
Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Jan. 27       Karen Henry
Jan. 29       Paul Jenness
Jan. 31       Missy Terry
Feb. 1         Andrea Byerley, Bonnie Jerke, Bruce Owen
Feb. 2        Dave Adrian, Russ DeVore
Feb. 3        Mark McLeod-Harrison, Carolyn Stansell
Feb. 4        Gloria Doherty, Chris Schlarbaum
Feb. 5        Barbi Doran, Jeremy Stephens
Feb. 6        David Kerr
Feb. 8        Marcella Gowan

Comings and Goings

Monday, January 11th, 2010

BaldwinClintClint Baldwin is the new director of the Center for Peace and Justice and the Center for Global Studies. He also continues in political science under joint appointment as assistant professor of international studies. Baldwin has taught at George Fox since 2006 on an adjunct, part-time and full-time basis. Previously, he taught at Asbury Theological Seminary, Asbury College and the University of Kentucky. His PhD work is in communications (international/intercultural) through the University of Kentucky’s College of Communications & Information Studies. He holds master’s degrees in intercultural studies (Asbury Theological Seminary) and political science (Western Michigan University). Clint is married to Sarah, the university pastor, and they have a daughter, Madeline (9). They live two blocks from campus and attend Newberg Friends.

BurgessAbbyAbby Burgess joined the Office of Student Life as an administrative assistant last month. A graduate of George Fox last spring, when she earned a bachelor’s degree in history, she has worked at The Allison Inn and Spa in Newberg as a front-desk agent since August. Before that, she worked in George Fox’s residence life office as a resident assistant (2006-08), assistant area coordinator (2008-09) and as a summer resident assistant (2009). She also served as a teaching assistant in the university’s history department in 2008-09. Abby grew up in Mexico and Papua New Guinea, where her parents were missionaries. She lives in Newberg with her husband Ben, who also graduated from George Fox last spring. They attend Newberg Fellowship.

DeltavenKristieAfter filling the position on a temporary basis since September, Kristie DeHaven was hired in December to serve as a graduate admissions counselor for the School of Education. She also worked on a temporary basis as an administrative assistant for George Fox’s full-time MBA program earlier this year. Before that, she lived in South Korea and Taiwan with her family for six years. Kristie earned both a master’s degree (1987) and a bachelor’s degree (1986) in elementary education from Oregon State University. She lives in Sherwood with her husband, Dan, and the couple has three boys – Tyler, Drew and Nolan. They attend Grace Chapel in Wilsonville.

TafflingerRyanRyan Tafflinger joined the university full time last week as a computer specialist IV after serving in the position on a temporary basis. Since September, he has worked in IT as a computer technician, working with both the Macintosh and Microsoft systems. He arrived in Oregon from Indiana after earning a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Anderson University in the spring. He lives in McMinnville with his wife Sidney and attends McMinnville Covenant Church.

Lon Fendall (Center for Peace and Justice/Center for Global Studies) retired from the university earlier this month. He and his wife Raelene will be busy raising three of their grandchildren, and as time permits, he plans to be involved with Friends ministries in Africa. He worked at George Fox the past 10 years and was also at the university for five years in the late 1980s and four years in the early 1970s.

Dave Covington (Enrollment Recruiter/Boise Center) left the university at the end of December. He is the new dean of Prairie College of Applied Arts and Technology in Alberta, Canada.

About Our People

Monday, January 11th, 2010

Kevin T. Jones (Communication Arts) published a journal article titled “The Religious Rhetoric of Barack Obama: Courting the Faith Based Voter” in the January 2010 edition of Pop Culture and Faith. The article explores the rhetorical strategies employed by Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential campaign designed to attract more faith-based voters.

Ed Higgins’ (English) poem, “swimming mallards,” appears in the current issue of Haiku Reality, a Serbian-English haiku journal. Ed also had his poem “Eve’s Tale” appear in the Winter 2009 edition of Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose magazine.

