Kaleo returns to campus Feb. 26; volunteers needed

If you’re like most youth mentors, close to half of your graduating seniors pick up their diplomas and ditch their faith. Why is that? For those graduates who remain connected to Jesus, what is it that makes the difference? And how can we be made aware of the ways we may be subtly sabotaging our students’ faith, despite our best intentions?

Kaleo 2011, scheduled on the Newberg campus Saturday, Feb. 26, will take a deep look at ongoing research conducted by the Fuller Youth Institute on students just like yours. Kara Powell and Jon Furman will provide practical ways to keep students of all ages and grades engaged in your ministry, and more importantly their faith, so that they build faith that sticks.

To learn more about the speakers, schedule, cost or registration information, visit kaleo.georgefox.edu.

Volunteer to help throughout the day and receive a discount on your registration fee and a free Kaleo T-shirt! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Amy Lorenz at alorenz@georgefox.edu or ext. 2134.

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