Have fun watching ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ this Friday night

Grab your comfy items and a blanket and come watch Pirates of the Caribbean in Hadlock this Friday, Feb. 24, at 7 p.m. There will be fun activities as well as snacks.

Keep an eye on the Activities Weekly this week for more details about movie night, and keep a lookout for escape room sign-ups as well. You won’t want to miss this highly requested fun night.

Here are some more events coming up soon:

  • Escape Rooms: Friday, March 3, at 7 p.m. (various locations around campus)
  • Tent City (Juniors Abroad): Thursday, March 9, in the quad
  • Cultural Celebration: Friday, March 17, at 7 p.m. in the quad (back-up location to be announced if rainy)

Contact activities@georgefox.edu with any questions.

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