GFU Portland Center Serve Project announced

Did you know?
There are children at Sitton Elementary (in North Portland) who don’t have food to eat on the weekend.
It’s true.

Wanna Help?
Bring A Donation of non-perishable items OCT.25 – NOV.6

Portland Center staff & students are teaming together to fill our main lobby with non-perishable items for these kids. Bring your donation to the lobby anytime. Our goal is to see the area overflowing with donations.

Non-perishable food ideas:

  • Instant oatmeal
  • mini boxes of dry cereal
  • Breakfast bars
  • canned beef, chicken, ham or tuna
  • small jars of mayonnaise
  • mac & cheese cups
  • fruit cups
  • dried fruit
  • nuts
  • cheese & cracker snacks
  • peanut butter & jelly
  • canned vegetables
  • canned meals-ravioli, etc

If you have questions or would like to volunteer to help pick-up the food from the classrooms or sort it, please contact

Bonnie Nakashimada by email or Janis Sanford by email or phone 503.554.6164

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