
Monday, December 10th, 2007

Dec. 11   Tatiana Cevallos
Dec. 13   Marvin Clarkson, Steve Grant, Dana Miller
Dec. 14   Gennie Harris, Janelle Townsend
Dec. 15   Paul Corbett-Furgal, Rick Muthiah, Cliff Rosenbohm
Dec. 17   Becky Ankeny, Gary Buhler, Viki Defferding
Dec. 19   Phil Smith
Dec. 20   Howard Macy
Dec. 22   Robin Ashford, Jenny Getsinger
Dec. 23   Rodger Bufford
Dec. 24   Jeong Ahn, Greg Allen, Bethany Goldman
Dec. 25   Danya Ochsner, Debby O’Kelley
Dec. 26   Carol Namburi
Dec. 28   Robert Simpson
Dec. 30   Lori DeKruyf
Dec. 31   Sherrie Frost, Eric Funasaki
Jan. 1     David Hansen, Bob Harder
Jan. 3     Julie Green, Jack Harris, Sarah Marvin, Amber Russell
Jan. 4     Brenda Graf, Chris Koch, Dan Van der water
Jan. 5     Melva Lloyd, Joy Reimann
Jan. 6     Merrill Johnson
Jan. 7     Cathy Peterson

Comings and Goings

Monday, November 26th, 2007

hickok-molly-web.jpgMolly Hickok joined Health and Counseling Services this month as an administrative assistant. She worked previously at Acumen Financial Group Services of Wilsonville, where she was an administrative assistant the past two years. Before that, she held the same position at Wilsonville Christian Academy for eight years. Molly earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Portland State University in 1987. She lives in Sherwood with her husband Todd and two of her sons, Brennan and Sam. Her oldest son, Nathan, is a freshman at Corban College. She attends Countryside Community Church in Sherwood.

Manfred Tschan (Health and Human Performance) announced his resignation as head coach of the university’s men’s soccer team. Manfred was with the program 20 years – 19 of them as head coach. He will remain as an assistant professor of health and human performance the rest of the academic year, then join Newberg-based Action Inc., a manufacturer of mechanical sorters, conveyors, and other machinery.

Matt McDonough (Admissions) left the university earlier this month.

About Our People

Monday, November 26th, 2007

Daniel Sweeney (Counseling), director of the university’s Northwest Center for Play Therapy Studies, was named national president-elect of the Association for Play Therapy during its October conference in Hollywood, Calif. APT is a national professional society formed to advance the field of play therapy. It sponsors research, training, and credentialing programs to assist the professional development of its more than 5,000 member psychologists, social workers, counselors, and marriage and family therapists in approximately 25 nations.


Monday, November 26th, 2007

Nov. 28   Clella Jaffe
Nov. 29   Arden Butler, Michelle Conrad, Krissy Findley
Nov. 30   John Barber, Melanie Hulbert
Dec. 3     Brad Lau, Devorah Overbay
Dec. 4     Alan Kluge
Dec. 6     Kris Thompson
Dec. 7     Jan Thomas
Dec. 8     Kerry Irish
Dec. 9     Marisabel Gouvernor
Dec. 10   Carlisle Chambers

Comings and Goings

Monday, November 12th, 2007

annie_rilette.jpgAnnie Rilette joined Health and Counseling Services as a nurse in late October. She arrives from Sitka, Alaska, where she was a primary nurse at a family practice and internal medicine clinic the past three years. Before that, she was a nurse on the pediatric oncology floor at a children’s hospital in Seattle for a year. Annie earned a bachelor of science in nursing degree from Oregon Health & Science University in 2003 and attended George Fox from 1998 to 2001. She lives in Newberg.

darren_funk.jpgDarren Funk joined Custodial Services as a custodian in late October. He most recently worked as machine technician for the Fujimi Corporation in Tualatin and, before that, was a customer service representative for Affiliated Computer Services of Portland. Darren earned a bachelor’s degree in cinema and media communication from George Fox in 2004. He lives in Newberg and attends North Valley Friends Church in Newberg.

