Please be sure to fill out Serve Day survey to help us plan for the event

Preparations are underway for Serve Day 2024!

If you haven’t already, please complete the Serve Day ’24 Employee Info Survey. This is for all our regular Newberg employees part time and above (and any Portland employees who’d like to join).

We want to do our best to prioritize making serve site connections with employees that can help us grow ongoing community service partnerships and/or in roles that set you up to “serve with passion.”

Also on the form, you can note any limitations and previous serve site connections or questions you have, and we will take it all into consideration when coordinating this summer.

If you’re planning to be on sabbatical, family leave, or know of a significant change that will keep you away from campus during the week of Sept. 11, you can let us know by using the form, which is essential for our preparations.

The next 56 days will breeze by, and before you know it, it will be time for our next highly anticipated, university-wide day of service together on Sept. 11, 2024.

Contact with all of your important questions and feedback.

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