Learn to find common ground in Interfaith Dialogue class

Interested in making an impact on people from a variety of faith backgrounds? Enroll in PSCI 485 B, Interfaith Dialogue, this semester. The class takes place in Ross 105 on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 7:20 p.m.

As the world gets smaller and smaller with advances in technology, we have opportunities to interact with others outside our personal bubbles. It’s your job to find common ground in the midst of these differences.

This class will cover many different topics and fields, ranging from branching out from our comfortable circles to learning about what we have in common with our Abrahamic faith-related brothers and sisters. The class is led by Ronald Mock, leader of the George Fox civility project, which is aimed at repairing politically and religiously based divisions within the local community and beyond.

Come join us and be part of a greater movement to engage the world in a manner that would honor God and his message. This class is perfect for any higher-level theology major or anyone who wishes to honor their neighbor in a more informed manner. Hope to see you soon!

Reach out to rmock@georgefox.edu if you have any questions.

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