Hadlock Student Center reopens on Wednesday

Here we go, Bruins! The Hadlock Student Center (HSC) will be open to employees and students on Wednesday, Aug. 26, at 6 a.m.! We are excited to welcome you all into the HSC!

There are a few important details to note before you enter …

  • All students and employees who enter the HSC must resign the waiver for the 2020-21 academic year. Please take a few moments to carefully read and complete the new waiver, which can be found in your MyGeorgeFox account.
  • Once logged in, click on “Student Resources” (or “Employee Resources” if you’re an employee), then “University Forms” and finally “Hadlock Waiver 2020” to access the form. Carefully read and click “I agree” at the bottom.
  • Please note that access to the HSC is only for current students and employees. Because of COVID-19, guests, spouses and dependents will be unable to access the facilities. We will reevaluate this decision throughout the fall semester and notify the community if there are any changes.
  • In preparation for entering the HSC, please make sure you download the CampusClear app. The Hadlock staff will ask if you have received a “Good to Go” clearance through the app.
  • All who enter will need to wear a mask covering their mouth and nose and maintain six feet of physical distance at all times while in the HSC.

We will post additional information and details early next week regarding other updated policies and guidelines. The website will also be updated soon.

Thank you for your flexibility and patience during these dynamic days. We look forward to seeing you back in Hadlock this fall and helping you “find your fit.” 

Questions? Contact the program supervisor, Kiana Rasubala, at krasubala@georgefox.edu.

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