About Our People

Monday, April 26th, 2010

The university announced recipients of its annual undergraduate faculty achievement awards last week. Rhett Luedtke (Performing Arts) won the award for undergraduate teaching and Paul Otto (History) was selected for the undergraduate research and scholarship award. The graduate faculty achievement awards will be announced later this week.

Members of the Academic Resource Center (ARC) staff made two presentations at the Pacific Northwest Writing Centers Association Conference at Western Oregon University on April 10. Rick Muthiah, Gary Tandy and Jana Tan presented “Crossing the Cultural Chasm: International Students at the Writing Center.” Gary also made a presentation to writing center directors entitled “Writing Center Administration: Creating a Student Ownership Culture.” Also attending the conference were ARC consultants Hannah Adderly, Amy Wery and Eric Butler.

Douglas Campbell (Visual Arts) had his acrylic painting “I Pledge Allegiance to the Fish” accepted into Expressions West 2010, a juried exhibit sponsored by the Coos Art Museum. The exhibit runs through July 3. In addition, two of his poems, “Erosion” and “Angel’s Rest,” are included in Nature’s Gift, an anthology published in March by Vanilla Heart Press.

For most of 18 days, Nadine Kincaid (Security Services) was a volunteer Olympic driver for members of the International Olympic Committee during the Winter Games. It marked the second time she volunteered for the Winter Olympics.

Kelly Chang and Chris Koch (Psychology) joined Joel Perez (Student Life) in presenting “The Role of Openness and General Education in Developing Critical Thinking about Diversity” at the Christians on Diversity in the Academy’s annual conference hosted by Azusa Pacific University on March 25.

Rick Muthiah coauthored with Robert Bringle and Julie Hatcher “The role of service-learning on the retention of first-year students to the second year,” published in the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning. Bringle and Hatcher work at the Center for Service and Learning at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI).

Tom Head’s (International Studies) article, “Economic Peacemaking,” was published in the Spring 2010 issue of Sacred Journey: The Journal of Fellowship in Prayer.

Ed Higgins (English) published the poem “Memory at Near Zero” in the April issue of Dark Sky Magazine.

Teresa Arnold (Biology) and Dave Johnstone (Student Life) were selected the university’s employees of the month for April.


Monday, April 26th, 2010

April 27     Pat Vandehey
May 1        Patrick Allen
May 2        Elaine Smith
May 3        Angela Doty, Michael Everest
May 5        Robert Bonner
May 6        Greg Smith
May 7        Betty Cordill
May 8        Molly Hickok, Brent Wilson, Deb Worden
May 10      Jim Jackson, Amy Lorenz, Christopher Meade
May 12      Marla Sweningson
May 14      Kathi Becker, Don Powers
May 15      Dirk Barram
May 16      Jim Fleming, Audrey Williamson
May 17      Paul Anderson
May 18      Paul Otto, Cynthia Weston
May 20      Dan Predoehl
May 21      Brooke McGillivray
May 22      Cliff Berger
May 23      Chuck Conniry
May 24      Brenda Morton

Comings and Goings

Monday, April 12th, 2010

After 14 years at the seminary, Carole Spencer has accepted a faculty position at the Earlham School of Religion in Richmond, Ind. A farewell reception for her is scheduled from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday, April 26, at the seminary.

The university community is invited to a farewell reception for Richard Engnell (Communication Arts) from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 20, in the Stevens Center (Duke) Atrium. Richard is retiring after serving at the university for 32 years.

About Our People

Monday, April 12th, 2010

Several English professors presented papers at the annual West Regional Conference on Christianity and Literature, held at California Baptist University in Riverside, Calif., March 25-27. Presentations were made by Kathleen Heininge (“Virginia Woolf and Her Quaker Aunt, Carolina Stephen”), Ed Higgins (“RE/Reading the Moral Cap on Alisoun’s Gat-tothe”), Melanie Springer Mock (“Love, Marriage, Horse and Carriage: The Family in Amish Romance Fiction”) and Abigail Rine (“Destabilizing the African American Patriarch: Alice Walker’s By the Light of My Father’s Smile”).

