Enhanced financial reports are now available in PeopleSoft

New enhanced financial reports are now available to you in the PeopleSoft menu located under “GFU Reports” in your PeopleSoft reports menu. The “Budget Summary” report is similar to what you have had in the past, but now includes purchase order requests (encumbrances) in the calculations. This will be very helpful in your planning process. In the report “Budget Detail” you will find a wealth of details not previously available. In addition, a restricted fund report is now available.

A training session has been scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 30, from 10 to 11 a.m. in Stevens 307 so you can learn more about what can be found in these reports. This session will give a quick overview of the new reports and how to run them. There will be time for questions and individual assistance. You will need to R.S.V.P. soon to confirm your attendance, as space is limited. (R.S.V.P. to Debbie Cash, who will be doing the training).

Additional training sessions may be scheduled as needed. Until then you can use this link to find a “cheat sheet” on our website that will help you to get started right away using these enhanced reports. Questions? Contact Debbie Cash at ext. 2171.

These new reports have come about through significant effort and tenacity over a long period of time by individuals in financial affairs, institutional technology, and Chris Payne, our PeopleSoft consultant.

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