Kenn Willson (Performing Arts) will perform in concert at the First Presbyterian Church in Portland at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 24. Willson will present “Encounters with Beethoven,” a multi-media piano recital with slides and personal insights into Beethoven. Tickets are available at the door and are $10 for general admission and $8 for seniors and students. Learn more at


Monday, January 11th, 2010

Jan. 12        Tim Rahschulte
Jan. 13        Ron Arnold
Jan. 14        Jim Steele
Jan. 15        Janeen Dillow, Debbie Hawblitzel
Jan. 17        Marley Brown, Ron Stansell
Jan. 18        Dwayne Astleford, Robin Baker, Dot Tobey
Jan. 22        John Smith
Jan. 23        Bill Buhrow, Mike Foster, John Johnson, Kris Molitor
Jan. 24        Steve Edwards

Comings and Goings

Monday, December 14th, 2009

WebberMichelleMichelle Webber joined the Tilikum staff as office manager earlier this month. For the past eight years, she worked as a computer and graphics consultant for Webber Consulting in Canby, a company that provides information technology services to businesses and home users throughout the Pacific Northwest. Before that, she was an administrative assistant for the National Association of Reunion Managers for three years. She’s also been active in her community as a member of the Canby Area Chamber of Commerce and other organizations. Michelle lives in Canby with her teenage children, Brittnee and Morgan. They attend Canby Christian Church.

Megan Marsh (Student Life) is leaving George Fox at the end of the month. She is completing the university’s Master of Arts in Teaching program and will work this spring as a full-time student teacher at Glencoe High School in Hillsboro. Upon graduation in the spring, she and her husband plan to move to Southern California.

Rhonda Bonham (Graduate Admissions) has left the university to stay home with her infant son Gabriel. She had served as an admissions counselor in the School of Education for five years.

About Our People

Monday, December 14th, 2009

Ed Higgins’ (English) poem “Santa’s Stuck” was published in the current issue of Danse Macabre XXX, a Nevada online literary magazine.


Monday, December 14th, 2009

Dec. 15    Paul Corbett-Furgal, Rick Muthiah, Cliff Rosenbohm
Dec. 17    Becky Ankeny, Gary Buhler, Viki Defferding
Dec. 19    Phil Smith
Dec. 20    Howard Macy
Dec. 22    Robin Ashford, Jennifer Getsinger
Dec. 23    Rodger Bufford
Dec. 24    Jeong Ahn, Greg Allen, Bethany Goldman
Dec. 25    Ken Armstrong, Danya Ochsner, Debby O’Kelley
Dec. 26    Carol Namburi
Dec. 28    Robert Simpson
Dec. 30    Lori DeKruyf
Dec. 31    Sherrie Frost
Jan. 1      Bob Harder, Mandria Montplaisir
Jan. 3      Julie Green, Sarah Marvin, Amber Russell
Jan. 4      Brenda Graf, Chris Koch, Dan Vanderwater
Jan. 5      Melva Lloyd, Joy Reimann
Jan. 6      Merrill Johnson
Jan. 7      Cathy Peterson
Jan. 8      Jonathan Morell
Jan. 9      Mary Cameron, Shannan Wheelock
Jan. 10    George Byrtek, Dave Covington, Keith Schneider, Larry Shelton
Jan. 11    Ginny Birky

Comings and Goings

Monday, November 30th, 2009

StCyrStephanieStephanie St. Cyr began work last week as the student transitions program coordinator. She comes from Bethany University in California, where she was
director of student life from 2003 to 2008. She also worked as an adjunct
instructor (two years), as director of camps and conferences (two years) and
as an admissions counselor (two years) during her tenure at Bethany.
Before that, she was a substitute teacher for a year in the public school
system in Springfield, Mo. Stephanie earned a bachelor’s degree in
communication studies from Evangel University in 1999 and is earning a
master’s degree in college student affairs from Azusa Pacific University.
She lives in Newberg with husband Rusty, the university’s director of
spiritual formation. They have an 8-month-old daughter, Ella Sophia.

BrennanNancyNancy Brannen joined the university last week as a field placement coordinator in the School of Education. She comes to George Fox from Horizon Christian Middle School in Tualatin, where she was the administrative assistant to the principal from 2005 to 2008. More recently, she did administrative and inside sales work in Tualatin for a valve and instrumentation representative. She also served as a special education assistant in the Sherwood School District earlier this year. Nancy earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting and systems analysis from Taylor University in 1984. She lives in Tualatin with her 15-year-old-son, Mitchell, who is a freshman at Sherwood High School. They attend Grace Point Community Church in Tigard, where they are both involved in ministry.

About Our People

Monday, November 30th, 2009

Mark David Hall (Political Science) was interviewed on Nov. 23 by Coral Ridge Ministries about the book he coedited with Daniel L. Dreisbach, The Sacred Rights of Conscience. The new book provides a collection of primary sources that illuminate the discussions and debates about religious liberty in the American founding era.