In addition, recent graduates Kohleun Adamson (Philosophy/Gender Studies) and Jeff Bilbro (English) presented papers, the former presenting “Mamma Knows Best Daddy’s Needs: Matriarchal Patriarchy in Trans-national Women’s Fiction” and the latter “Wendell Berry’s Good Work: Uniting Affection and Fidelity in The Memory of Old Jack.” Kohleun and Ed also read selections of their respective poetry in a session titled “Creative Writing: Poetry in Action.”

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) will teach a free six-week series (April 18 to May 26) at Reedwood Friends Church (2901 S.E. Steele, in Portland) on “The Riddles of the Fourth Gospel.” Sessions meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays and from 11 a.m. to noon on Sundays. Also, Marcus Borg will join Paul for a public dialogue on the “Gospels and Jesus in Bi-Optic Perspective” on May 19 and a special Saturday, May 22, session.

Laura Gifford (History) presented “Girded with a Moral and Spiritual Revival: The Christian Anti-Communism Crusade and Conservative Politics” at the annual meeting of the Organization of American Historians in Washington, D.C., April 7-10. She also had a chapter, “The Education of a Cold War Conservative: Anti-Communist Literature of the 1950s and 1960s,” published in Pressing the Fight: Print, Propaganda, and the Cold War (University of Massachusetts Press, 2010).

In the Family

Monday, April 12th, 2010

Mark Pothoff (Student Life) and his wife Olivia welcomed their third child, Aubrey Jasmine, on March 21. She was born at Providence St. Vincent Hospital in Portland and was 7 pounds, 9 ounces and 20 inches long. She joins two older sisters, Tenley (4) and Kaselyn (2).

Dwayne Astleford (Plant Services) and wife Marcia welcomed their eighth child, Rhysen (“Riley”) Paul, on April 7 at Providence Newberg Hospital. The baby was 6 pounds, 10 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long. Rhysen joins siblings Katey (18), Kendy (16), Emily (15), Anney (12), Hailey (9), Brady (7) and Colby (4).


Monday, April 12th, 2010

April 13    Sarah King, Susan Newell
April 14    Margaret Fuller
April 15    Terrie Boehr, Mike Campadore
April 16    Nancy Almquist
April 17    Eilene Newman
April 18    Judy Deale
April 20    Tammy O’Doherty
April 22    Jeff VandenHoek
April 25    Mark Ocker, Valerie Sherwood
April 26    Laura Klaus

Comings and Goings

Monday, March 29th, 2010

After almost 13 years, Tory Cole (Human Resources) is leaving the university to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse. A farewell reception for her is scheduled from 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, April 1, in the Duke Atrium in the Stevens Center.

About Our People

Monday, March 29th, 2010

Rhett Luedtke (Performing Arts) was one of just eight faculty members chosen nationally to receive a National Directing Fellow Award from the John F. Kennedy Center. In April he will travel to Washington, D.C., for the National Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, where he will work in master classes in directing with directors from around the country.

Carole Spencer (Seminary) presented “Mysticism in the Quaker Tradition” at William Penn University in Oskaloosa, Iowa, on March 22. She was the university’s first distinguished guest lecturer for the Beane Endowment lecture series, sponsored by the Ercil and Maxine Beane Endowment.

Ginny Birky (School of Education) presented at the National Council of Professors of Educational Leadership conference in Phoenix on March 12. The title of her presentation was “Models of Successful High School Reform: Implications for Practitioners in Secondary Education and Professors of Educational Leadership.”

Melanie Mock’s (English) essay, “On Sons, At Four,” was published recently in the anthology A Cup of Comfort for Mothers. She also was the plenary speaker at the spring 2010 meeting of the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Historical Society, at which she presented “Writing against ‘The Old Lie’: Mennonite Objectors and the Great War.”

