Hear theological and medical perspectives on pain this afternoon
Healthcare practitioners often encounter patients in moments of pain and suffering. These experiences call for various kinds of responses, ranging from biotechnological or pharmaceutical intervention to social advocacy, personal accompaniment, or spiritual care.
Join us as our panelists discuss how Christian faith and practice informs their understanding of and response to pain and suffering in healthcare. The panel, “Afflicted: Theological & Medical Perspectives on Pain & Suffering”, will be held in Canyon Commons 101 from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. today.
Participants will be Erika Barber (George Fox University), Brett McCarty (Duke University) and Patrick T. Smith (Duke University). The event will be moderated by Daniel Kang (George Fox University).
Contact Jonelle Retsema at jretsema@georgefox.edu if you have any questions.