About Our People

Monday, November 12th, 2007

Four essays by Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) have been published this month, including “Antichristic Errors – Flawed Interpretations Regarding the Johannine Antichrists,” and “Errors of the Antichrists – Proselytizing Schism and Assimilative Teaching within the Johannine Situation” (in Text and Community, Essay in Commemoration of Bruce M. Metzger). Also published were “‘You Have the Words of Eternal Life!’: Is Peter Presented as Returning the Keys of the Kingdom to Jesus in John 6:68?” (in Neotestamentica) and “From One Quest to Another: The Johannine Conception of Authentic Faith as a Response to the Divine Initiative” (a response to John Painter’s essay in What We Have Heard from the Beginning: The Past, Present and Future of Johannine Studies). Paul also moved from co-chair to chair of the John, Jesus, and History Group at the national SBL meetings for a three-year term.

Tom Head
(Economics) participated in a Nov. 10-12 consultation in Philadelphia entitled “A New Call to Visionary Leadership,” sponsored by the Thomas H. and Mary Williams Shoemaker Fund. About 40 Friends in leadership roles across the United States were invited to the event, which aimed to “generate and articulate an emerging vision, create a process for continued discernment, and consider ways to empower effective servant leadership among Friends,” according to organizers.

In the News

Monday, November 12th, 2007

Paul Anderson’s (Religious Studies) article, “Aspects of Historicity in the Gospel of John: Implications for Investigations of Jesus and Archaeology,” was referenced in a Christianity Today article that appeared in the magazine’s October issue. The article, “A Grounded Faith,” discusses how archeology reveals biblical insights. It can be viewed at:


Monday, November 12th, 2007

Nov. 12   Kelly Borror
Nov. 14   Colleen Huffman, Jan LeFebvre
Nov. 15   Danielle Ambrose, Matt McDonough
Nov. 16   Carol Jaquith
Nov. 17   Sue O’Donnell
Nov. 18   Kathleen Jones, Shary Wortman
Nov. 19   Bob Hamilton
Nov. 21   Melissa Croteau
Nov. 22   Vern Choin, Dwight Kimberly
Nov. 23   Lon Fendall, Laura Simmons
Nov. 24   Mark Sundquist
Nov. 26   Larry Weber

Comings and Goings

Monday, October 29th, 2007

burda-bill-web.jpgBill Burda joined Mail Services in October to work part time as a courier/clerk. He arrives from Salem Equipment, where he was a shop worker since 1982. He is originally from the Sherwood area, where he attended school through high school. Bill lives in Newberg with wife Daina, and the couple has two children, Jane and Joey. He attends St. Paul Lutheran Church in Sherwood.

lyda-jack-web.jpgJack Lyda is the new operations manager for the School of Professional Studies at the Portland Center. He replaces Melva Lloyd, who has elected to work on a part-time basis. In the last two years, Jack worked as a financial assistant, a loan officer for a mortgage company, a reserve deputy sheriff, and an instructor pilot. He also spent nearly 21 years in the Air Force. This marks a return to the university for Jack, who was a groundskeeper in 2003-04. He earned a master’s degree in military studies from American Military University in Virginia in 1998. He lives in Newberg with his wife Sandy, son Kyle, and daughter Stephanie. They attend 2nd Street Community Church in Newberg.

dillow-mike-web.jpgMike Dillow joined Security Services as a security officer this month. He worked previously as owner of an Internet marketing consulting business, a project manager at Symantec of Springfield, Ore., and as an owner of a temp agency in California. He formerly served in the U.S. Navy, where he studied advanced electronics. Michael lives in Newberg with his wife, Janeen, who works at the university’s Portland Center library. They have six boys – three who attend George Fox (Ben, Nathan and David), two who graduated from the university (Joshua and Jesse), and their oldest, Aaron.

dougherty-meredith-web.jpgMeredith Dougherty returned to the university to work part time as Act Six program coordinator. She was an area coordinator at George Fox from 2002 to 2006 and continues to serve as an instructor in the university’s first-year seminar program. Meredith also worked as an admissions counselor at George Fox the three years before she became an area coordinator. She earned a master’s degree in college student affairs from Azusa Pacific University in 2004. She lives in Newberg with her husband, Ryan, director of undergraduate admissions. They have a 1-year-old son, Quinn, and attend Northside Community Church in Newberg.