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) has been appointed the New Testament editor of the Biblical Interpretation Series, a monograph series featuring cutting-edge interdisciplinary approaches to biblical studies, published by E.J. Brill of Leiden, Netherlands. Paul also delivered four lectures on “The Beast, the Antichrist, and 666” at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland in February and March, and he represented Evangelical Friends at the National Council of Churches of Christ Faith and Order meetings in New York March 18-20, discussing the nature and mission of the church.

In the Family

Monday, March 29th, 2010

Jean Oehm Borgman was married March 20 to Bryan Miller. They are both students in the seminary and members of Sunset Presbyterian Church in Beaverton.


Monday, March 29th, 2010

March 29    Vetta Berokoff, Kathi Newton
March 30    Debora Herb-Sepich
March 31    Melodee Powers
April 2        Nathan Forbes, Anne Sjogren
April 3        Steve Delamarter, Dale Journey
April 5        Jared Kamimae-Lanning, John Newberry, Vicki Tschan
April 6        Jean Oehm Miller (formerly Borgman)
April 7        Janis Tyhurst
April 8        Jerrie Lyda, Jim Worthington
April 9        Carrie McNeal
April 10      Cheri Hampton
April 11      Janelle Freitag, Sandi Gregory

Comings and Goings

Monday, March 8th, 2010

Todd Dickerson (Development) left the university on March 5.

About Our People

Monday, March 8th, 2010

Douglas Campbell (Visual Art) has two artworks – an ink drawing titled “Harvest Weave” and an acrylic painting titled “The Trees of the Wood” – included in the exhibit “Chance to Flourish: Private, Public and Wild Gardens” in the Giustina Art Gallery at Oregon State University this month. In addition, his poem “Stone’s Throw,” was published in the current issue of Windhover: A Journal of Christian Literature.

Keith Dempsey (Graduate Counseling) recently won a future presidential seat with the Western Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, an organization that seeks to advance the education, credentialing and supervision of counselors. It is one of five regional organizations of the national Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Keith will serve as president of WACES in 2012.

Rodger Bufford (Graduate Psychology) chaired accreditation site visits for the American Psychological Association’s Committee on Accreditation at Forest Institute in Springfield, Mo., and John F Kennedy University in Pleasant Hill, Calif., during the fall semester.

Michelle Cox
(Graduate Counseling) will present “Ministry to People Living with HIV/AIDS in our Home Communities” at the Your Church and AIDS conference in Turner, Ore., in May. She is also scheduled to present “The Influence of Self-Transcendence, Alienation, and Activity Motivation on Volunteerism” at the American Psychological Association Conference in August.

Roger Nam (Seminary) published “Online Theological Education: Perspectives from First-Generation Asian Americans” in Theological Education 45 in January. He also has two forthcoming articles: “Writing Songs, Singing Songs: Orality and Literacy in the Commission of the Levitical Singers (1 Chronicles 25:1-6)” in the book The Matrix of Orality and Literacy in the Bible, and “A Different Kind of Impression: The Decorative Function of Cylinder Seals in Ugarit” in the journal Ugarit-Forschungen 40. He also recently presented “Feasting at the King’s Table: The Political Economy of the Samaria Ostraca” at the national meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature in New Orleans. Finally, Roger was selected to participate in the Wabash Center for Teaching and Learning’s Pre-Tenure Theological Faculty Workshop in 2010-2011 and to serve as a steering committee member for the Society of Biblical Literature Consultation, “Economics in the Biblical World.”

Julie Green (School of Education) will present one of her creative nonfiction pieces at Northwest University’s Faith in the Humanities Conference on March 18-19 in Kirkland, Wash. In addition to her duties in the School of Education, Julie is an English and philosophy major in the undergraduate program.

In-Plant Graphics magazine, a national magazine for in-house printers, wrote an article about Print Services’ acquisition of a new production copier and its ability to punch for coil and comb binding. The new equipment will allow the staff of Print Services to spend less time on each book produced.

