Fall term book rentals are due on Dec. 14

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

This is a friendly reminder that fall term rentals are due by Dec. 14 at the Bruin Bookstore. If you need to extend your rental or you would like to purchase your text, please stop by the bookstore.

If you have any questions, email Kristin McGuirk at kmcguirk@georgefox.edu.

Be aware of accelerated payroll deadlines in December

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

Please note the accelerated payroll deadlines for December. Due to Christmas break, we will have fewer days to process the December payroll. Please have all check requests submitted and approved by Monday, Dec. 9. Employees with timesheets that span Nov. 16 through Dec. 15 should forecast their hours, lock, and have their timesheets approved by Dec. 9. Automated emails will be sent according to these accelerated deadlines.

Regular employee timesheets and student timesheets can be locked at the end of the month as usual. The student payday will be on Friday, Dec. 13, and the regular employee payday will be on Monday, Dec. 23.

Questions? Contact the payroll team at payroll@georgefox.edu.

All are welcome to join traditional Quaker Open Worship tomorrow

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

Join us tomorrow (Wednesday) in Hoover 250 from 11:15 to 11:45 a.m. for a time of worship, listening to God’s Spirit, and seeking to discern God’s truth together. Jay Miller will be hosting. Chapel credit will be offered.

Please reach out to Jay at jaym@georgefox.edu with any questions.

Help Friendsview residents decorate their lobby for Christmas

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

Help the residents of Friendsview bring in the Christmas season by decorating the lobby tomorrow (Wednesday) from 1 to 4 p.m. You can meet in the main lobby of Friendsview at the start of either of those times and come and go as you wish. If you would like to RSVP, sign up on the Helper Helper app.

If you have questions, contact Atalia Fisher at afisher23@georgefox.edu.

Bring a little fun to finals with Library Spirit Week

Sunday, December 1st, 2024

Finals week is almost upon us, including longer hours in the library for many. To bring a little fun to finals, you are cordially invited to join the library for Spirit Week. Dress according to each day’s theme and help us share a few extra smiles in our space.

  • Friday, Dec. 6 – Flannel Friday
  • Saturday, Dec. 7 – Funky Hat Saturday
  • Sunday, Dec. 8 – Christmas Sweater Sunday
  • Monday, Dec. 9 – Pajama Monday (Study Day)
  • Tuesday, Dec. 10 – Uncasual Tuesday
  • Wednesday, Dec. 11 – Crazy Sock Wednesday
  • Thursday, Dec. 12 – Twin Thursday

Don’t forget that you can book study rooms on the library website, ask for multicolored whiteboard markers at the front desk, and that the 24-hour space will remain open throughout finals week. Keep an eye out for coffee near Whiteboard Wednesday and know that we’re cheering for you.

Snag some of the 100 George Fox Christmas cards still available

Sunday, December 1st, 2024

Share the joy of the Christmas season with George Fox Christmas cards! ‘Tis the season to send some cheer! George Fox Christmas cards for the 2024 season have been delivered, and 100 are still available.

The cost is approximately $1.40 per card, and envelopes are included. View the Christmas card cover and inside designs.

If your department wants to place an order, please email Brandy at bdonavant@georgefox.edu with your desired quantity and full accounting string (account code/fund code/department/program/operating unit).

May you be filled with the joy of Christmas this season!

Participate in preschool education survey

Tuesday, November 26th, 2024

Do you value a preschool education for your kids or future kids? Share your thoughts with a group of BUSN 250 students who are working to increase awareness about the difference a preschool education makes in the lives of children by taking this survey.

Thank you for taking the time to support our research! Contact Abby Roche at aroche23@georgefox.edu if you have questions.

Disclaimer: These surveys are student generated and are not to be associated with any official research conducted by faculty and staff at George Fox University. Any views or opinions presented in these surveys are solely those of the students and do not represent those of George Fox University. The distribution of these surveys is a service provided to George Fox University students as they prepare their research required by the curriculum. Students are required to have department approval. Any questions about these surveys should be directed to the students associated with the survey in question.

