Movers and Quakers

Monday, November 14th, 2011

Robby Larson is now a major gift officer, transitioning from alumni relations to the development office as of Nov. 1.


Monday, November 14th, 2011

Nov. 16      Carol Jaquith
Nov. 17      Sue O’Donnell, Abigail Rine
Nov. 18      Kathleen Jones, Shary Wortman
Nov. 19      Bob Hamilton
Nov. 21      Dan Kimball, Ryan Tafflinger
Nov. 22      Vern Choin, Corban Harwood
Nov. 23      Laura Simmons
Nov. 24      Waneen White, Tamara Jones, Mark Sundquist
Nov. 26      Larry Weber
Nov. 28      Peg Hutton, Clella Jaffe

About Our People

Monday, October 31st, 2011

Alan Kluge (Business) participated in the annual fall conference of the Deming Institute at Purdue University Oct. 15-16. The institute is an organization dedicated to creating dialogue between faculty, industry and students around the work of W. Edwards Deming, the individual attributed with turning around manufacturing in Japan following World War II and significantly contributing to the improvement of quality by industry in the United States in the 1980s. Alan will be sharing the knowledge gained from the conference with his MBA classes.

Kenn Willson (Performing Arts) performed his “Encounters with Beethoven” concert for the Tualatin Valley Oregon Music Teachers Association District event on Oct. 14. The concert incorporates the piano music of Beethoven (including the Hunt and Moonlight sonatas) with movie clips, cartoon clips, slides and readings from and about Beethoven. The event drew the largest audience (240) the event has ever had, according to organizers. Students in attendance ranged in age from 3 to college age.

Ed Higgins’ (English) poem “Match Point” appears in the current issue of Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature.


Monday, October 31st, 2011

Nov. 1       Dave Johnstone
Nov. 4       Tom Head, Melissa Thomas
Nov. 5       Rob Bohall, Jared Ocker
Nov. 7       Doug Campbell
Nov. 9       Jack Lyda
Nov. 11     Denise DeCicco, Sean Patterson
Nov. 12     Kelly Borror
Nov. 14     Colleen Huffman, Jan Lefebvre

Have e-Colleague news to share? Send it to Sean Patterson at

Comings and Goings

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Trini Marquez (Plant Services) left the university earlier this month.

About Our People

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Tom Head (Economics and International Studies) participated in “Ethics Matter: A Conversation with Peter Singer” at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs in New York City on Oct. 6. An audio recording of the conversation is available on the Carnegie Council website.

Ed Gierok (Security Services) was inaugurated as president of the Western Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators on Sept. 30. He will serve a one-year term and then sit on the board the year after that. In other security news, all full-time security staff and student officers have been certified over the past year in C-CERT (Campus Community Emergency Response Team).

Ed Higgins (English) spent the week of Sept. 25-30 in New Zealand teaching an intensive environmental literature course to American students in a semester-abroad program with a Christian focus on environmental stewardship. The Creation Care Study Program has a number of Christian College Consortium and CCCU participating institutions (including George Fox) and offers both fall and spring semesters in Belize as well as New Zealand. Corey Beals (Religious Studies) and Clint Baldwin (Center for Peace and Justice/Global Studies) have also taught theology of creation courses for the program.

Paul Anderson’s (Religious Studies) new introduction to John, The Riddles of the Fourth Gospel, is featured on the online journal Bible and Interpretation (“Addressing the Johannine Riddles—A New Introduction”), and the book was reviewed in a two-hour session in meetings at Gonzaga University. Also, Paul’s essay “John and Qumran: Discovery and Interpretation over Sixty Years” was published in John, Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls: Sixty Years of Discovery and Debate, and he reviewed the chapter on “The Essenes” in Beyond the Qumran Community by John Collins, at the West Coast Dead Sea Scrolls Consultation at Lewis and Clark College.

Finally, Paul’s paper, “Authentic Worship in the Johannine and Lukan Traditions,” was presented in the Johannine Seminar of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas meetings at Bard College, Annandale on Hudson, N.Y., in August.

In the Family

Monday, October 17th, 2011

Michael (Political Science) and Andrea (Spiritual Life) MacLeod welcomed their first child, Maxwell (“Max”) Charlton, on Sept. 29. He weighed 9 pounds, six ounces and was 21 inches long. The baby was born at Meridian Park Hospital in Tualatin.

