Writing help and academic coaching are available at the Portland Writing Center

Looking for help with brainstorming for your next project? Need help with your partially drafted paper? Feeling overwhelmed and stressed? Want to get on top of things before finals?

Make an appointment with the Portland Writing Center for writing and general academic support. Meetings might include reviewing the assignment, discussing citation styles, or talking through the body paragraphs of your paper. All of our appointments are free. You can choose to have a 50-minute Zoom or asynchronous consultation.

To schedule an appointment, go to traccloud.georgefox.edu. You can also schedule an appointment through our website or by clicking on the TracCloud icon at the bottom left corner of your Canvas course dashboard. If you need help, we have step-by-step instructions on our website or by email at wc@georgefox.edu.

Follow us on Instagram @gfupwc!

Questions? Email Heather Harney hharney@georgefox.edu, or the Writing Center at wc@georgefox.edu.

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