Holley Clough
(Health and Counseling Services) is leaving the university after eight years. A farewell reception for her is scheduled from 2 to 3 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 30, in the Stevens Center lobby. She has accepted a faculty position at Multnomah Bible College.

About Our People

Monday, October 29th, 2007

Bruce Strom’s (School for Professional Studies) interview, “Leadership is about providing direction with motivation,” appeared in the Oct. 8, 2007 issue of the Idaho Business Review. The article was part of an ongoing series on the topics of business leadership, ethics, and longevity.

Paul Anderson’s
coedited collection of essays by an international selection of Jesus and Johannine scholars, John, Jesus, and History; Vol. 1, Critical Assessments of Critical Views (SBL Press Symposium Series), was published in October. Paul is co-chair of the JJH project at national meetings of the Society of Biblical Literature/American Academy of Religion, and the book will be featured at the national meetings in November. His 2006 book, The Fourth Gospel and the Quest for Jesus; Modern Foundations Reconsidered (T&T Clark), was just printed in paperback. In addition, Paul attended the Faith and Order Consultation meetings of the NCCC in Indianapolis Oct. 11-13 and was inducted into the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, an international New Testament society, at its summer meetings held this year in Romania.

Bonnie Jerke (Career Services) was part of a review team for Terry Arndt and his latest book for new professionals. Terry is from Life After Graduation and authored Backpack to Briefcase, used by Career Services in a course on finding suitable employment. Bonnie reviewed and provided feedback on chapters relating to career development.

Bob Harder (Engineering) and the engineering department hosted a group of students and faculty from Oregon School for the Blind in Salem Oct. 16. Engineering has been working with the school over the past year to develop technologies that may assist its students.

In the Family

Monday, October 29th, 2007

From Ginger Hoover (Plant Services): “Thanks for 25 years of meaningful work and relationships. My retirement parties were wonderful, and I’ve never felt so honored and appreciated. The surprise visits from Helen Rose and Teri Ginther Howard as well as the presence of other past coworkers and colleagues were definite highlights. I was overwhelmed with the cards, flowers, and words of encouragement. May God’s richest blessings continue to cover George Fox. Thanks for the memories.”

Mark Pothoff (Student Life) and his wife Olivia welcomed a baby girl, Kaselyn Rose, at 1:52 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 23. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long. Kaselyn is the Pothoffs’ second child, joining 2-year-old sister Tenley.


Monday, October 29th, 2007

Oct. 30   Darren Noble
Nov. 1   Dave Johnstone, Polly Peterson
Nov. 2   Gloria Foltz
Nov. 4   Tom Head, John Stewart, Melissa Thomas
Nov. 5   Jared Ocker
Nov. 7   Doug Campbell
Nov. 8   Connor Edmonds
Nov. 9   Jack Lyda
Nov. 10  Vicki Ring
Nov. 11  Denise DeCicco, Sean Patterson

Comings and Goings

Monday, October 15th, 2007

Amy Karjala (Development) left George Fox Oct. 12 after a decade of service to the university. She has accepted a position with the Mission Increase Foundation in Lake Oswego.

Josh Priester (Security Services) will leave his full-time role with Security Services in mid-October to accept a teaching position at Chemeketa Community College. He will continue as a part-time coach and adjunct instructor.

Movers and Quakers

Monday, October 15th, 2007

Peter Crackenberg (Web Development) has been promoted to the position of director of web development. He replaces Gloria Foltz, who has accepted the position of executive assistant to the vice president of enrollment services.

About Our People

Monday, October 15th, 2007

Jim Steele’s (Management) paper, “Veterinary Professionals in a Corporate Practice: Diagnosing Sources of Friction between Professional and Business Roles,” earned Best Paper honors in the Organizational Behavior, Development and Theory division by the Institute for Behavioral and Applied Management (IBAM). Jim presented the paper at the IBAM XV conference in Reno, Nev., Oct. 4-6.

