Sign up for Paul Anderson’s Life Group and April 16 seminar

Paul Anderson’s Life Group (“Margaret Fell: The Mother of Quakerism”) is meeting on Tuesdays from 6 to 7 p.m. in a hybrid format. There are still a few openings, so be sure to sign up if interested!

The group will be followed by a seminar (“Discerning Vocation: Embracing Life’s Purpose”) on Saturday, April 16, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Paul’s home. The Saturday seminar has received a small grant, giving students a $100 stipend for participating (limit of 15 students). A sign-up link (first come, first served) is here.

The Life Group and Saturday seminar will be related, but you do not have to take one to participate in the other. Contact Paul Anderson at to learn more about either.

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