Important reminder from student life office about social media, civility, bias and harassment

We want to remind all of us about the expectations of living in a Christ-centered community that honors kindness, grace, and civility as important values. We believe that all people are of great worth and value in the eyes of God and seek to increasingly become a campus characterized by loving support of one another.

Cultural humility means that we seek to understand and appreciate others, also created in the image of God, who are different from ourselves. Language and/or behavior that relies on stereotypes or is demeaning toward individuals or groups is absolutely unacceptable for George Fox students and employees, whether it occurs in person, through social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) or anonymously.

Violations of these expectations are taken very seriously by the university, especially when directed at another because of their race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, or disabilities. We want to remind everyone that George Fox has harassment, discrimination, and bias-related incident policies that can be viewed here.

Any incidents of harassment, discrimination or bias should be reported immediately to the student life office. We would also encourage community members to hold one another accountable for what we say and do in this important area.

May God enable each of us to be more and more like Jesus in the way we treat one another!

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