Be aware of changes to Health and Counseling Center’s medical care model

Beginning this semester, the university is no longer offering its own primary medical care. Rather, we are welcoming a new health care model for students in partnership with Providence Medical Group.

The medical care clinic will continue to be co-located with counseling services, but it will be staffed by providers from Providence Health systems. As such, medical care will be accessed through your medical insurance plan similar to when you go to see your own medical care providers at home (with the requisite costs associated with your medical insurance plan such as co-pays and deductibles).

Please note that this change only applies to medical care. Counseling services will continue to be offered to students through George Fox at no additional cost.

We believe students will be well-served by partnering with Providence Medical Group. A couple of anticipated advantages of moving to this model are expanded hours and access to Providence Health system’s expansive network of specialists and medical services.

The new Providence medical services and George Fox counseling services will be housed in the Health and Counseling Center’s current location on campus (Woodward House). We are looking forward to the excellent medical care that Providence will provide and will be communicating details regarding these changes on the Health and Counseling website.

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