Keep these guidelines in mind when using washers and dryers

If you do your laundry on campus, you are using a washing machine or clothes dryer that is provided by Coin Meter.

For optimal machine performance (resulting in clean clothes), Coin Meter requests that you:

  • Use the proper amount of soap. Using too much soap will cause the washing machine to overflow with suds and flood onto the floor, creating an additional hazard. Excessive soap will not rinse effectively from the clothes, so this may cause discomfort when wearing the clothes.
  • Load clothes properly. Fill the washing machine tub no more than halfway with clothes (less for heavy items). Do not overfill the tub or stuff clothes into the washing machine. Proper loading will result in a complete washing cycle, providing thorough agitation/cleaning, rinsing, and an efficient spin to remove excess water. Clothes that have been correctly spun will dry more quickly in the dryer.

Following these simple guidelines will help you have a successful experience resulting in properly cleaned clothes. Thank you!

Questions? Email Dixie Downey at

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