Volunteers needed for Newberg school supplies giveaway

Beyond Backpacks is looking for George Fox volunteers to help children pick out school supplies and have fun on the afternoon of Saturday, Aug. 19. The organization provides a shopping experience to local children in need of backpacks and school supplies.

Volunteers are needed from 1:15 to 3:30 p.m. to guide students and their families through the process, and assist at supply and activity tables. Also, we’re looking for a student to be Pennington Bear and greet the families at check-in. The event will be held at Northwest Christian Church (2315 Villa Road, Suite 100).

Last year, George Fox students and employees volunteered at our first Newberg event. The school-age children enjoy interacting with Fox students, giving them an opportunity to meet college students and see the possibilities for their future.

If you would like to volunteer, please complete our 2023 Volunteer Form by Aug. 11. If you’re a student and interested in being Pennington, please email Piper Parks at pparks@georgefox.edu.

For more information on the organization, visit beyondbackpacks.org.

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