Reminder: Please fill out Serve Day survey before this Monday

If you haven’t already, please complete the Serve Day ’24 Employee Info Survey before this Monday, July 15.

We love placing our employees with return serve site hosts, with sites you might already be connected to and in roles that will best help you encourage community partners and student volunteers with your presence and participation.

You can note any limitations, preferences or questions you might have, and we’ll do our best to take them into consideration when we place you on a team this summer.

We are also in special need of two Serve Day Committee leaders for the hospitality/food & special arrangements/donations committees, as well as personal vehicle drivers.

If you’re planning to be on sabbatical next semester or know of a significant change that will keep you away from campus during the week of Serve Day, please let us know using the form. It is essential for our planning. Please note: The survey above is required for all Newberg employees (.5 FTE and above).

Serve Day will take place on Sept. 11, 2024. If you have any questions, contact Rus St. Cyr at

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