
Monday, February 21st, 2011

Feb. 22     Mark Hall, Valerie Rogers
Feb. 23     Mark Weinert
Feb. 24     Corey Beals
Feb. 25     Brian McLaughlin
Feb. 28     Andrea MacLeod
March 2    Gary Kilburg, Winston Seegobin
March 3    Kayin Griffith, Rhett Luedtke
March 4    Tyler Cuddeford

Comings and Goings

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Jim Fleming (IT) will be leaving the university later this month to serve as the chief information officer at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Ore. A farewell reception for him will be scheduled at a date and time to be announced.

Movers & Quakers

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Josh Nauman (IT) is moving into the position of director of academic computing in the IT department. Josh will reevaluate how his old position in media production services may be filled. For now, recent George Fox graduate Ethan Burke is filling in as a temporary employee.

About Our People

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Sarah Gibson (Cinema and Media Communication) finished working on the motion picture set of Blue Like Jazz as the assistant to the director. The film, directed by Steve Taylor, is based on the New York Times Best Seller by Donald Miller. It is slated for release in the fall.

Joel Perez (Student Life) was part of a panel presentation on current trends in diversity research on CCCU campuses at the 35th Annual CCCU Presidents Conference in Washington, D.C., in January.

Ed Higgins (English) published two poems, “well then” and “The Surge of Green,” in the Canada online magazine PigeonBike.

Paul Otto’s (History) essay, “Wampum: The Transfer and Creation of Rituals on the Early American Frontier,” appeared in Ritual Dynamics and the Science of Ritual, Vol. 5: Transfer and Spaces, released in December of 2010 by Harrassowitz Books.

Mark David Hall (Political Science) presented “Did America Have a Christian Founding?” at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., in December. The event was taped by C-SPAN and is slated for broadcast at a future date. He also recently learned that Oxford University Press will publish his next edited volume, Faith and the Founders of the American Republic.

Jan Lefebvre (Advancement) returned to Haiti in January, one year following the earthquake she experienced there in January 2010. “I observed great and wonderful work being done by God’s servants to a people who are resilient and loving and still in need of our prayers,” she said. “The highlight personally was to help dedicate the home for my sponsored family for which God truly provided the funds.” Jan will be coordinating some projects with her church’s sewing ministry for a children’s home to be built this year.

Tim Timmerman (Visual Arts) currently has an art show on display at the University of Portland’s Buckley Center Gallery. Artwork includes oil painting and sculptural medias such as assemblage, kiln-worked glass, clay, and bronze casting. The show, entitled “Keeping Vigil,” runs through Feb. 10.


Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Feb. 8       Marcie Gowan
Feb. 9       Irv Brendlinger, Karen Rathkey
Feb. 10     Debbie Cash, Justin Hudec
Feb. 11     Alex Rolfe, Lynn Scott, Chris Young
Feb. 12     Carol Yard
Feb. 13     Melissa Gilbert
Feb. 15     Rob Clarke
Feb. 19     Sue Corbett-Furgal, Jere Witherspoon
Feb. 20     Gina Braden, Scot Headley

Comings and Goings

Monday, January 24th, 2011

Randy Pitts (Custodial Services) left the university so he could tend to student teaching duties this semester in the university’s Master of Arts in Teaching program.

Matt Bontrager (Print Services) left the university in mid-January.

About Our People

Monday, January 24th, 2011

Alan Kluge, Ryan Halley and David Liu (Business) recently delivered a refereed presentation, “Looking Overseas for Tuition Dollars: Meeting the Needs of Chinese Business Students,” at the western regional conference of the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs in Las Vegas. The presentation was voted by those attending as “Best in Region,” which means it is automatically accepted for presentation at the national ACBSP conference in Indianapolis in June.

Ed Higgins (English) published a flash fiction story, “Suppose, I ask my friend,” in the January 2011 issue of the Chicago-based online journal Untoward Magazine.

In the Family

Monday, January 24th, 2011

Jennifer Overstreet and Mark Richards were married on Nov. 29 in Sherwood. Jennifer is a recruitment and enrollment counselor for the adult degree program. Mark Ocker, a faculty member in the adult degree program, officiated the ceremony.


