Help create an unforgettable night by volunteering at Night to Shine tomorrow

Looking for a way to get out and serve God and his children? Consider volunteering at Night to Shine tomorrow night (Friday). If you are available, we have a great opportunity for you to serve.

Night to Shine, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, is a formal dance night where special needs individuals can come and have the time of their life. They get a buddy date and kinds of cool activities (dinner, dancing, limousine ride, karaoke, photo shoot, and more).

Northwest Christian Church, as well as the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC), is asking for your help in making this night happen. You can sign up using this link. When you access the link, make sure to click “Volunteer at Shine” not “Register for Shine.”

Location: Northwest Christian Church (2315 Villa Road)
Date/Time: Sept. 22 from 5 to 8 p.m.
Responsibilities: To be determined by your activity volunteer sign-up in the link

For more information, please contact Scott McBride at

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