Kent Yinger (Seminary) published three articles recently: “Paul and Evangelism: A Missiological Challenge from New Testament Specialists” in Missiology; “The Continuing Quest for Jewish Legalism” in Bulletin of Biblical Research; and “Reformation Redivivus: Synergism and the New Perspective” in Journal for Theological Interpretation. In addition, as board member and events coordinator for the Institute for Biblical Research, he successfully oversaw the IBR events at the annual meeting in New Orleans. Kent is also currently co-chair of the New Testament and Hellenistic Religions section of the Pacific Northwest region of the Society of Biblical Literature.

Ed Higgins’ (English) flash fiction story, “Kitchen Knight (n.),” was published in the March 5 issue of Dark Sky Magazine.

Kathleen Sims (Nursing) and Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) led a session titled “Hope & Suffering: In the Eyes of the Beholder” at the third annual Department of Nursing Workshop, “Caring for the Older Adult,” at The Allison in Newberg in January.


Monday, March 8th, 2010

March 9      Elizabeth Holme, James Oshiro
March 10    Dale Seipp, Lindsey Wallgren
March 12    Theresa Schierman, Brent Weaver
March 13    Carol Brazo, Karen Buchanan, Sandy Cherachanko
March 14    Piper Parks
March 15    Caitlin Corning, Stephanie St. Cyr
March 17    Bryan Boyd, Taylor Martin
March 18    Mark Carlton
March 19    Joanne Gray, Marty Hunter
March 21    Larry Mennenga
March 22    Terry Peters

Comings and Goings

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

The Health and Counseling Center hired Dana Ferrin as the university nurse last week. She has worked as a registered nurse for the West Linn Plastic Surgery Center since 2007. Before that, she was a labor and delivery nurse at hospitals in Tacoma, Wash., Nashville, Tenn., Salt Lake City and in Oregon City between 1987 and 1993. She then took time off from the profession to raise her children, Kasey (16) and Karter (13), with husband Will. Dana earned a bachelor of science degree in nursing from Washington State University’s Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education in 1987. She lives in West Linn and is a Willamette “Wyldlife” Young Life leader. Her home church is Willamette Christian Church in West Linn.

Tanya Rooney joined Plant Services as a custodian last week. For the past two years, she worked as an assembly technician for DCI International, a dental equipment manufacturer in Newberg. Before that, she was a homemaker and raised two children, Leah and Daniel. Tanya lives in Newberg and attends Newberg Fellowship.

About Our People

Monday, February 22nd, 2010

Tom Head’s (School of Business/International Studies Program) essay, “Envisioning a Moral Economy,” was recently published by Pendle Hill. The piece tackles such questions as “What is the place of moral values in the way we structure our economy?” and “Should the teachings of Jesus be considered when we address such questions as ‘How is work fashioned?’ ‘What do we own?’ and ‘Where do we live?’”

Through a M. J. Murdock Charitable Trust grant ($405,000) for Christian school capacity building, Gary Kilburg and Scot Headley (School of Education) have been serving K-12 Christian schools in Oregon and Washington through the SOE’s Mentoring Institute. The institute’s Christian School Leadership Program is providing mentoring and professional development services involving more than 100 educators in about 25 schools. The program will continue into its third year during the 2010-11 academic year.

Rob Felton (Marketing Communications) has been elected to the board of the Newberg Downtown Coalition as president. The NDC follows the National Main Street four-step approach (organization, design, promotion and economic restructuring) to revitalizing downtown commercial districts. An organizing meeting for the NDC is planned for Monday, March 1, at 6:30 p.m. in Hoover 102.

Scot Headley and Linda Samek (School of Education), along with Sean McKay (IT), have been serving on the steering committee for the International Community of Christians in Teacher Education. The committee has been working on a draft constitution and bylaws for the formation of an association of teacher educators affiliated primarily with CCCU institutions. The group is working toward creating a formal association at the biennial conference of the ICCTE, hosted in May of 2010 at LeTourneau University. Headley and Samek are set to assume leadership roles with the new association, beginning two-year terms in May.

