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Four essays by Paul Anderson (Religious Studies) have been published this month, including “Antichristic Errors – Flawed Interpretations Regarding the Johannine Antichrists,” and “Errors of the Antichrists – Proselytizing Schism and Assimilative Teaching within the Johannine Situation” (in Text and Community, Essay in Commemoration of Bruce M. Metzger). Also published were “‘You Have the Words of Eternal Life!’: Is Peter Presented as Returning the Keys of the Kingdom to Jesus in John 6:68?” (in Neotestamentica) and “From One Quest to Another: The Johannine Conception of Authentic Faith as a Response to the Divine Initiative” (a response to John Painter’s essay in What We Have Heard from the Beginning: The Past, Present and Future of Johannine Studies). Paul also moved from co-chair to chair of the John, Jesus, and History Group at the national SBL meetings for a three-year term.

Tom Head
(Economics) participated in a Nov. 10-12 consultation in Philadelphia entitled “A New Call to Visionary Leadership,” sponsored by the Thomas H. and Mary Williams Shoemaker Fund. About 40 Friends in leadership roles across the United States were invited to the event, which aimed to “generate and articulate an emerging vision, create a process for continued discernment, and consider ways to empower effective servant leadership among Friends,” according to organizers.

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