New class offering for the fall: Oregon Politics, taught by Christine Drazan

The Department of History of Politics is offering a new class, PSCI 285/485: Oregon Politics, taught by Christine Drazan, minority leader of the Oregon House of Representatives from 2019 to 2021 and the Republican nominee for governor in 2022.

This class will give students a real-world understanding of how campaigns are run, policies are created and advocates are heard. In addition, it will provide students with access to professionals and politicians whose careers have put them “in the room” at critical times in Oregon’s history.

Within an environment of respectful dialogue, the course will bring in guest speakers from across the political spectrum for candid conversations about the role of politics in addressing Oregon’s challenges and opportunities for progress.

Students will use critical thinking and analysis, as well as the application of biblical principles to real-world political scenarios, to establish their own path to lifelong, faithful, wholehearted civic engagement. This class is open to students from any major.

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