Kathy Heininge (English) attended the American Conference for Irish Studies – West meeting in Los Gatos, Calif., in October. At the end of the meeting, her term as president of the organization ended. In November, she was invited to speak at National University of Ireland in Galway at the international symposium, “Ibsen and Chekhov on the Irish Stage.” Her paper, derived from her master’s thesis, was “Ibsen and Yeats: The Use of Myth in Establishing National Drama.” The conference proceedings will be published by Carysfort Press in Dublin. Finally, Kathy’s article on playwright Gerard Stembridge appeared in Deviant Acts, a scholarly collection also published by Carysfort Press.

Peter Crackenberg (Marketing Communications) was named the Employee of the Month for November.

In the Family

Monday, November 30th, 2009

Patrick Kelley (Graduate Admissions) and his wife Maria welcomed a girl, Reesa Rene, on Nov. 20. The baby was 7 pounds, 7 ounces and 20 inches long. She was born at Legacy Meridian Park Hospital.


Monday, November 30th, 2009

Dec. 3      Brad Lau, Devorah Overbay
Dec. 4      Alan Kluge
Dec. 7      Amy Lutz
Dec. 8      Kerry Irish
Dec. 10    Carlisle Chambers
Dec. 11    Tatiana Cevallos
Dec. 13    Steve Grant
Dec. 14    Lissa Forbes, Janelle Olivarez

About Our People

Monday, November 16th, 2009

Keith Dempsey (Graduate Counseling) presented at the 2009 Oregon Counselor Association Conference, held at the Sheraton Hotel in Portland Nov. 7. The title of his presentation was “Counselor Culturally Sensitivity: Working with Black Males.”

Erin Macy (Admissions) recently published a book, Golfing With Your Eyes Closed: Mastering Visualization Techniques for Exceptional Golf, with publisher McGraw Hill. In it, she shares practical exercises and professional advice to help golfers improve their mental toughness and take their game to the next level.

In the Family

Monday, November 16th, 2009

Tim Goodfellow (Student Life) and his wife Laura welcomed a son, Jesse William, on Nov. 9. Born at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center, he was 9 pounds, 6 ounces and 22.5 inches long. He is the Goodfellows’ first child.


Monday, November 16th, 2009

Nov. 17    Sue O’Donnell
Nov. 18    Kathleen Sims, Shary Wortman
Nov. 19    Bob Hamilton
Nov. 22    Vern Choin, Dwight Kimberly
Nov. 23    Lon Fendall, Laura Simmons
Nov. 24    Waneen White, Mark Sundquist
Nov. 26    Larry Weber
Nov. 28    Clella Jaffe
Nov. 29    Arden Butler, Michelle Conrad, Kristina Findley, Barbara Lybarger
Nov. 30    John Barber, Melanie Hulbert

Comings and Goings

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

KelleyPatrick Kelley joined the admissions office to work as an enrollment counselor for graduate programs. He most recently worked in South Korea, where he served as a business English consultant from July of 2008 until August of this year. Among his duties were counseling and advising youth professionals on overseas job seeking and hosting one-on-one sessions with Korean business professionals. Before that, he worked for three and a half years as the college pastor at Salem Alliance Church in Salem, Ore. Patrick earned both an MBA (2005) and a bachelor’s degree in religious studies (2004) from Willamette University. He lives in Portland with his wife of three years, Maria, and they are expecting their first child this month. They are currently attending Mosaic Church in Portland.

About Our People

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

Brent Weaver’s (Performing Arts) Psalm for solo alto saxophone will be released this month on a CD by saxophonist Joseph Wytko ( The new album, titled Passions Large & Small, will be available through CD vendors as well as on iTunes. Wytko will also be performing Weaver’s piece on concert tours in the U.S. and Europe this year.

Brent also did an interview with Andrea Murray of KBPS All-Classical radio on Oct. 21. In it, he spoke about the faculty recital presented on campus Oct. 24, which featured the world premiere of his Legends for piano and electric sounds, performed by Portland pianist Maria Choban.

Paul Otto (History) spoke on “The Sale of Manhattan: Real Estate Fraud or Real Cultural Differences?” to the Pacific Northwest branch of the Holland Society of New York in Astoria, Ore., on Oct. 17.

