Learn how to cook on camping stove tomorrow

Would you like to feel more comfortable using a camping stove as you prepare food for backpacking and camping trips? This is the training for you!

OREC is hosting a training in how to use backpacking stoves tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8:30 p.m. We will cover basic stove operation, field maintenance and some advanced techniques and tricks for cooking better meals. Sign up on imleagues.com to reserve a spot.

This training is part of the initiative leading up to the OREC Trail Food Cookoff on Tuesday, April 7. This event will involve two-person teams vying for the title of best backcountry chef. Each team will prepare a meal using only a camp stove on the day of the competition. Watch for details and sign-up to come!

Questions? Contact Keith Schneider at kschneid@georgefox.edu.

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