Monday, January 24th, 2011

Jan. 29     Paul Jenness, Leslie Wuest
Jan. 31     Paul Shelton, Missy Terry
Feb. 1       Andrea Byerley, Bonnie Jerke, Bruce Owen, Tanya Rooney
Feb. 2       Dave Adrian
Feb. 3       Mark McLeod-Harrison
Feb. 4       Kristie DeHaven, Gloria Doherty, Chris Schlarbaum
Feb. 5       Barbi Doran
Feb. 6       David Kerr

Comings and Goings

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

Barbara Braun (Custodial Services) left George Fox on Dec. 30 to pursue her own business full time. She was a custodian at the Portland Center for the past eight years.

About Our People

Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

Ed Higgins (English) published a poem, “Cannon Beach,” in the December 2010 issue of Halfway Down the Stairs, a Michigan-based quarterly online literary magazine. He also had three pieces published in the spring 2010 issue of Paper Wasp, an Australian haiku journal, and his poem “We Two” appeared in the most recent volume of Earthshine: A Poetry Journal.

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) published in December a review of the National Geographic Channel’s “Jesus the Man” on The Bible and Interpretation website.

Jim Steele (Business) has become certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR). The certification, awarded by the HR Certification Institute, signifies that the holder possesses the theoretical knowledge and practical experience in human resource management necessary to pass a rigorous examination demonstrating a mastery of the field. Steele has also held the Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR) certification since 2005.


Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

Jan. 11     Ginny Birky
Jan. 12     Tim Rahschulte
Jan. 13     Ron Arnold
Jan. 14     Jim Steele
Jan. 15     Janeen Dillow, Deborah Hawblitzel
Jan. 17     Christine Austin
Jan. 18     Dwayne Astleford, Robin Baker, Matt Dyment, Dot Tobey
Jan. 19     David Liu
Jan. 22     John Smith
Jan. 23     Bill Buhrow, Mike Foster, John Johnson, Kris Molitor

MyGFU will be unavailable through Sunday afternoon

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

MyGFU will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance beginning Wednesday, Dec. 29. at 5:30 p.m. through Sunday afternoon, Jan. 2, 2011.

Comings and Goings

Monday, December 13th, 2010

The advancement office welcomed Bobbi DeVore as a database specialist last week. For the past two years, she’s served as a program support manager for The Canby Center, a community center for which she managed and maintained a donor database. She’s also worked the past year as an administrative assistant for Southgate Chapel in Canby, Ore., and previously (2001 to 2008) was an administrative assistant at Hope Village, a senior care facility in Canby. Bobbi attended George Fox in the early 1980s and is married to Russ in the university’s IT department. They have three children – Kyle, a senior at George Fox; Miranda, a freshman at the university; and Dayla, a sophomore at Canby High School. They attend Southgate Chapel in Canby.

Amy Wolff joined undergraduate admissions this week as a visit coordinator. She arrives from Waggener Edstrom Worldwide in Lake Oswego, Ore., where she was an operations coordinator for the past three and a half years. Amy earned a bachelor’s degree in communications from George Fox in 2005. She lives in Newberg with husband Jacob and their seven-and-a-half month-old daughter, Avery. They attend Northside Community Church in Newberg.

Movers & Quakers

Monday, December 13th, 2010

Rachel Powell (Admissions) is now the administrative assistant in undergraduate admissions after serving as visit coordinator.

About Our People

Monday, December 13th, 2010

Martha Iancu (Communication Arts) gave a presentation at the Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages fall conference on Nov. 12 in Portland. The title of her presentation was “Collectivism Meets Individualism: Techniques for a Linked Intercultural Communication Class.”

Ed Higgins (English) recently accepted the Seattle-based literary journal Dark Sky Magazine’s poetry editor position. DSM publishes monthly Web issues as well as biannual “best of” print editions. The journal regularly publishes fiction, poetry, essays, art and reviews. A recent article on the Huffington Post lists Dark Sky Magazine as one of 15 top online literary journals. DSM has published Ed’s poetry as well as short fiction in past issues.

Ed also had a short fiction story, “Flash Fiction with Instructions,” published in the December 2010 issue of Untoward, a Chicago-based online fiction magazine.

Joel Perez (Student Life) was presented the Region V Knowledge Community Award for Collaboration & Visibility – Latino/a KC by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA). He received it in November at the organization’s regional conference in Portland.

Ed Gierok (Security Services) was nominated by his peers to serve as vice president of the Western Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators at the organization’s recent conference in Spokane, Wash. Ed accepted the nomination and will serve for one year as VP before moving into the president’s position. The three-day training event included hands-on assessments and reviews of known threats and vulnerabilities at a high school hostage situation. More than 30 attended the event from across the Northwest.