Jared Ocker (IT) and his wife Amy adopted a boy, Titus Younghui, from Yunnan Province in China. Titus was born on March 8, 2009, and returned home with his new family on Oct. 1.

Tim Goodfellow (IT) and his wife Laura welcomed their second child, Sarah Louis Iris, on Oct. 15. The baby, born at Providence St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland, was 9 pounds, 11 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long. Sarah joins an older brother, Jesse. Karen Rathkey (HR) is the proud grandmother.


Monday, October 17th, 2011

Oct. 19       Rita Boggs
Oct. 20       Paul Becker, Cathi Comish
Oct. 21       Teresa Arnold, Helen Morse
Oct. 22       Dwayne Hood
Oct. 23       Andy Baker
Oct. 24       Ryan Dougherty, Dixie Downey
Oct. 26       Linda Sartwell
Oct. 27       Bruce Arnold
Oct. 29       Roger Nam, Steve Song, Rusty St. Cyr, Candice Zhang
Oct. 30       Ken McChesney, Janis Sanford

Comings and Goings

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Kim Rautenberg joined the university in late September as a payroll specialist in the human resources department. For more than 14 years, beginning in 1996, she worked as a payroll specialist, bookkeeper and administrative assistant for Atlas Electrical Contractors of Milwaukie, Ore. Prior to that, she was a payroll specialist for the Shari’s Management Corporation of Beaverton. Kim earned an associate’s degree in office administration from Clackamas Community College. She lives in Gladstone and has an adult daughter and 5-year-old son. Kim is an avid soccer player and also coaches the sport year-round. She attends Oregon City Evangelical Church.

Brooke McGillivray (Human Resources) retired from the university in September.

Nate Forbes left the university on Sept. 30 after serving as day camp manager at Tilikum the past four years. He said he is “feeling called to take a sabbatical of sorts from vocational ministry” and hopes to stay involved in the George Fox/Tilikum community.

Movers & Quakers

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Mandria Montplaisir has transitioned from being the director of research and acquisitions to the director of annual giving.

About Our People

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Bryan Boyd (Performing Arts) designed scenery for the play God of Carnage at Artists Repertory Theatre in Portland. The 2009 Tony winner for Best Play tells the story of two sets of parents who meet to discuss a bullying incident in what they hoped would be a “civilized manner.” As the evening wears on that intent goes awry, and the play turns ferociously hilarious, shocking and disturbing, as the parents battle for ethical superiority. The show runs through Oct. 16.

Charles Choi (Communication Arts) won the 2011 National Communication Association’s Communication and Aging Division Dissertation Award for his paper, “Young Adults’ Perceptions of Communication with Targets across the Lifespan: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between the U.S. and Mongolia.” Choi’s study examined the perceptions of Mongolian and American young adults regarding prior experiences of intergenerational communication. With overall communication satisfaction in mind, the cross-cultural comparison looked specifically at the reports of age stereotypes, norms of respect, and beliefs about intra- and intergenerational communication.

Tom Head (Economics & International Studies) served as a speaker at two Portland events in September. On Sept. 13, he spoke on “Envisioning a Moral Economy” as part of the Pendle Hill Author Series at the Multnomah Friends Meetinghouse. He also gave a panel presentation at Bread for the World’s Sept. 17 conference on “Hunger and the Budget Crisis: A Faith-based Call to Action,” held at the Mercy Corps Global Headquarters in Portland. He also offered the kick-off lecture, “Who’s Who in the Majority World,” for the Liberal Arts & Critical Issues fall lecture series, “The Majority World and the West,” in Newberg on Sept. 5.

Bonnie Jerke and Angela Doty (Career Services) each attended a professional conference in Texas this summer. Bonnie attended the National Association of Colleges and Employers Conference in Dallas, and Angela attended the National Career Development Association Conference in San Antonio. Both earned continuing education units toward their professional credentials.

