HOPE International president Peter Greer visits campus Thursday

Peter Greer, president of the nonprofit relief agency HOPE International, will present a free public lecture from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 20, in Hoover 105.

HOPE International focuses on alleviating physical and spiritual poverty in countries such as Haiti, Afghanistan and DR Congo. In addition to serving as president, Greer is the founder of the HOPE Global Investment Fund, a microfinance investment fund that targets underserved regions of the world.

Greer is the coauthor, with Phil Smith, of The Poor Will Be Glad. The book, one of the first of its kind, delineates a Christian approach to microfinance as a means of fighting global poverty.

Questions? Contact Melanie Newell at mnewell@georgefox.edu or ext. 2686.

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