Note library hours for Thanksgiving holiday

Tuesday, November 26th, 2024

The library will close early at 5 p.m. today (Wednesday). The library will be closed Thursday through Saturday, Nov. 28-30, and will reopen at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 1. The 24-hour space will remain open.

Review safety protocol for e-mobility devices

Tuesday, November 26th, 2024

As part of our commitment to campus safety, we want to ensure all personal transportation devices, including bicycles, skateboards and e-mobility devices, are used responsibly. All devices must be operated respectfully on roads and sidewalks only, with operators yielding to pedestrians and using courteous communication when approaching. For everyone’s safety, all devices may not be ridden inside campus buildings, and riders should keep wheels on the ground at all times.

University policy supports the safe and respectful use of e-mobility devices around campus.

  • E-mobility devices, such as e-scooters, e-bikes, and hoverboards, should be ridden at slower speeds, especially in pedestrian-heavy areas.
  • To mitigate fire risks, indoor charging and storage of these devices are strictly prohibited in accordance with Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue guidelines, institutional insurance requirements, and Oregon state law. Riding, storing or charging these devices inside campus buildings is forbidden.
  • Devices must not block fire exits, stairways, or emergency access areas and should be parked only at designated bike racks.
  • Remember, helmets and other safety gear are highly recommended.

We appreciate everyone’s cooperation in keeping our campus safe and accessible for all!

Don’t miss your opportunity to participate in the November Health Challenge

Monday, November 25th, 2024

The November Health Challenge ends this Saturday, Nov. 30! There’s still time to prioritize your well-being and enter to win incredible prizes.

What to do?
Complete the online health assessment. It only takes 10 to 15 minutes to make a meaningful impact on your health journey.

What happens next?
Next week, all participants will receive an email to select their preferred prize basket, and then we’ll draw the winners in a raffle. Don’t miss out!

Let’s finish strong together – your well-being matters. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with health and gratitude!

Recommend outstanding students to be a University Ambassador

Monday, November 25th, 2024

The undergraduate admissions office is looking for outstanding students who love George Fox to apply to the University Ambassador program for the spring semester. Ambassadors represent the university through campus tours and other leadership roles during admissions event days.

Do you know any students that you think are great representatives of George Fox? Please complete this form or send your recommendations to Missy Downs at mdowns@georgefox.edu. Your help is greatly appreciated!

‘Be Rooted’ chapel will take place in the chapel this morning

Monday, November 25th, 2024

“Be Rooted” chapel (Tuesday morning) is moving to the university chapel this morning. Please join us at 10:50 a.m. if you are able to do so for a time of giving thanks through worship and hearing from President Baker.

Be aware of accelerated payroll deadlines in December

Monday, November 25th, 2024

Please note the accelerated payroll deadlines for December. Due to Christmas break, we will have fewer days to process the December payroll. Please have all check requests submitted and approved by Monday, Dec. 9. Employees with timesheets that span Nov. 16 through Dec. 15 should forecast their hours, lock, and have their timesheets approved by Dec. 9. Automated emails will be sent according to these accelerated deadlines.

Regular employee timesheets and student timesheets can be locked at the end of the month as usual. The student payday will be on Friday, Dec. 13, and the regular employee payday will be on Monday, Dec. 23.

Questions? Contact the payroll team at payroll@georgefox.edu.

Discover comprehensive and holistic care for neurological disorders

Monday, November 25th, 2024

Join Providence physicians Dr. Daniel Kelly, Dr. David Merrill, and Dr. Walavan Sivakumar as they lead a community lecture on holistic treatments for dementia, memory loss, depression, and advanced brain tumor therapies.

This group of physicians also discuss strategies to maintain and improve quality of life. Use this link to watch the recorded webinar.

Don’t forget to sign up for the Christmas decorating contest

Monday, November 25th, 2024

Help us spread Christmas cheer throughout campus this season! You are encouraged to sign up your department or office for our annual Christmas decoration competition. Whether you turn your space into a winter wonderland or put up a Charlie Brown tree, all are welcome to participate in this event.

