Prominent political commentator David French to speak on campus tonight

Prominent Christian political commentator and attorney David French will issue a call for robust civility in politics at a free presentation in Bauman Auditorium at 7 p.m. Monday, Nov. 1. The talk, entitled “Jesus Loves Your Political Enemies, and America Needs You to Love Them Too,” is available via a Zoom stream; those who attend in person are required to wear masks.

French is a senior editor at The Dispatch and a columnist for Time magazine. A graduate of Harvard Law School, he served as a lecturer at Cornell Law School. After law school, he practiced law with a focus on religious liberty issues.

He advises Christians not to wait for our political leaders to fix America’s drift toward bitter division and addresses the polarization and alienation metastasizing in our communities and in politics at every level, both nationally and locally. French’s most recent book is “Divided We Fall: America’s Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation.”

The event is being hosted by the George Fox Civility Project, an initiative launched during the 2020-21 academic year out of concern about the polarization and alienation in political culture at every level (national, state and local). It sponsors events, publishes a newsletter and maintains a website with information about civility.

For more information, contact Civility Project director Ron Mock at

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