About Our People

Martha Iancu (Communication Arts) gave a presentation at the Oregon Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages fall conference on Nov. 12 in Portland. The title of her presentation was “Collectivism Meets Individualism: Techniques for a Linked Intercultural Communication Class.”

Ed Higgins (English) recently accepted the Seattle-based literary journal Dark Sky Magazine’s poetry editor position. DSM publishes monthly Web issues as well as biannual “best of” print editions. The journal regularly publishes fiction, poetry, essays, art and reviews. A recent article on the Huffington Post lists Dark Sky Magazine as one of 15 top online literary journals. DSM has published Ed’s poetry as well as short fiction in past issues.

Ed also had a short fiction story, “Flash Fiction with Instructions,” published in the December 2010 issue of Untoward, a Chicago-based online fiction magazine.

Joel Perez (Student Life) was presented the Region V Knowledge Community Award for Collaboration & Visibility – Latino/a KC by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA). He received it in November at the organization’s regional conference in Portland.

Ed Gierok (Security Services) was nominated by his peers to serve as vice president of the Western Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators at the organization’s recent conference in Spokane, Wash. Ed accepted the nomination and will serve for one year as VP before moving into the president’s position. The three-day training event included hands-on assessments and reviews of known threats and vulnerabilities at a high school hostage situation. More than 30 attended the event from across the Northwest.

Mark David Hall (Political Science) will make a presentation, “Did America Have a Christian Founding,” at The Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 17.

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