Hear from Kent Thornburg on discussing faith in the medical field

The Biology Student Council invites the university community to join us this Thursday, Feb. 22, for the unique opportunity to hear alumnus Kent Thornburg – a professionally trained scientist, researcher and professor – talk about the conflict of faith in the medical field and answer any questions you may have. Join us in Room 102 of the Edwards-Holman Science Center at 6:30 p.m.

This is a very special opportunity, especially for those looking to enter a pre-health career, and considering OHSU as an option! 

Thornburg has been the director of both the OHSU Center for Developmental Health and the Moore Institute for Nutrition and Wellness for 50 years. 

What will you get out of it?

  • The opportunity to ask questions to an expert in the field, such as “What do I do if a patient asks me to pray with them?”
  • Grow in your faith by wrestling with real-life challenges that you may potentially face
  • Preparing for your future 
  • Chapel credit!

Feel free to attend even if you have to arrive late or leave early; we would still love to have you! Please fill out this Google Form with any questions you would like answered.

Reach out to Sophie Denham at sdenham22@georgefox.edu with any questions.

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