Celebrate Kathy Heininge: Last day to submit tributes

This summer, Kathy Heininge took early retirement after serving 16 years as a professor; she subsequently received faculty emeritus status.

We would like to celebrate her many years of dedication, hard work, and transformative teaching with a Zoom party on Thursday, Oct. 29, at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend, and a Zoom link will be forthcoming.

Do you have photos or memories to share? We are planning to give Kathy a commemorative book as part of her retirement gift and would love to share your memories with her.

Please send Melanie Springer Mock (mmock@georgefox.edu) stories, poems, photos, and tributes by tonight (Sunday) at midnight. While Google Form is preferred, email is also available.

Questions? Contact Cheri Hampton (champton@georgefox.edu).

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