About Our People

Bruce Strom’s (School for Professional Studies) interview, “Leadership is about providing direction with motivation,” appeared in the Oct. 8, 2007 issue of the Idaho Business Review. The article was part of an ongoing series on the topics of business leadership, ethics, and longevity.

Paul Anderson’s
coedited collection of essays by an international selection of Jesus and Johannine scholars, John, Jesus, and History; Vol. 1, Critical Assessments of Critical Views (SBL Press Symposium Series), was published in October. Paul is co-chair of the JJH project at national meetings of the Society of Biblical Literature/American Academy of Religion, and the book will be featured at the national meetings in November. His 2006 book, The Fourth Gospel and the Quest for Jesus; Modern Foundations Reconsidered (T&T Clark), was just printed in paperback. In addition, Paul attended the Faith and Order Consultation meetings of the NCCC in Indianapolis Oct. 11-13 and was inducted into the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, an international New Testament society, at its summer meetings held this year in Romania.

Bonnie Jerke (Career Services) was part of a review team for Terry Arndt and his latest book for new professionals. Terry is from Life After Graduation and authored Backpack to Briefcase, used by Career Services in a course on finding suitable employment. Bonnie reviewed and provided feedback on chapters relating to career development.

Bob Harder (Engineering) and the engineering department hosted a group of students and faculty from Oregon School for the Blind in Salem Oct. 16. Engineering has been working with the school over the past year to develop technologies that may assist its students.

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