In related news, the Career Services office hosted a meeting of the Oregon Liberal Arts Placement Consortium, composed of career officers from nine small colleges and universities in Oregon, on Sept. 27. The meeting was the first of the year for planning the First Avenue Fair, scheduled for March 2, 2012, at the University of Portland Chiles Center. More than 100 recruiters will be present at the fair to meet with the consortium’s combined student participants (


Monday, October 3rd, 2011

Oct. 5       Larry Osborn, Vangie Pattison
Oct. 6       Steve Gilday, Judy Keeney
Oct. 7       Cindy Howard
Oct. 8       Kristi Hagen
Oct. 9       Sheila Abercrombie, Brian Doak, Ben Kulpa
Oct. 10     Rob Felton, Jim Smart
Oct. 12     Becky Greenwood
Oct. 13     Andrea Heath, Jason Schwanz, Kathy Weiss
Oct. 15     Debra Espinor, Gina Worley
Oct. 16     Clint Baldwin, David Collett, Richard Shaw

Editor’s Note: Have e-Colleague news to share? E-mail it to Sean Patterson at

Comings and Goings

Monday, September 19th, 2011

Kathy Harris has moved from a temporary position as an administrative assistant in the English/communication arts department to a full-time role. She was an on-call registrar for Providence Newberg Medical Center from 2009 until the spring of this year and has been a clerical substitute for the Newberg School District for the past 17 years. Kathy lives in Newberg with her son Dylan, who transferred to George Fox this year from Western Oregon University. She also has a daughter, Halsey, and a granddaughter, Paisley. She attends 2nd Street Community Church in Newberg.

The seminary’s hybrid program has hired Mindy Holland as an administrative assistant III. Since 2007, she has served as the coordinator of candidacy and office manager of the Oregon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). Mindy holds a Master of Arts in Teaching degree from Willamette University (1993), a Master of Arts in Ministerial Studies from the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg, Pa., (2001), and a certificate in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship from George Fox Evangelical Seminary (2010). A consecrated diaconal minister with the ELCA, she lives in Aloha and attends Light of Life Lutheran Church, where her husband Stuart is pastor. Mindy loves reading, writing, travel, prayer, deep conversations with friends, and ballroom dancing.

The university has hired Marcey Keefer Hutchison as an assistant professor in the physical therapy program. A physical therapist and certified athletic trainer, she has worked the past 14 years as the clinical director of Therapeutic Associates, Valley Physical Therapy in Keizer, and was also a shareholder in the company. Marcey directed the athletic training program for the Salem-Keizer school district for six years. She also has work experience in a hospital setting, serving as a director in the sports medicine department of the Salem Hospital Regional Rehabilitation Center in the mid-1990s. In the early 1990s, she was a staff physical therapist specializing in sports medicine at a private practice with two clinic locations in Portland. Marcey holds a master’s degree in physical therapy from Pacific University (1991) and a bachelor’s degree in physical education from Willamette University (1988). She lives in Salem with her husband Don, cat and horse, and attends Morning Star Community Church.

Steve Peters joined the university as director of admissions operations this month. He has spent the past three years at Linfield College, where he was an admission technical specialist in the school’s admissions department. The six and a half years prior to that, he worked as the support desk and lab manager for Linfield’s Integrated Technology Services. He also worked as an admissions counselor for Linfield (2000-01). Steve earned a bachelor’s degree in business management from Linfield in 1994. He lives in Sherwood with wife Kristen, son Daniel and daughter Analee, and attends River West Church in Lake Oswego.

Carol Yard (Tilikum) left the university earlier this month.

About Our People

Monday, September 19th, 2011

Rodney Birch (Library) was elected to the board of directors of the Foundation for the Advancement of Christian Librarians at the organization’s annual conference this month. Rodney was elected vice president for a two-year term (2011-13). ACL is an organization of evangelical Christian academic librarians that seeks to empower Christian librarians through professional development, scholarship and spiritual encouragement for service in higher education.

A solo exhibit of Douglas Campbell’s (Visual Arts) paintings, titled “Light and Dark,” are on display in the Fireplace Gallery at Mt. Hood Community College through Oct. 27. Another exhibit, “Whole Fragments,” will be up at Chapters in Newberg from Oct. 7 through Nov. 3.

In the Family

Monday, September 19th, 2011

Joel Perez (Dean of Transitions and Inclusion) and his wife, Jennifer, welcomed a daughter, Elizabeth Emelia, on Sept. 9. She was born at Kaiser Sunnyside Medical Center and weighed 5 pounds, 6 ounces while measuring 19 ¾ inches long. She joins three older brothers: Samuel, Noah and Seth.


