Comings and Goings

annie_rilette.jpgAnnie Rilette joined Health and Counseling Services as a nurse in late October. She arrives from Sitka, Alaska, where she was a primary nurse at a family practice and internal medicine clinic the past three years. Before that, she was a nurse on the pediatric oncology floor at a children’s hospital in Seattle for a year. Annie earned a bachelor of science in nursing degree from Oregon Health & Science University in 2003 and attended George Fox from 1998 to 2001. She lives in Newberg.

darren_funk.jpgDarren Funk joined Custodial Services as a custodian in late October. He most recently worked as machine technician for the Fujimi Corporation in Tualatin and, before that, was a customer service representative for Affiliated Computer Services of Portland. Darren earned a bachelor’s degree in cinema and media communication from George Fox in 2004. He lives in Newberg and attends North Valley Friends Church in Newberg.

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