To sign up to be a part, please complete this form. Decorations must be ready to be reviewed by Thursday, Dec. 5.

This year we will have more prizes, more categories, and a panel of student judges. We are asking that those who participate submit a 30- to 60-second video of their decorations. This should be a simple unedited walk-through of your set-up.

Please email Amanda Howard at ahoward@georgefox.edu with questions.

Watch webinar recording: ‘Navigating the Menopause Transition’

Monday, November 25th, 2024

Menopause is a natural biological process, but it often comes with challenges that can impact one’s professional and personal life. Symptoms are widespread and vary from person to person. In this webinar, Providence wellness professionals discuss common issues related to menopause and aging, and ways to support a mentally and physically healthy transition.

Use this link to watch the recording, and download the informational flyer to share with your loved ones.

Register for the Heart to Start program with Providence Basecamp

Monday, November 25th, 2024

Whether you’re looking to form a more consistent movement routine or seeking social connection with a group of like-minded individuals, the Heart to Start program can support you. This program is aimed at helping you build a foundation of movement that can support your wellness journey.

Registration for this program is free and includes virtual or in-person participation. The 12-week program starts on Saturday, Dec. 1, and is available to everyone. Learn more and register here.

Contact Aga Kasprzyk at akasprzyk@georgefox.edu if you have questions.

Review Bon Appetit’s adjusted hours for Thanksgiving break

Monday, November 25th, 2024

Bon Appetit will have adjusted hours for Thanksgiving break. We will have normal hours until dinner on Wednesday, Nov. 27, when we will be closing early at 6 p.m. If you ordered meals for over the break, don’t forget to pick those up before 5:30 p.m.!

The Bridge Cafe and Maker’s Market will be closing at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday. All locations will be closed on Thursday and Friday, Nov. 28-29. We will reopen for brunch and dinner on Saturday with shorter hours.

Please check Instagram, or georgefox.cafebonappetit.com for the most up-to-date information on our hours.

Purchasing a new phone over break? Warning before you buy

Monday, November 25th, 2024

Don’t want to lose access to your George Fox email on Canvas, Zoom, or other apps that use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)? If you only use Okta Verify or Google Authenticator, the app will transfer to your new phone but not the account information

Before purchasing a new phone, set up either SMS (text message) or voice call authentication so you don’t get locked out. 

Manage your verification methods by following the steps we have included.

  1. Go to login.georgefox.edu
  2. Click your name in the upper right corner
  3. From the drop-down menu, select Settings
  4. Scroll down to the section labeled Security Methods

Note: Multi-factor Authentication is required for security purposes and it is impossible to disable it. We do not have any verification methods that are sent via email.

If you got a new phone and activated it without SMS or voice call set-up, then you must contact the Service Desk.

Questions regarding MFA? Contact the Service Desk at servicedesk@georgefox.edu or 503-554-2569.

Review safety protocol for e-mobility devices

Monday, November 25th, 2024

As part of our commitment to campus safety, we want to ensure all personal transportation devices, including bicycles, skateboards and e-mobility devices, are used responsibly. All devices must be operated respectfully on roads and sidewalks only, with operators yielding to pedestrians and using courteous communication when approaching. For everyone’s safety, all devices may not be ridden inside campus buildings, and riders should keep wheels on the ground at all times.

University policy supports the safe and respectful use of e-mobility devices around campus.

  • E-mobility devices, such as e-scooters, e-bikes, and hoverboards, should be ridden at slower speeds, especially in pedestrian-heavy areas.
  • To mitigate fire risks, indoor charging and storage of these devices are strictly prohibited in accordance with Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue guidelines, institutional insurance requirements, and Oregon state law. Riding, storing or charging these devices inside campus buildings is forbidden.
  • Devices must not block fire exits, stairways, or emergency access areas and should be parked only at designated bike racks.
  • Remember, helmets and other safety gear are highly recommended.

We appreciate everyone’s cooperation in keeping our campus safe and accessible for all!