Worried about our impact on the planet? Hear from art professor Jillian Sokso

The Faculty Development Committee invites the Fox community to the Fall 2020 Faculty Lecture on Tuesday, Oct. 20, at 6 p.m. in Hoover 105.

Our featured speaker, and recipient of the 2019-20 Faculty Achievement Award for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship, is Jillian Sokso, professor of art and design. 

Join us as Jillian presents “Chaos Garden,” a visual examination of the impulse we humans have to control and beautify our immediate surrounding landscape, all the while contributing to and ignoring the impact of our daily lives on the larger planet. Professor Sokso will also share about her research project that involves turning native plants to paper!

Seating is limited to 34, so come early, or join via live stream here.

For additional information, contact Dawn Ford (dford@georgefox.edu).

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