Mark David Hall (Political Science) will make a presentation, “Did America Have a Christian Founding,” at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 17.


Monday, December 13th, 2010

Dec. 14     Lissa Forbes, Janelle Olivarez
Dec. 15     Paul Furgal-Corbett, Rich Muthiah, Cliff Rosenbohm
Dec. 17     Becky Ankeny, Gary Buhler, Viki Defferding
Dec. 19     Phil Smith
Dec. 20     Howard Macy
Dec. 22     Robin Ashford, Jennifer Getsinger
Dec. 23     Rodger Bufford
Dec. 24     Jeong Ahn, Greg Allen, Bethany Goldman
Dec. 25     Abby Burgess, Debby O’Kelley
Dec. 28     Robert Simpson
Dec. 30     Lori DeKruyf
Dec. 31     Sherrie Frost
Jan. 1       Bob Harder, Mandria Montplaisir
Jan. 3       Julie Green, Sarah Marvin, Amber Russell
Jan. 4       Brenda Graf, Chris Koch, Dan van der Water
Jan. 5       Melva Lloyd, Joy Reimann
Jan. 6       Merrill Johnson
Jan. 7       Cathy Peterson
Jan. 8       Jonathan Morell
Jan. 9       Mary Cameron, Shannan Wheelock
Jan. 10     George Byrtek, Keith Schneider, Larry Shelton

Comings and Goings

Monday, November 29th, 2010

Reid Kisling (Registrar) has accepted the position of senior pastor at Grace Baptist Church in Newberg. He will continue in his position at the university through the end of the semester, beginning his new job on Jan. 1. He also will continue to serve in some capacity as an adjunct faculty member and plans to remain involved in higher education as a senior consultant with the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.

After 25 and a half years of service to the university, Karon Bell will retire on Jan. 7. Karon has served in a number of capacities, including as controller, director of financial affairs, director of financial and administrative services, assistant VP of financial services and her current job as assistant VP of administrative services in financial affairs. She plans to travel, possibly serve on missions trips, catch up on her reading, and learn a foreign language. A farewell reception for Karon will be scheduled in the coming weeks.

About Our People

Monday, November 29th, 2010

Rick Muthiah (Student Life) was a co-presenter of a session, “Uncovering the Heart in Higher Education,” at the Professional and Organizational Network in Higher Education (POD) National Conference in St. Louis in November. The session included experiential activities to explore faculty members’ ability to express their worldviews within their workplace.

Reid Kisling (Registrar) presented a session at the 20th annual American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers’ Strategic Enrollment Management Conference in Nashville in early November. The title of his presentation was “Does Higher Ed Need a New Advising Framework?” Reid also led several other sessions at the conference and continues to serve as a senior consultant with AACRAO consulting.

Kathi Gatlin and Melissa Thomas (Registrar) presented a session, “Do You Have an Advising Philosophy: How We Developed One,” at the 2010 annual conference of the Pacific Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Counselors (PACRAO) in Calgary, Alberta, in early November.

Kent Yinger’s (Seminary) book, The New Perspective on Paul: An Introduction, has just been published by Wipf & Stock.

Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) delivered three papers in Atlanta recently, in conjunction with the national Society of Biblical Literature meetings. “The Community that Raymond Brown Left Behind – Reflections on the Dialectical Johannine Situation” was delivered at a symposium on the Epistles of John at the McAffee School of Theology; “Johannine Contributions to Later Trinitarian Discussions in the Early Church” was delivered in the Development of Early Trinitarian Theology Consultation of SBL; and “The Dialogical Autonomy of the Fourth Gospel: A Theologically Engaged Jesus Tradition and Implications for Jesus Research” was delivered at a joint session of the John, Jesus, and History Group and the Historical Jesus Section of SBL. Paul completed his six years as co-chair of the John, Jesus, and History Group, which over that period has featured 117 papers from scholars around the world and has been one of the two or three best attended among the 160 sections and groups at SBL.


Monday, November 29th, 2010

Nov. 30     Melanie Hulbert
Dec. 3       Brad Lau, Devorah Overbay
Dec. 4       Alan Kluge
Dec. 7       Amy Lutz, Marie-Christine Goodworth
Dec. 8       Kerry Irish
Dec. 9       Patrick Kelley, Mike Wirta
Dec. 10     Carlisle Chambers
Dec. 11     Tatiana Cevallos, Lisa Hereford
Dec. 13     Steve Grant