!

Join us today (Tuesday) at 10:50 a.m. in Bauman Auditorium. We’ll have a time of worship, hear from our speaker, Dr. Leah Payne, associate professor of American religious history, and celebrate the end of another academic year.

Winners of the Undergraduate Faculty Teacher of the Year Award and the Undergraduate Faculty Research & Scholarship Award will be announced. Come congratulate and celebrate our winning faculty members!

Questions? Email Laurie Fair at

Check out interior design students’ work at showcase this Monday

Monday, April 15th, 2024

We’d love to invite the campus community to stop by the Interior Design Showcase in Canyon Commons on Monday, April 22, from 3 to 5 p.m.

All freshmen to senior students in the interior design major will be showing the work they did this year. It’s open-house style, so feel free to stop by anytime between 3 and 5 p.m. to see the students’ work!

Feel free to contact Casey Martin at with any questions.

Bon Appetit seeks your feedback with survey

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Bon Appetit wants your feedback! Please share your thoughts and suggestions with us on how we can make your dining experience even better. You could win a PS5, gift cards and Bon Appetit vouchers for taking our survey.

Reach out to Katie Anderson at with any questions.

This is the final week of Open Study Table

Monday, April 15th, 2024

This will be the final week for Open Study Table for spring 2024. If you have any questions, please let Heather Harney ( know.

Thank you for utilizing Open Study Table this semester.

Send the IRC your recommendations as we celebrate AANHPI Heritage Month

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AANHPI) Heritage Month is two weeks away! As always, the Intercultural Resource Center is collecting recommendations for the George Fox community to engage with during the month of May.

Whether it be podcasts or reading, events or restaurants, music or entertainment, the IRC would love to capture your recommendations (and any additional requests for celebrating this May)!

Please let us know on this form. Feel free to reach out to Zanne Backous at with any questions.

Check out this week’s ‘Bite-sized Wellness’ tips

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Greetings from the Wellness Committee! It’s Bite-Sized Wellness Tuesday. Here are this week’s five bite-sized, cost-free ideas for you to try:

  • Create some art or doodle for a bit. Check out this article from PsychCentral to learn more.
  • Practice positive affirmations. For a moment, try ignoring the things about yourself that you want to change or the ones you’re not happy with, and focus on what is great about you. Check out this article for more info.
  • Watch a funny movie or TV show. Laughter has been known to improve your mental state! This article from the Mayo clinic helps explain it.
  • Spend time with pets. These can be yours or someone else’s. If you’re not allergic to cats, go visit the kitties at the ARK pet rescue on Meridian and Second Street.
  • Find a warm place outside in the sun, close your eyes, and enjoy the beauty of the changing seasons God has given us!

Cheers to you!

Questions? Email Neil Cantrall at

Join final Quaker Worship time of the semester tomorrow morning

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Join us for our final meeting for Quaker Worship tomorrow (Wednesday) in Hoover 250. We’ll be gathering from 11 to 11:30 a.m. for a time of prayerful contemplative waiting on the Lord, which can be centering and energizing in meeting the demands of day, at the end of the semester and otherwise. Jay Miller will be hosting; spiritual life credit is available.

Contact Paul Anderson at with any questions.

Parking will be impacted by NWC track championships; plan accordingly

Monday, April 15th, 2024

George Fox is hosting the Northwest Conference Track and Field Championships this Friday and Saturday, April 19-20, with more than 500 student-athletes expected to compete. Due to the high turnout, parking on campus will be limited, particularly on Friday.

To address this, additional parking will be available at the Austin Sports Complex, along with shuttle services. We anticipate parking challenges, so plan accordingly by carpooling or considering alternative transportation options.

Feel free to contact Adam Puckett at for more information.

Drop by Hoover 103 this afternoon to hear from Senior Thesis artists

Monday, April 15th, 2024

Join us this afternoon (Tuesday) for the opening receptions of the Department of Art and Design’s Senior Thesis exhibitions at the Chehalem Cultural Center and the university’s galleries. They will remain on display through Friday, April 26.

Today, don’t miss our gathering in Hoover 103 as artists talk about their work and how it connects across galleries and to wider contemporary cultural contexts. We will have a show opening for these exhibits between 4 and 5 p.m., with a roundtable discussion between the artists in Hoover 103 between 5 and 6 p.m.

There will be refreshments provided outside the venue for guests to grab a snack before listening to our students talk about their work with one another.

