Instructions for voting

It’s time to vote! If you are a resident of Oregon, here are the steps to take:

If you are registered you will receive a ballot two or three weeks before the election via mail. You will receive a mail-in ballot automatically because that is Oregon law.

To change your voting address, go to this link and follow the instructions. Mail your ballot back by Wednesday, Oct. 28. If you miss that date, you will need to drop it in a ballot box.

If you live out of state:

The government will allow you to vote via absentee voting (mail-in) in the state you are attending school. Visit this page for information on how to vote if you live out of state. To change your address, check out this page.

Tips for preventing a rejected ballot:

  • Vote early. That means mail in your ballot before Oct. 28.
  • Make sure your signature is the same as the signature on your driver’s license.
  • Do not vote twice.
  • Remember to mail in your ballot; do not keep it as a souvenir.

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