Linda Samek (School of Education) presented a session, “Creating and Sustaining Change with Boyer’s Scholarship of Application,” at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education in Atlanta on Feb. 21. Karen Buchanan (School of Education) also presented a workshop at the conference, teaming up with colleagues from four other institutions to present “Assessment Literacy for the 21st Century.”

Ed Higgins (English) published a poem, “A Slow Wisdom,” in the February issue of The Bicycle Review, an online literary journal.

Debbie Berhó (Communication Arts/Foreign Languages) had an article, “Communication, Language Learning and Faith,” published in the online journal Didache: Faithful Teaching, Volume 9, No. 2.

Some of Tim Timmerman’s (Visual Arts) art appears in the current Winter 2009-10 issue of Ruminate, a print magazine of faith in literature and art.

Paul Anderson’s (Religious Studies) essay, “The John, Jesus, and History Project – New Glimpses of Jesus and a Bi-Optic Hypothesis,” was published on the Bible and Interpretation website (bibleinterp.com/articles/john1357917.shtml), a biblical studies site that receives more than 300,000 visits per month. Also, on Feb. 11, Anderson’s work was featured on the “Matters of Faith” weblog by Bill Tammaeus, in his article, “A New Way to Find Jesus.” The article references a major essay forthcoming in the March issue of the Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus by James Charlesworth of Princeton Theological Seminary, who cites Anderson’s work in signaling a paradigm shift in Jesus studies, overturning 150 years of critical scholarship – from ignoring John to including John.

Anderson will speak on “The Riddles of the Fourth Gospel” at Reedwood Friends Church April 21-May 26 (six Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8 p.m.), and on “The Beast, the Antichrist, and 666” at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (four Wednesday evenings, 7-8:30 p.m.) in Portland. All are welcome.


Monday, February 22nd, 2010

Feb. 23     Mark Weinert
Feb. 24     Corey Beals
Feb. 25     Brian McLaughlin
Feb. 28     Andrea Crenshaw
March 2    Gary Kilburg, Winston Seegobin
March 3    Kayin Griffith, Rhett Luedtke
March 5    Patsy Engle

Comings and Goings

Monday, February 8th, 2010

KelmSaraSara Kelm was hired in January as an enrollment specialist for SPS at the Portland Center. She has worked at George Fox in an number of capacities over the past three years, serving in work study positions in the student life office (2008-09), the president’s office (2008-08), the registrar’s office (2007), and as the lead consultant in the Academic Resource Center (2007-09). Sara graduated from George Fox with a bachelor’s degree in writing/literature in December of 2009. She lives in Newberg and attends Newberg Foursquare Church.

About Our People

Monday, February 8th, 2010

Melanie Mock (English) recently had a chapter, “Shaping Life into Word: Faith Integration in Autobiography/Biography,” published in the book The Word in the English Classroom (Abilene Christian University Press). She also has a book review forthcoming this month in Christian Feminism Today of The Mennonite in the Little Black Dress, by Rhonda Janzen, and had a review in the December/January issue of Adoptive Families on the book Pieces of Me, by Bert Ballard.

Ed Higgins’ (English) poem, “so help me,” was published in the spring issue of Blue Print Review, an online English-language literary journal based in Germany.

In the Family

Monday, February 8th, 2010

Chris Steele (Tilikum) and his wife Amy welcomed a baby girl, Nora Elizabeth, on Friday, Jan. 22. Born at St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland, she weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and was 20 inches long.


Monday, February 8th, 2010

Feb. 9      Irv Brendlinger
Feb. 10    Debbie Cash, Justin Hudec
Feb. 11    Alex Rolfe, Lynn Scott, Chris Young
Feb. 12    Carol Yard
Feb. 13    Melissa Gilbert
Feb. 15    Rob Clarke, Christa Hill
Feb. 19    Sue Corbett-Furgal, Jere Witherspoon
Feb. 20    Gina Braden, Scot Headley
Feb. 22    Mark Hall, Valerie Rogers