With topics ranging from the nature of memory, cultural messaging of horror, and the spiritual practice of working in the dirt, there is a lot to dive into. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to engage with the artists!

The conversations will also be recorded and posted in the gallery; just scan the QR codes on the posters. Let them be an audio guide for you as you visit all three gallery spaces this month!

Feel free to contact Seth Van Der Eems at with any questions.

Retirement consultations are available tomorrow in Canyon Commons

Monday, April 15th, 2024

There are still spots available for free retirment consultations tomorrow (Wednesday) between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. in Canyon Commons!

Retirement planning is crucial for securing your future, and these personalized one-on-one consultations are tailored specifically to your needs. Whether you’re just starting to think about retirement or you’re fine-tuning your plans, this is your chance to get expert advice and guidance.

Don’t let this opportunity slip by. Secure your spot now and take control of your retirement journey. To schedule an in-person or virtual appointment, visit this link. You can also contact Phillip directly at 360-953-4841 or

Questions? Contact Aga Kasprzyk at

Volunteers needed for DPT’s study on leg strength and balance recovery

Monday, April 15th, 2024

The Doctor of Physical Therapy program is in need of people for a research study, titled “Influences of Lower Limb Strength and Rate of Torque Development on Recovery from a Backwards Balance Loss.” We’re interested in the effects of lower body strength on the ability to recover from a loss of balance and how people step when they lose their balance.

To participate, you must:

  • Be 18-45 years old
  • Be able to tolerate losing your balance multiple times while wearing a safety harness
  • Weigh < 250 pounds
  • Be willing to have your ankle, knee and hip strength-tested

In order to participate, you must NOT have the following:

  • A physical condition that would limit testing
  • A neurological disease, osteoporosis, or an uncontrolled chronic illness such as heart disease or diabetes
  • Use an assistive device to perform daily activities
  • Balance problems or persistent dizziness, hospitalization, broken lower limb bone, concussion, loss of consciousness, or a major surgery in the last six months
  • An injury or condition that limited your physical activity, or been pregnant in the last three months
  • An amputated limb
  • Allergies or sensitivity to tape
  • Take medications that impair cognitive function, pain sensation or balance in the 12 hours before the study activities

If you’re interested in participating and meet the above criteria, you would come to the university’s Medical Sciences Building on Werth Boulevard, where we would ask you to sign an informed consent form and answer questions on a questionnaire. Depending on your responses to the questionnaire, you may or may not be eligible for the study.

If you meet the study criteria, you will be asked to continue the single testing session where you will be made to lose your balance multiple times in a safety harness while performing a squat task and have your ankle, knee and hip strength-tested while sitting. Your participation in this study will involve approximately 60 minutes of time.

You will not be paid for being in this study or reimbursed for any costs associated with traveling to/from the George Fox campus. You are able to stop participation in the study at any time and for any reason. No information that would identify you will be made public, and we do not feel there is more than minimal risk associated with this study.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Lyndsay Stutzenberger at

Make an appointment to see a PT student this spring

Sunday, April 14th, 2024

Got aches and pains? Need to recover from an injury? Want to improve your balance, strength or endurance? George Fox’s physical therapy students are hosting a free physical therapy clinic for all those interested on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays between May 2 and June 7!

We are looking for people who want services for all kinds of conditions, including but not limited to general aches and pains, chronic pain, orthopedic surgery, balance/falls, pelvic floor, concussion management, sports injuries, neurological events, vestibular, general deconditioning, pediatrics, cardiovascular, and more. The DPT students are eager to serve you!

Please fill out this Google interest form and you will be contacted to be scheduled. The clinic is located in the Medical Sciences Building (448 Werth Blvd.). Thank you!

Please contact Catherine Enger at if you have any questions.

Attend Awards Convocation Chapel tomorrow

Sunday, April 14th, 2024

Don’t miss the final chapel of the academic year, also known as our Awards Convocation Chapel!

Join us tomorrow (Tuesday) at 10:50 a.m. in Bauman Auditorium. We’ll have a time of worship, hear from our speaker, Dr. Leah Payne, associate professor of American religious history, and celebrate the end of another academic year.

Winners of the Undergraduate Faculty Teacher of the Year Award and the Undergraduate Faculty Research & Scholarship Award will be announced. Come congratulate and celebrate our winning faculty members!

Questions? Email Laurie Fair at