Reminder: Student-led worship opportunity begins tonight

It’s not too late to join us in Canyon Commons at 6:30 p.m. tonight (Tuesday) for the kickoff of Satisfy, a new student-led worship, prayer and teaching initiative.

We believe that every student at George Fox is here because they are hungry in a way that only God can satisfy, and we want to continue to pursue him together in community.

Join us for a meal (bring a plate from the Bon or food from home), a time of teaching about bold prayer and community (the supporting Scripture behind our mission and program), and a time of discussion.

This space is open to everyone of any background. We would love to meet and spend time getting to know you!

We hope to have worship, but are still looking for worship leaders! If you’re available to serve in that way tonight, it’s not too late. Please fill out this form. Contact Toby Klauder at with any questions.

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