Diversity & Equity’s ‘Read, Watch/Go, Listen’ assignment for March

Dear Beloved Community,

This month, the Diversity and Equity Committee is excited to host the 2023 Rodney Sisco Symposium on March 13-15. Our entire community is encouraged to participate in the symposium as actively as your schedule permits.

Our group discussion at the Tuesday, March 21, all-employee meeting will focus on the writings of Efrem Smith, one of the keynote speakers at the Sisco Symposium. Please plan to attend the symposium as your “watch/go” event for the month, and read or listen as a bonus activity! We’ll be discussing content from Efrem Smith and Susie Gamez at our all-employee meeting.

  • Watch/Go: Sisco Symposium
    Efrem Smith, guest speaker, Monday, March 13, 7 p.m., Bauman
    Chapel with Efrem Smith, Tuesday, March 14, 10:50 a.m., Bauman
    Susie Gamez, Plenary, Wednesday, March 15, 11 a.m., Canyon Commons
  • Read: Chapter 3 – “Compassion: Mercy, Justice” from Efrem Smith book OR Chapter 4 – “Race”
  • Listen: Podcast w/ John Ortberg
  • Discuss: Tuesday, March 21


The DEI Committee
Marvin Eans, Sara Reamy, Crystal Galarza, D’Metri Mattocks, Jamie Johnson, Leo Cruz, Nichole Drew, Rebecca Yazzie, Rick Muthiah

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