Learn about new Northern Ireland study abroad program this Tuesday

Were you aware of the university’s new study abroad opportunity in Northern Ireland? Beginning next semester, students have the option to spend four months living and studying in Belfast!

Want to learn more? Meet with John Brown University professor Billy Stevenson to get details and ask questions at his table in Canyon Commons this Tuesday, Oct. 12. He will be set up from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. George Fox is partnering with John Brown to make this option available.

Can’t make it during that time frame? Not a problem. Feel free to attend an info session at 7 p.m. that same day in Hoover 105, where Stevenson will talk about his experience of growing up in Northern Ireland and about the program. Both students and faculty are welcome to attend!

For more information, visit this page or contact Lynn Scott (lscott@georgefox.edu) in the Center for Study Abroad.

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