Mark David Hall (Political Science) coedited a book, The Forgotten Founders on Religion and Public Life, published by the University of Notre Dame Press in October. According to the publisher, “The interdisciplinary volume brings together essays on 11 of the founders of the American republic, many of whom are either little recognized today or little appreciated for their contributions. The essays focus on the thinking of these men and women on the proper role of religion in public life, including but not limited to the question of the separation of church and state.”

Lori DeKruyf, Richard Shaw and Keith Dempsey (Graduate Counseling) attended the national conference of the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision in San Diego Oct. 14-18. Lori gave a roundtable on “The Working Alliance as a Site Visit Screening Framework: Practical Tools to Connect With, Evaluate, and Equip Potential School Counseling Site Supervisors.” Richard and Keith each attended trainings, with Keith attending the ACES emerging leaders workshop and Richard a training to become a accreditation site visit representative.

Lori also attended and co-presented with four school counseling alumni (Darcell Dance, Emily Sallee, Liz Mogil and Gary Kieser) at the Oregon School Counseling Association’s fall conference at Kah Nee Tah, Ore., Oct. 9-10. The presentation was titled “Success Amidst Stress.” Also, an article Lori collaborated on, “Peer Consultation Groups: Developing a Global Culture of Collaboration for School Counselors,” was published in the Journal for International Counselor Education.

Kevin T. Jones (Communication Arts) had two papers accepted for presentation at the National Communication Association’s annual convention Nov. 19-22 in Chicago. The first paper, “The Heteroglottal Religious Rhetoric of Barack Obama: Courting the Evangelical Vote,” explores the president’s rhetoric during the 2008 campaign targeted specifically at attracting the evangelical voter. The second paper, “Jargon Intimidation: Rethinking Labels and Privileging Concepts in the Basic Public Speaking Course,” offers a new paradigm for teaching the basic communication course.

Rand Michael (Graduate Counseling) is receiving Northwest Nazarene University’s Professional Achievement Award this week. Michael, a 1968 NNU graduate, is an international speaker, writer, trainer, consultant and clinician who, with wife Phyllis, founded TELOS international, an organization that trains mental health professionals worldwide. The award is given to “an alumnus whose distinguished record of achievement has brought honor and recognition to the university,” according to NNU.

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) coedited John, Jesus, and History: Vol. 2, Aspects of Historicity in the Fourth Gospel, published by the Society of Biblical Literature Press this month. The book is the second of a three-volume collection of essays by leading international scholars on a controversial topic: challenging the standard practice of excluding the Gospel of John from the conversation of a historical Jesus.

Ron Shaw (Plant Services) was selected as the October Employee of the Month.

In the Family

Monday, November 2nd, 2009

Rhonda Bonham (Graduate Admissions/School of Education) and her husband, Steve, adopted their first child, Gabriel Steven, on Sept. 27. Born at Good Samaritan in Portland, he weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces and was 21 inches long.


Monday, November 2nd, 2009

Nov. 4         Tom Head, John Stewart, Melissa Thomas
Nov. 5         Jared Ocker
Nov. 7         Doug Campbell
Nov. 9         Jack Lyda
Nov. 11       Denise DeCicco, Sean Patterson
Nov. 12       Kelly Borror
Nov. 14       Colleen Huffman, Jan Lefebvre
Nov. 15       Dani Ambrose
Nov. 16       Carol Jaquith

About Our People

Monday, October 19th, 2009

Paul Otto (History) presented “Henry Hudson, the Munsees, and the Wampum Revolution” at a conference, “Henry Hudson, New Netherland, & Atlantic History,” at State University of New York at New Paltz on Sept. 25. He also published “Intercultural Relations between Natives and Europeans in New Netherland” in Four Centuries of Dutch-American Relations, 1609-2009 (Albany: SUNY Press, 2009). Finally, Paul also published museum exhibition catalog entries on Wampum and Munsee Indians in Dutch New York Between East and West: The World of Margrieta van Varick (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009).

Jim Steele (School of Business) led a concurrent session titled “Tipping the Career Ladder: Is Up the Only Way?” at the Northwest Human Resource Management Association conference at the Portland Convention Center on Sept. 30. The workshop was part of a special track for HR professionals in transition. The conference was attended by about 600 HR professionals from Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska.

In the Family

Monday, October 19th, 2009

Jeff Duerr (Biology) and his wife Suzanne welcomed a baby girl, Trillium Elizabeth Duerr, on Sept. 24. Born at Providence Newberg Medical Center, she was 7 pounds, 5 ounces and 21 inches long. She joins two older sisters, Tabitha (4) and Brigitte (2).