The Office of Career Services (Bonnie Jerke, Darren Noble, and Christee Wise) hosted the regular meeting of the Oregon Liberal Arts Placement Consortium on Sept. 28. OLAPC consists of career officials from nine Oregon small colleges and universities planning the annual First Avenue Spring Job and Graduate School Fair, scheduled for April 3, 2008.

In the News

Monday, October 15th, 2007

George Fox is highlighted in a recent CCCU eAdvance magazine article, “Putting Web 2.0 to Work,” written by Rob Felton (Marketing and Communications). The article is available at:,newsID.573/ns_news_detail.asp.

Jim Foster (Provost) was quoted in the Monday, Oct. 8, issue of the Washington Post, in an article, “Charting Courses to Make Subjects Click,” that discussed the unconventional courses that engage students in the learning process better than traditionally conceived classes. “It might seem silly to those outside academia that a student can take ‘Baseball in American History’ instead of ‘History of the U.S.,’” Jim says. “But history is a methodology, not just content, and the methods of historians can be learned in the baseball course.”

A course titled “Detective Fiction” isn’t exactly the equivalent of “British Literature to 1660,” but literary criticism is taught in both courses, and that may be the “most important teaching goal, more important than specific content,” he said.

In the Family

Monday, October 15th, 2007

Rick Muthiah (Center for Teaching and Learning) and his wife, Beth, welcomed their fourth child, Esther Priyanka Allison, at 3:31 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 26. The baby was 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. She joins older brothers Caleb, Corban, and Malachi.


Monday, October 15th, 2007

Oct. 15    Gina Worley
Oct. 16    Clint Baldwin, Richard Shaw
Oct. 18    Travis Morgan
Oct. 19    Rita Boggs
Oct. 21    Teresa Arnold, Helen Morse
Oct. 22    Jules Glanzer, Randy Pitts
Oct. 23    Andy Baker
Oct. 24    Ryan Dougherty, Al Zimmerman
Oct. 25    Beth Schafer
Oct. 26    Linda Sartwell
Oct. 27    Bruce Arnold

Comings and Goings

Friday, September 28th, 2007

randy-pitts-cropped-mug.jpgRandy Pitts is a new custodial supervisor for Plant Services. He most recently worked at Champoeg State Park as a ranger aide. He also taught Greek at Cor Deo Christian Academy in Beaverton for a year and gained management experience at various retailers and restaurants the last 10 years. He earned a bachelor’s degree in biblical studies from George Fox in 2005. Randy lives in Newberg with his wife Rebecca and son Elijah. He attends Grace Baptist Church.

rosenberry-melissa-c_121d5.jpgMelissa Rosenberry joined the admissions department as an administrative assistant in September. For the past six years, she worked as a compliance administrator and administrative assistant for the Northwest Natural gas company in Portland. Before that, she was a statistician and administrative assistant at the University of Puget Sound for three years. Melissa earned a bachelor’s degree in international business from the University of Puget Sound in 2003. She lives in Newberg with husband Tim and attends Southlake Foursquare Church in West Linn.

shannon-wheelock-cro_1c611e.jpgShannan Wheelock joined Custodial Services as a supervisor this month. Most recently, she worked at Newberg High School as a child development specialist, assisting teen parents complete their high school studies. She also has worked as a teacher at Bright Horizons Learning Center at Nike in Beaverton, a facility for 3- to 6-year-olds, since 2002. Shannan attended Ashmead College, where she took sports massage therapy courses in 2004-05, and Portland Community College for two years. She lives in Dundee with husband Caleb and attends 2nd Street Community Church.

Movers and Quakers

Friday, September 28th, 2007

Dwayne Astleford (Custodial Services) is now superintendent of custodial services, taking the position following the retirement of Ginger Hoover.

Robin Halverson (Marketing and Communications) has been hired as an admissions counselor in the School of Management. She replaces Amber Russell, who was named director of the MBA program’s professional track in August.