About Our People

Joel Perez (Student Life) served on a panel for “The Dream Act Research Practice,” presented as a webinar through the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) in September.

Keith Dempsey and Lori DeKruyf (Graduate Counseling) made a presentation, “Cross-Cultural Mentorship: Mission Impossible?,” at the 2010 Western Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference, held in Sacramento, Calif., Nov. 4-7. Also present at the conference was masters in counseling student Amber Nelson, who led a roundtable on “Working with Bi-Racial Clients.”

Previously, Lori gave a daylong training seminar for school counseling site supervisors in the Salem-Keizer School District on Oct. 15.

Robin Ashford (Library/Portland Center) published an article, “QR Codes and Academic Libraries: Reaching Mobile Users,” in College & Research Libraries News, a publication of the Association of College & Research Libraries.

Ed Higgins (English) published a poem, “coyote,” in the fall 2010 issue of Haiku Reality, a Serbian online haiku journal.

Abigail Rine’s (English) short story “The Woman in the Garden” won first place in the 2010 Caper Literary Journal Maravillosa Contest, a prize that includes online and print publication. In addition, her stories “Ordinary Frog” and “The Bear Pit” are to be published by the literary journals zaum and Melusine, respectively. Rine also has a critical essay, entitled “Jeanette Winterson’s Love Intervention: Rethinking the Future,” that will be published by Palgrave in a forthcoming edited collection.

Cindy Howard (Registrar) and Kristin Bontrager (Engineering) were named the university’s October and November employees of the month, respectively.

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