How to handle harassing phone calls

Several George Fox employees this week received harassing phone calls to their office line from a male caller using a private number. If you receive a similar call, here are a few things you can do to prevent or discourage future calls from the harassing person.

  • Hang up on the caller. If you receive a harassing phone call, don’t engage in a conversation with the caller or divulge any personal information. The caller is seeking attention. Not giving a response to the caller can discourage future harassing calls.
  • Take down as much information about the call as you can. Keep a log of date, time, and nature of the call. What did the caller say? How old did he/she sound? Did the caller seem intoxicated? Did he/she have an accent or speech impediment? Was there any background noise? Was a phone number/name displayed on the Caller ID device? 
  • Please report harassing phone calls to Campus Public Safety at 503-554-2090.
  • If you receive a serious threat where life or property is threatened, you should contact Campus Public Safety so they can call local police immediately and make a report. 

If you received an unwanted call and wish to talk to someone about your experience, you are encouraged to make a free appointment at the Health and Counseling Center

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