Thursday is the last day for food donations

Notice the huge display in the Lobby? Its to collect food for 150+ kids at five schools in Portland who don’t have enough food to eat over the weekends. This time, however, we are donating food so they have food to eat over Spring Break.

In partnership with Take Action, Inc, we are trying to collect enough food to feed at least 30 children for their Spring Break. Please join us in this effort.

You can also donate by check: Make the check out to “Mt. Park Church,” indicating “Backpack Project” in the memo line and give it to one of the front office staff. We will make sure the donations make it to the church in time for food to be purchased. Examples of food items to donate are on the fliers at the display.

Questions? Contact Janis Sanford, Site Supervisor at 503.554.6164 or by email.

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