Monday, September 19th, 2011

Sept. 20       Robert Melendy
Sept. 21       Claudia Hirsch
Sept. 22       Josh Nauman
Sept. 25       Debbie Berho, Eric Mortinson, Darla Norgren, Marc Shelton, Elizabeth Todd, Michelle Webber
Sept. 29       Robert Bredemeier
Sept. 30       Terry Huffman, Laurie Lorenzen
Oct. 1           Anna Berardi, Paul Chamberlain
Oct. 3           Sarita Gallagher

Comings and Goings

Monday, September 5th, 2011

The university hired Isabelle Corneaux to serve as a visiting assistant professor of French. A native of France, Isabelle has spent the past four years as a French instructor at Columbia Basin College in Pasco, Wash. She also has experience teaching the language as a tutor for adults and teenagers. She spent the summers between 2002 and 2009 teaching French to foreign students at Centre International d’Etudes Francaises at the University of Burgundy in Dijon, France. All told, she has more than 20 years experience teaching the language, both in her native France and in locales including French Polynesia and Hong Kong. Isabelle earned a master’s degree in education from Heritage University in Pasco, Wash., (2011) and earned a Teaching French as a Foreign Language Master designation from the University of Burgundy and ENS in Fontenay St-Cloud, France (2004). She lives in McMinnville with her husband Bruno and children, Louis and Gabriel.

Kristi Hagen has joined the Department of Advancement and Integrated Marketing as a database specialist III. She’s spent the past year as a customer service agent with Hagan Hamilton Insurance Services at its Newberg branch. The year prior, she worked as the owner and lead counselor for Set Free Financial Counseling, a business dedicated to helping individuals and couples with budgeting and debt reduction. She also has business experience as a purchasing, shipping and receiving clerk for Caravan Coffee of Newberg (2003-05). Kristi is a licensed property and casualty insurance agent and a Dave Ramsey-certified financial counselor. She lives in Newberg with her husband, Bill, and their three children: Jeremy (19), Tiffany (18) and Breanna (6). They attend GodSong Church, where Kristi serves as board president.

Alex Martin joined the university last week as a graduate admissions counselor for the School of Education. For the past four years, he has worked as the head tennis professional at the West Hills Racquet & Fitness Club in Portland, where he recruited members, coached and handled administrative duties. Previously, he worked as a wellness teacher and success coach for the McMinnville School District (2005-07) and as a full-time intern with a Young Life chapter in Winston-Salem, N.C. (2003-05). Alex earned a bachelor’s degree in physical education from Linfield College in 2003 and holds a master’s degree in athletic coaching education from West Virginia University (2007). He lives in Beaverton with wife Tracy and daughter Avery (1) and attends Beaverton Foursquare Church.

Yune Tran joins the School of Education as an assistant professor of education this year. Since 2008, she has worked as an English language learner district coach in the Leander Independent School District in Leander, Texas, where she developed and delivered trainings, seminars and workshops for ESL and general education teachers. Before that, Yune was an ESL curriculum specialist in a school district in Austin, Texas. She also served as an elementary school teacher in Compton, Calif., and has gained diverse teaching experiences through her roles as a bilingual and classroom teacher in middle and elementary school settings in Florida, Texas and California. Yune completed her PhD in curriculum and instruction from the University of Texas at Austin this summer and holds an MEd degree in educational leadership from Texas State University. She lives in Sherwood with her husband, Darren, and three girls: Keilana, Malia and Nalani. She attends St. Francis Catholic Church.

Movers & Quakers

Monday, September 5th, 2011

Nancy Almquist has transferred from advancement as a development officer to university engagement as the director of parent relations.

About Our People

Monday, September 5th, 2011

Robby Larson (Alumni Engagement) presented a workshop entitled “Alumni on the Fringe” at the annual CCCU Alumni Professionals Conference held this summer at Eastern University in St. David, Penn.


Monday, September 5th, 2011

Sept. 7         Tony Longstroth, Jen Macnab
Sept. 8         Jen Overstreet, Mark Pothoff
Sept. 9         Trey Doty, Tim Timmerman
Sept. 11       Jeff Duerr, Sarah Jobson
Sept. 12       Kelly Chang
Sept. 15       Sarah Gibson, Ron Shaw, Lauri Smith
Sept. 16       Jan Amerson
Sept. 17       MaryKate Morse, Christee Wise
Sept. 18       Darryl Brown