Register for C.S. Lewis lectures aimed at our senior (55-plus) community

In partnership with OLLI, the Osher Life Long Learning Institute at the University of Oregon, the university is presenting a two-part series of talks for our local senior (55-plus) community.

OLLI is a national initiative that aims to provide enrichment programming because learning continues across the lifespan. Starting at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11, Professor Jason Lepojärvi, director of the CS Lewis Initiative at George Fox, will give a talk on The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis. He will lead a Q&A after his initial presentation. To register, please go here.

The event will be live-streamed on Zoom and hosted in Canyon Commons 103 with light refreshments.

If you know someone in the senior community who would enjoy this event, please pass word their way. We hope to see new and returning faces from the community.

Questions? Contact Shawn Daley at

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